Will this convert you to believe in God?

If you saw someone raise someone from the grave, would you believe in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • No

    Votes: 21 72.4%
  • I'd be very inclined to believe, but not 100%

    Votes: 6 20.7%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
Raising someone from the dead seems like very solid evidence of a higher being, especially if the person who brought about the rising of the dead claimed to be a servant of God. When I say "to raise someone from the dead" I'm talking if someone came up to you, brought you to a cemetary where your parents or grandparents had been buried for years, dug them up, opened the coffin, and touched their skeleton causing them to reform into a human.
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I dont believe in that so no

You seriously wouldn't believe in God if someone raised your 20 years dead Grandpa from the grave? Wow. I mean, we're all entitled to our beliefs, but how would you rationalize that?

A higher being is the only thing that could raise someone from the dead?
Let me know as soon as this happens :rolleyes:

What else could raise someone from the dead? I know you can consider an afterlife without God like Buddhism and others but if it could be done without God wouldn't we have seen it done already?
Raising someone from the dead seems like very solid evidence of a higher being, especially if the person who brought about the rising of the dead claimed to be a servant of God. When I say "to raise someone from the dead" I'm talking if someone came up to you, brought you to a cemetary where your parents or grandparents had been buried for years, dug them up, opened the coffin, and touched their skeleton causing them to reform into a human.

The answer would still be no. Religion has always been a easy answer for things that we can't explain at the time and this would be another example of that. Could it be possible that this reviver is some agent of some god? Absolutely. But how could we possibly verify such a thing? I am not, after all, an atheist because I refuse to believe in gods, but because I'm an unable to believe in gods.
What else could raise someone from the dead? I know you can consider an afterlife without God like Buddhism and others but if it could be done without God wouldn't we have seen it done already?

Penn and Teller?
Are you saying that the reason we have not seen it already is that there is no god?
Penn and Teller?
Are you saying that the reason we have not seen it already is that there is no god?

No, the fact that we haven't seen it already and the fact that it isn't happening all the time to me shows that it obviously is impossible for "us" to do it without something greater than us doing it for us. If dead people walking the earth as ghosts could re-enter their bodies and become alive again, then the one's who got the shaft in the afterlife would be re-entering their earth bodies by the thousands. So we can rule out the ability of any "soul" in the afterlife being able to raise themselves or another soul from the dead.

We can also rule out technology, unless someone has already built some kind of Death Raiser 2000 machine. I haven't seen it on the market yet.

What surprises me is that the people who answered "no" to the poll question didn't answer "maybe." You have to be at least inclined to believe in a higher power if you witnessed that, to me at least.
Firstly i would look for the hidden wires:p
Secondly i would look for a scientific explination

You shouldnt belive an explination for something just because they tell you it is so
you COULD say that it was "magic" as well
Firstly i would look for the hidden wires:p
Secondly i would look for a scientific explination

You shouldnt belive an explination for something just because they tell you it is so
you COULD say that it was "magic" as well

Did you read the first post? If your dead GRANDPARENT or PARENT of 20 or more years who you witnessed die and get buried firsthand was dug up out of the grave and regenerated, you wouldn't believe? That in itself is hard to believe.
so would CPR, defib ect be hard to belive if i went back in time and used it on someone in the middle ages. Just because you cant explaine it doesnt mean that its god or magic
No, the fact that we haven't seen it already and the fact that it isn't happening all the time to me shows that it obviously is impossible for "us" to do it without something greater than us doing it for us.

But since it is not, nor has ever happened,, by your reasoning wouldn't that be evidence in the 'no god' column?
I voted no also (and I am a theist)

establishing the existence of god and/or one's connection to god requires an element of philosophy and while mystical presentation can assist such a discussion (if a person could do that, people might be inclined to actually listen to them), it all comes back to philosophical realization and the ability to communicate that to others for their edification.

IOW if a person can raise someone from the dead and I still remain at the mercy of lust/wrath/envy/etc despite seeing them perform miracles/applying their instructions, something is missing from the equation since my (so-called) knowledge of god doesn't have any practical implications.
Believing in god would simply be jumping to conclusions. I would just look for a scientific solution.

Its kinda like looking at a magic trick, many of them appear so unbelievable its almost too easy sometimes to just feel its supernatural, though it really isn't.
hell a CAR looks magical if you dont know how they really work. That doesnt mean because i dont understand mechanics or how an internal combustion engine works that god exists
I voted no also (and I am a theist)

establishing the existence of god and/or one's connection to god requires an element of philosophy and while mystical presentation can assist such a discussion (if a person could do that, people might be inclined to actually listen to them), it all comes back to philosophical realization and the ability to communicate that to others for their edification.

What philosophical realizations? What are the top 5 truths of reality that you have learned over the years? Seriously, I would like to know. Anyone devoted to any religion is searching for the truth of reality. What have you found to be the 5 main truths so far in your personal search. I'm not asking out of spite, I really want to know. Also, why do some Buddah followers spend years meditating in solitude and still come to the conclusion that no "God" exists, just a different realm or something. Thanks.
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Anyone devoted to any religion is searching for the truth of reality.
No - they're looking for the "truth as dictated by their religion".
Science is searching for the truth of reality.


What have you found to be the 3 main truths so far in your personal search.
Ooh - good question.
I'd have to plump for...

- Uncertainty at the quantum level (can't know both position and speed etc)
- Gravity sucks!
- Most people are irrational.

It would have to be God standing there personally raising the person from the dead. Then I'd believe.
which doesnt consitute scientific evidence and there for can be discarded:p
