Will the Octomom Do Porn to Save Her House?

I have died laughing at this whole thread.

That being said, wouldn't it be more sane to sell her house while she still can. Hell, I'd probably watch a reality show showing her to straighten out her life the right way.

AND HELL YA. I'd watch the illegal download of her porn, with a bunch of friends, eating popcorn and laughing our asses off. I'd send texts to all my friends, "Comedy Night. My Place. 10 tonight. bring a friend. BYOB!"
Where is the religious right on this issue? Aren't we all supposed to have 14 children according to them? Suspiciously silent here, all I hear is laughter.
Well, if they ever make the film, they should call it "Octo-MILF".

That's a catchy title.:D