Wimpish Society

Ah... But in this instance, there was a tornado watch so there was a high possibility that the severe storms would spawn a tornado.

The national weather service issued the tornado WARNING only 20 minutes before the tornado hit Enterprise, Alabama. 20 minutes is not a lot of time to release hundreds of kids from school and expect them to go straight home. Kids don't usually rush to safety ...even if that's what they should do.

So the risk was quite high and given their unpredictable nature, the school probably preferred to play it safe and send the kids home and close.

That's a strange thing to say, Bells, when the school building itself was probably the strongest, most tornado-resistant structure in the entire town! What you're saying/implying is that the authorities should have sent the kids home ...homes that were totally leveled in the storm!

I know you like to think so, but home ain't always the safest place for kids! And in such a tornado, the strongest build is the safest. Had the kids been out on the streets or in their flimsy little homes, the death toll would have been much greater.

Baron Max
I know you like to think so, but home ain't always the safest place for kids! And in such a tornado, the strongest build is the safest. Had the kids been out on the streets or in their flimsy little homes, the death toll would have been much greater.

That's exactly my thought too. But my suspicion is that schools are starting to let kids go for flimsy reasons because of so many stupid ass parents suing over the least thing and they want the kids gone in case the tornado did hit the school directly, even though they would be safer there than at their house or on the road heading home. That goes back to the fact on how defensive everyone is becoming. Sad state of affairs.
The national weather service issued the tornado WARNING only 20 minutes before the tornado hit Enterprise, Alabama. 20 minutes is not a lot of time to release hundreds of kids from school and expect them to go straight home. Kids don't usually rush to safety ...even if that's what they should do.
I wasn't talking about the one in Alabama.

This was about something a poster had said much earlier in the thread. I was using Alabama as an example. And I can understand why the school in Alabama took the decision it did at that time. A tornado warning is not when you want to send kids home and I believe the school thought that the time they had, the kids would have been on the way home when it would have hit the town, so they decided to keep them there. I was talking about an instance where there was a tornado watch as mentioned by one poster earlier.

That's a strange thing to say, Bells, when the school building itself was probably the strongest, most tornado-resistant structure in the entire town! What you're saying/implying is that the authorities should have sent the kids home ...homes that were totally leveled in the storm!

I know you like to think so, but home ain't always the safest place for kids! And in such a tornado, the strongest build is the safest. Had the kids been out on the streets or in their flimsy little homes, the death toll would have been much greater.
Refer to above.

In a tornado watch, not warning, someone mentioned that the schools in their town/city were sending kids home. I said I could understand why they would do so in such an event. Then someone said that it was silly to do so because it could mean a 1% chance a tornado would touch down.. and the argument followed from there.. and that is when the case in Alabama was mentioned. And the case in Alabama was completely different.

And in Alabama, the school was also levelled because it took a direct hit, didn't it? In short, there is pretty much no where aside from an underground safe house, that one can turn to for safety.
From the mouth of a true "non-wimpish society memeber" Mick, thanks for finally closing this arguement. Let the wimps go on with their daily lives, but please let them not get bolder and try to run the country. That's all I'm saying. Then there will be too hard lessons to be learned the non-wimpish way.
Ok, I had to post this one. I laughed my ass off at how pathetic this is. The metro schools are now closing at 11:30 because the temperatures are above 100 degrees and the school buses are not air conditioned. :wtf: OMG, how pathetic that is. What would these kids have done 25 years ago....

The next thing we will hear is that the schools are closed because it's below freezing outside......:rolleyes: It just gets better and better.
It's called "civilizing." The essence of civilization is people learning to live harmoniously and cooperatively with strangers, in order to enjoy the surplus that division of labor and economy of scale produce, so that our lives are no longer obsessed with survival and subsistence. As the size of our communities increased steadily over the past 12,000 years since we stopped living as nomadic extended family groups, we've had to learn to make peace with ever-stranger "strangers." Not just people we don't know personally, but people who speak another language, then people who look different, then people who worship different gods, then people who follow different economic and political systems, and ultimately people on the other side of the planet who are mere abstractions to us until their less enlightened leaders force them to emigrate from dysfunctional nations and their children show up in our children's school.

The pace of the "transcendence" of our civilizing project accelerated since the invention of fossil-fuel-burning transportation and electronic communication forced a quantum expansion of the size of our communities. Since the end of WWII--the death rattle of the Industrial Era and the birth scream of the Information Age--the number of people killed by warfare and other violent acts by governments and other groups rather than by individuals has been falling steadily.

