Will you vote for God?


Registered Senior Member
Will you vote for God? Jeynar says the choice is not democratic.

A lot of people say they support the Holy Bible. If they really support it, a politician with God's political platform should win every biblical American's vote. Bible lovers on Sciforums, would you vote in the God Party that uses God's Law:

1. Nobody works more than 6 consecutive days.
2. One year after every 6 years of farm labor, one must take a year off from such labors.
3. All lenders can only charge interest to those whose religion is not based on God.
4. Forget reform school, any children that verbally or physically abuse their parents get the death chamber.
5. Forget parents kidnapping their children from the custodial parents: Kidnappers get death sentences.
6. Forget overcrowding of schools: the first born males of every uterus are to be slaughtered at Church in the name of God.
7. Forget keeping families together: Any husbands and grandfathers that were the first born males of their mothers will be sacrificially slaughtered to please God with the aroma of their burning flesh.

Remember, God is jealous. He uneducated Babylonians to speak babel so that they could not achieve as much as they could as an educated, cohesive people. So, to appease God's jealousy, burn the libraries and have high school dropouts teach English. As a rule to appease His jealousy, reduce educational funding, close universities and shut down pursuit of knowledge.

In seeking a God loving nation, send everyone back to ancient times. Yes, let there be a Biblical fundamentalist political party to ruin our productive nation. Go on God lovers, start your political party today.

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I think it's very important that the believers in an inerrant bible understand the rules they are supporting, so thank you for posting these rules for all to see.

But you forgot a few rules that I think need to be added here:

8. All unmarried women who are not virgins (except for the reason that they were raped and cried out for help and were heard) must be put to death.

9. All women who have had extramarital affairs must be put to death.

10. All men who have had sex with a woman who is either engaged or married to another man must be put to death, unless that woman happens to be his female servant, in which case, she should be scourged and nothing whatsoever should happen to him.

11. Anyone caught engaging in a homosexual act must be put to death.

12. Anyone caught doing anything resembling work on a Saturday must be put to death. This includes picking up sticks or making a fire. (Or this could be added as a further clarification to Rule #1 on your list.)

13. Anyone who worships a different god must be put do death.

14. If one man is fighting with another man, and the wife of the one man tries to help her husband by grabbing the other man's testicles, her hand shall be cut off.

I'm sure there are many more that I have failed to note here as well, and I hope others will help out in the effort to create an all-encompassing set of rules for bible-believers to endorse.
The population reduction in America by imposing God's laws as supported in the Holy Bible would leave some children orphans. In other cases, the whole family might be executed: father is first born male, mom had slept with her husband before they got married, daughter got pregnant in high school, first born son dies for being the first born son, and his younger brother sleeps with his married teacher. Forget born again Xians, the God party for whom no Bible loving person would ever vote, will sponsor Genocide Day, the day sinners are killed for their trangressions against God's Law.

Originally posted by Nehushta
I think it's very important that the believers in an inerrant bible understand the rules they are supporting, so thank you for posting these rules for all to see.

But you forgot a few rules that I think need to be added here:

8. All unmarried women who are not virgins (except for the reason that they were raped and cried out for help and were heard) must be put to death.

9. All women who have had extramarital affairs must be put to death.

10. All men who have had sex with a woman who is either engaged or married to another man must be put to death, unless that woman happens to be his female servant, in which case, she should be scourged and nothing whatsoever should happen to him.

11. Anyone caught engaging in a homosexual act must be put to death.

12. Anyone caught doing anything resembling work on a Saturday must be put to death. This includes picking up sticks or making a fire. (Or this could be added as a further clarification to Rule #1 on your list.)

13. Anyone who worships a different god must be put do death.

14. If one man is fighting with another man, and the wife of the one man tries to help her husband by grabbing the other man's testicles, her hand shall be cut off.

I'm sure there are many more that I have failed to note here as well, and I hope others will help out in the effort to create an all-encompassing set of rules for bible-believers to endorse.
What humors me about this thread is that nobody who supports the Holy Bible will ever support a God Party whose political platform is based entirely on the Holy Bible.

Great Post

You know what you should have done ....you should have first asked everyone using only your first paragraph ....as bait ...then should have disclosed the rules ...it would then allow people to spin round and round....

Anyways ... you are very close to the truth of equating Religion with a Political party who needs support not the help people but to have a good bargaining power to earn money....

Other Religious based political Parties and their rules to follow...




After we have a list lets compare ... and then fight like 12 year olds ..."hey my invisible friend will lick your invisible friend" :):D
Re: Great Post

Guru, Jews base thier religion on the Old Testament. Jews that are Jews by religion, are supposed to support the God Party whose political platform comes from the Old Testament.

I did not read the entire Quran to see if Mohammed noted the same political platform as that of the Old Testament.

