will the world change in 2013??

so where did you get your info? and what do YOU plan on doing about it? enlighten us

Eric Cooper
Hmm.. I have heard about that myself.. pretty disturbing. It's supposed to hit Nevada, USA..

That's all i have heard though..

Got anymore information over there?

(should i bring the popcorn now?)
A string of asteroids supposedly hit the planet Jupiter a couple of years ago at speeds of over 140,000 miles per hour. It is said that the black cloud that was created could have dwarfed the planet Earth.
I know alot of people have dates for our ending. Realy, if we dont end all at once at a given time, we will end individually and successively over a long period as we always have done. It does'nt make any difference. One characturistic of the human species is that we die. All the time. If we're having bets about it though, I'd say the year may be 2011. Something very significant that may change or end our way of existance or the fact that we existed at all.
I've got the best idea, why don't we all have a world wide lottery where you have to guess the exact day the world will end. WOW I've got $$$ signs in my eyes.

I've got a tip. EIther live everyday as if its going to be your last or live life as if everydays your first. I do it and I find I get way more enjoyment out of life, cause everything seems so cool no matter what it is. You will also find yourself feeling way closer to people, more than what you would normally feel.

Also, if someone is in need help them. It has nothing to do with the end of the world, but if people do these things life might be just a little bit better. :)
Kudos, Deadwood!

Screw the end of the world! If it's going to happen, it's going to happen. Lori will pray and go to heaven to be with her god. Boris will probably argue against her admission past the Pearly Gates just for the sake of arguing. 666 will stand at the edge of oblivion with his middle finger held high. Faerieshaman will become one with the energy of the universe. I don't know what you plan to do if the end hits us like most seem to believe, but I will probably write a full-length novel about why I don't think it will affect me, then go out to join 666 with a six-pack of New Castle and a ghetto box blasting out Prince's "Let's Go Crazy".
well since you ask, I'll be praying to like Lori. I'm a christian as well. I'd die before getting any mark on my right hand or forehead, plus I'm not really in the mood of getting a permanent tattoo anyway.

Plus nothing against muslims, but a muslim guy said that his god is going to come down and deceive all the people of this world, and said it in a real happy tune. Lori would know this but it kind of sounds like whats in the "Revelations"
And I heard a Christian guy dreamt up the WWII holocaust, to cleanse the earth from all the ungodly scum. I'm not the one to defend religion in general, but I can't stand such slander attacks.

I am; therefore I think.
It didn't sound slanderous to me. Just somebody relating something that they experienced. It's not like Deadwood said 'all Muslims are deceptive'.

I said I have absolutely nothing against muslims. Some of my friends are muslims. All I was saying was that what that guy said sounds like what will happen in the 'revelations' with humanity being deceived. But of course Christianity will triumph...

I have heard the phrase, "sounds like what is in the revelations", so many times that it sounds like a bunch of B.S. to me. If you repeat a lie (the Bible)over and over again, does it become true?

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born
Okay, so enough about Christianity for a moment. There have been in my opinon too much talk about it(Christianity) in this forum alltogether. So here is another twist.

Those of you who are not christians, what have you learned from the other religions or traditions which state our future? Or how about prophets like Edgar Cayce, Michel de Notredame and others.

What about the Mayan's, The Aztec's The Nordics, Hindu, Buddhism, American Indians, Wiccan and all the other traditions and religions. Have any of you read anything of what they say? There are many more things we have to piece together to better understand what's coming, or what's not coming. Christianity is only one part of it.(if anyone tells me otherwise, then you are a fool)

The Mayan's( or the Aztec's) i think were those who had the Armageddon view in which they stated that the world would come to an end December 21 2013. Nostradamus said the year 3797 would be the last one ( IF the translations are correct)
The Hopi Indians do not give a specific date, but they say it's very near now where the world would undergo a total transformation and devastation. ( Interview with a Hopi Elder on ArtBell)

Would anyone be interested helping me in trying to figure out the rest of the pieces of the puzzle, or shall we continue to debate Christianity in every forum and almost every thread here?
Here's my take on it:

The Mayans believed the world would end on the date you identify. They also believed that if you danced around in big bright feathers you'd have a good farming year.

The American Indians do not seem to have a sense of time in their folklore, so "soon" could mean anytime from here to eternity. They could not even predict the return of White Buffalo Woman, although somebody predicted that if they wore special shirts and danced themselves to exhaustion that they'd be bullet-proof. (I guess he forgot to mention the need for kevlar.)

The Norse believed in Ragnarok, but never put a time to it. Pretty clever of them, since I'm SURE the world's going to die SOMEDAY.

The writings of Nostradamus are so vague that it's easy to look at them and see something in them in hindsight. It's like the Rorsarch Inkblot Test. As far as where he got the images from, remember that there was no such thing as the DEA back then. Many visions of angels and demons can be explained with bad bread (which produces chemicals found in LSD).

Edgar Cayce is one of my father's favorites. I admit his 'remote viewing' for bodily illnesses sounds pretty amazing, but that doesn't make him a prophet. Although I can't name specific instances, I believe that most of his predictions were off the mark.

Back in the 1800s the Millerites named the exact day and time of the end of the world. They got together and prayed while some of them committed suicide. The day and time came and went without the world ending. They picked another day and the same thing happened. Eventually, the Millerites dissolved into the Seventh-Day Adventists and the Jehovah's Witnesses, both of which still predict the end of the world, but never name a date.

Many psychics claim that they cannot see past the year 2000. A hundred years before, many psychics claimed they could not see beyond the year 1900. A hundred years before that it was 1800, then 1700, then 1600 and so on. They were wrong then, why would they be right this time?

One thousand years ago society prepared for the second coming. It was the Apocalypse (at least as far as the Christian world was concerned). The Millenium Mark came and went without the souls of the good Christians going up to Heaven while the pagans, Muslims, heathens, and Buddhists had their souls cast down into Hell. The "prophet" who started THIS fiasco second guessed himself and his idea of "1000 years after Christ" and amended it to read "1000 years after Christ's physical death". What was that? 1033? 1036? I know he was in his 30s when they tacked him up. Well, the 1030s also came and went without apocalyptic incident.

In the Orient, the traditional calendar is different from our Western calendar. The 21st century has already come and gone for them. I think they're in the 4600s or something. Are we to assume that Armageddon will pass the Orient by?

In the history of the planet, no doomsday prediction has come true. Society may change, but even the Industrial Revolution was a slow, gradual process.

This rock is only 4 billion years old. That's infantile on the galactic scale. What is it about the future that scares people? Every time you go to sleep you face an uncertain future. Every time you put your car on the road you're facing an uncertain future. Every moment of your life you face an uncertain future. Why should the 21st Century be any scarier?

Based on the failures and fiascoes of prophets past, there will be no Armageddon. It's been cancelled. Instead we'll have to make do with reruns of Same Sh**, Different Day.