Today we can be outraged by the death toll in Darfur, or even in Iraq, precisely because no battles have approached the scope of Gettysburg or Normandie, no slaugthers have taken place on the scale of Hiroshima or Auschwitz--within the memory of anyone younger than me. More citizens of the Western nations are killed by drunk drivers than by deliberate violence. Our standards have changed; we expect more from each other. China's Mao and Zimbabwe's Mugabe are categorized with Hitler and Stalin--not because they killed huge numbers of people with explosive weapons and other modern technology, but merely because they orchestrated the collapse of civilization in their countries and huge numbers of people died from starvation, disease and other causes that have been under control since the Stone Age.

You kids should be grateful that you have the luxury of weeping over a war that kills only a few hundred of your people in a year. And perhaps shed a few more tears over the much greater death toll of their people, which is still three orders of magnitude smaller than that of WWII. If you're looking for something to be outraged about, how about those 20,000 Americans who are killed by drunk drivers every year? We all know who those drivers are, and they're not even required to take their shoes off before boarding their vehicles.Geeze dude, you're way too young to sound like my mother fifty years ago. "What are the schools coming to? They're teaching kids how to 'get along' instead of the skills you'll need when you become a clerk-typist or an assembly-line worker or a switchboard operator."

Life has become more precious and people consider no life more precious than that of a child. Kids grow up with virtually zero chance of being killed by polio, tuberculosis, food poisoning, and other causes of massive grief around the time of my birth. We've even made great inroads against drunk driving and other traffic deaths with seat belts and air bags. So parents go a step further. They cocoon their babies in strollers that are miniature Volvos, they put helmets on their heads when they ride their training-wheel bikes, and they hogtie them into the back seats of their cars. Playground injuries and sports deaths have become major concerns due to the attrition of more serious concerns, so they're looking for ways to curtail them.

Yes, of course they're overdoing it but it's out of love. Don't be such a crank about it. With our superior intellects and our lofty perspective you and I can see that the results of this overprotection are obese, out-of-shape children who run out and take every risk they can find when they become teenagers. This phenomenon is getting plenty of coverage so it will be corrected within a generation. It's irrational risk analysis. But national leaders who destroyed Iraq because a bunch of Saudi Arabians knocked over one of our buildings do not provide good role models for risk analysis and we're struggling to overcome that handicap. Besides, when a majority of the population refuses to accept basic principles of science like evolution, they have a much more serious defect in their cognitive skills than some fairly subtle errors in risk analysis.

I bet you'd have written something differnet if it were me who said this :p so much for being fair and impartial Mr. I can see it now "dark you're a loser and freak, go get a life" bla bla... you and avatar are now my enemies.
...The next thing we will hear is that the schools are closed because it's below freezing outside......:rolleyes: It just gets better and better.

LMAO, they do that here. Can't have kids walking to school in it. Its times like that when I feel very very old. "Why in my day we had to walk a mile..."
I am part of wimpish society, I am afraid all the time because woman hold to much power to ruin men, I live in fear of being fired because I think instead of DO, and I basically have no life because everyone only wants to do the things they wanna do aka their ignorant brats.
thats why every year i leave society for around a month or more, to get away from the bullshit laws and pussy system. cant blame them all though, they were raised like it.

gladly not everyone has turned into a little sissy girl, i know plenty of martial artists, ex government forces and other people who are proper men. people who can live out in the elements, people who can fight wars and not complain about stupid bullshit.

society has turned into a pile of shit, its own laws will be the downfall and weakness of it.

I am part of wimpish society, I am afraid all the time because woman hold to much power to ruin men, I live in fear of being fired because I think instead of DO, and I basically have no life because everyone only wants to do the things they wanna do aka their ignorant brats.

no you cant blame everybody else for your own troubles,take responsibility and charge of your life. rely on yourself to solve problems and be strong.

make a to do list, 1-10 and just do them, open up a thread about your to do list. i will help you make one, then you have to do those things without complaining and moaning about shit.

LMAO, they do that here. Can't have kids walking to school in it. Its times like that when I feel very very old. "Why in my day we had to walk a mile..."

I just don't get it. Doesn't society see what is happening? Can't they see how pathetic they are becoming? The sad thing is, this is happening more in the US than anywhere else. Can't this country give a thought that if we "wimpify" ourselves so much that we are opening ourselves up to more attacks from foreign lands? I look at the current Iraq crisis. I don't agree with it in the least, but look at how we have whined over it. I could not imagine what this country would do if another world war started.

I look at parents and kids today and just shake my head at them. It's so pathetic that it's laughable.
Here is another good instance. It just amazes me at how society today acts like we were never exposed to bacteria before. It would be hilarious if the average person knew what they are really exposed to on a daily basis.