Buddhists seek tranquility. A strict buddhist nation would have more contemplative citizens; or, more citizens that fake contemplation. War would be banned. However, buddhist factions might fight for temples and stuff. Hmm, war is supposed to be banned but civil war might happen between power hungry buddhists.

Hidus have multiple gods. It might be difficult to form a political platform on Hinduism: each god has different rules and regs.

If you have a basis to form the political platforms of pagan religions, post them for our benefit.


Originally posted by Guru
You know what you should have done ....you should have first asked everyone using only your first paragraph ....as bait ...then should have disclosed the rules ...it would then allow people to spin round and round....

Anyways ... you are very close to the truth of equating Religion with a Political party who needs support not the help people but to have a good bargaining power to earn money....

Other Religious based political Parties and their rules to follow...




After we have a list lets compare ... and then fight like 12 year olds ..."hey my invisible friend will lick your invisible friend" :):D
Jeynar thinks it is not democratic to vote for the God Party

Jenyar, you claim it is not a democratic decision to elect officials of a God Party whose political platform is based on God's Laws as disclosed in the Old Testament. Such a consideration is to say that Americans have no choice when a God Party exists. So, tell us all, who decides for all of us to cast our votes? And, which political party will win, the God Party, GOP, or Democrats? Who or what will decide for you how your vote will be cast?


Originally posted by Jenyar
The mistake you are making is supposing that "voting for God" can be a democratic decision....

It is a world full of dillemma we're living in now, isn't it? Trying to be religious will result in blood festival, while doing the opposite will yield amorallity.
Maybe I should say I hate the world?
Curioucity, do you hate the world or the religion that makes things crazy? Clearly, since Jews live by the Old Testament, all their firstborn sons should be slaughtered in the name of God. Since they do not do that, they are all amoral. Clearly, since Xians site the Old Testament for the Ten Commandments, they should also adhere to other laws posed by God. In doing so they should kill all pregnant teens that failed to get married first. Do they? No. Xians are all amoral.

Most who live by the Bible fail to comply with it. Most are amoral to their own religion. How many jews do you know who killed their first son?


Originally posted by curioucity
It is a world full of dillemma we're living in now, isn't it? Trying to be religious will result in blood festival, while doing the opposite will yield amorallity.
Maybe I should say I hate the world?
My mother would be dead. I would be dead, being the first born of my father. What happens to children born to a woman who got pregnant out of wedlock? Besides becoming a messiah and all that.
Re: Re: Great Post

this post is silly, everyone give Islamic extremists a hard go. They say Islam is peaceful the extremists are the evil ones. And now you have a go at Christians and Jews because over the years they have pulled away from their extremist’s ways. How do you win with atheists? Like seriously is a atheists life spreading their strange points on how religion is bullshit? Because I have to say it seems like on this forum there are more religious threads posted by atheists. Have anything better to talk about or do you guys just have issues?
this post is silly, everyone give Islamic extremists a hard go. They say Islam is peaceful the extremists are the evil ones. And now you have a go at Christians and Jews because over the years they have pulled away from their extremist’s ways. How do you win with atheists? Like seriously is a atheists life spreading their strange points on how religion is bullshit? Because I have to say it seems like on this forum there are more religious threads posted by atheists. Have anything better to talk about or do you guys just have issues?

Because you don't like it, it must be wrong. Shut up fatalist.
As the Reverend Lovejoy on Simpsons put it: “According to the Bible everything is a sin, technically we’re not even supposed to go to the bathroom.”
Clearly, since Jews live by the Old Testament, all their firstborn sons should be slaughtered in the name of God.
You mean, like this? :

Luke 2
22When the time of their purification according to the Law of Moses had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord 23(as it is written in the Law of the Lord, "Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord" [Exodus 13:2,12]), 24and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Law of the Lord: "a pair of doves or two young pigeons. [Lev. 12:8]"

Clearly, since Xians site the Old Testament for the Ten Commandments, they should also adhere to other laws posed by God.
You must have missed the first synod in Acts 15:

8God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them [the uncircumcised] by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. 9He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. 10Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of the disciples a yoke [the Jewish Laws] that neither we nor our fathers have been able to bear? 11No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are."

Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised [i.e. submit to the Laws of Moses], Christ will be of no value to you at all. 3Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. 4You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. 5But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope. 6For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
Jesus' Life Violates God's Law

Originally posted by Angelus
My mother would be dead. I would be dead, being the first born of my father. What happens to children born to a woman who got pregnant out of wedlock? Besides becoming a messiah and all that.

Jesus died in accordance with God's Law for being the first born male and the son a virgin not by her husband; however, God did not impose Jesus' death as it should have been dealt. Therefore, Jesus' life was in violation of God's Law. Neither should Jesus have been allowed to live nor should his Gospels ever existed because his life violates God's Law.

You cite the New Testament, this post is about the Old Testament

Jenyar, this thread's original post is about the OT and yours is about the NT. The NT is based on Jesus and his disciples. According to the OT, Jesus never should have had a life because, by God's Law, Jesus was supposed to be slaughtered in the name of God. With that in mind, the entire NT is rubbish in terms of Jesus being a holy man: a pious man would follow God's Law. Jesus' life violates God's Law and makes him a blasphemer, an outcast and one who should have been killed in accordance with God's Law. Because Jesus is a blasphemer, all his disciples are blasphemers. That means Xians, Baptists, and other NT religious folk are not pious people. Neither do they dress appropriately nor do most of their farmers observe Sabbath by taking one year vacation after every 6 years of work. Oh, and a lot of them do not support capital punishment which is a strong part of God's Law.

So, to talk about the non-blasphemous text of the OT, use references from the OT. If you find that parts of the OT are blasphemous, you may point those out to reduce the number of Books we will consider true for the purpose of religious principle.

Thank you very much.


Originally posted by Jenyar
You mean, like this? :

Luke 2
22When the time of their purification according to the Law of Moses had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord 23(as it is written in the Law of the Lord, "Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord" [Exodus 13:2,12]), 24and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Law of the Lord: "a pair of doves or two young pigeons. [Lev. 12:8]"

You must have missed the first synod in Acts 15:

8God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them [the uncircumcised] by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. 9He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. 10Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of the disciples a yoke [the Jewish Laws] that neither we nor our fathers have been able to bear? 11No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are."

Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised [i.e. submit to the Laws of Moses], Christ will be of no value to you at all. 3Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. 4You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. 5But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope. 6For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
Learn forum etiquette

If you want to be jolly, go to a Humor forum. If you want to debate or discuss religion, go to Religion forum.

Reading the OT and Quran you can clearly see why there will not be peace in the Middle East. War is programmed into both texts. Read them for clarity.

If you find from this post that religions based on the Holy Bible is BS, then you have become a Heathen. If you find some other god, you become a pagan. Otherwise you are an atheist.

So, Jolly Rodger, if you chose to speak about something other than the nature of this thread, start your own thread with its own topic. Thank you for learning forum etiquette.


Originally posted by Jolly Rodger
this post is silly, everyone give Islamic extremists a hard go. They say Islam is peaceful the extremists are the evil ones. And now you have a go at Christians and Jews because over the years they have pulled away from their extremist’s ways. How do you win with atheists? Like seriously is a atheists life spreading their strange points on how religion is bullshit? Because I have to say it seems like on this forum there are more religious threads posted by atheists. Have anything better to talk about or do you guys just have issues?
Re: Learn forum etiquette

Originally posted by GodLied
If you want to be jolly, go to a Humor forum. If you want to debate or discuss religion, go to Religion forum.

What gets me is this: This is sciforums. It's not a Christian Forum. It's not an Islamic Forum. It's not a Jewish Forum. It's not an Atheist Forum. There are forums on the Internet where these people could go to converse with those of like minds and not bash each other continuously here. Interestingly, it's those bloody Christians that do most of the bashing. Being that this is not a Christian Forum, they are totally out of line. We should be able to air our beliefs, regardless of what they are, and the Christians should just shut the FU!
According to the OT, Jesus never should have had a life because, by God's Law, Jesus was supposed to be slaughtered in the name of God.
I'll try to make it clear enough for you this time:

Exodus 13
15 'It came about, when Pharaoh was stubborn about letting us go, that the LORD killed every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of beast. Therefore, I sacrifice to the LORD the males, the first offspring of every womb, but every firstborn of my sons I redeem.'

Redemption of the first-born (Hebrew: pidyon ha-ben)

Fast observed by first-born sons on the day before Passover. It derives from the desire to express gratitutde for the saving of the first-born Israelites during the tenth plague of Egypt (Exod. 13:1ff). Subsequently it became a custom to finish the study of a Talmud tractate on the morning before Passover, when a festive banquet was arranged in the synagogue. Since first-born sons were permitted to partake of this meal, they were not obligated to fast.

(source: MyJewishLearning.com)

Every Israelite is obliged to redeem his first-born son thirty days after the latter's birth. The mother is exempt from this obligation. The son, if the father fails to redeem him, has to redeem himself when he grows up. The sum of redemption as given in the Bible (Num. xviii. 16) is five shekels, which should be given to the priest. This sum may be given either in money or in valuables...

(source: JewishEncyclopedia: firstborn, redemption of)
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originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Interestingly, it's those bloody Christians that do most of the bashing.
If this is not "bashing", I don't know what is...