Will the Octomom Do Porn to Save Her House?


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
The Octomom, Nadya Suleman, is facing foreclosure on the home she shares with her 14 kids (no dad). She reportedly is having a hard time even affording food. Being aware of her plight, Vivid has made her an offer of 500k to do a porno. Will she do it? Would you do it to save your house and feed your children?

TMZ.com reports that Vivid has already made an offer to Octomom to do a porn tape for 500,000 dollars. The site also reports that foreclosure has begun on Octomom's home. Needless to say,$ 500,000 could be used to forestall foreclosure and Vivid's Steve Hirsch has indicated that he already has the creditors on speed dial.

As of this writing, it is unknown what Octomom will do.
She could probably have saved her house if she had less plastic surgery on her face.

And dear lord, from your link:

Octomom watchers, most of them detractors, sniffed true desperation this spring when she took $5,000, plus vegan food, from PETA to put a humiliating sign on her door: “Don’t Let Your Dog or Cat Become an Octomom.”

The mind boggles.

Wasn't she given copious amounts of money when she had her second batch of children or something?
Well it's obvious she craves celebrity and is possibly mentally ill, why else have so many children you have no hope of raising by yourself. It's a really sad story for her kids, I don't care about her and can't believe Vivid would waste that much cash, but whatever. I would submit that it is dangerous to reward her reckless actions, just in case some other deranged girl tries the same thing. Does anyone know if the clinic that helped her have so many children faced any repercussions?

As for the £500k, hell yes I'd do it if anyone offered. It would be the worst £500k they ever spent!
Well it's obvious she craves celebrity and is possibly mentally ill, why else have so many children you have no hope of raising by yourself. It's a really sad story for her kids, I don't care about her and can't believe Vivid would waste that much cash, but whatever. I would submit that it is dangerous to reward her reckless actions, just in case some other deranged girl tries the same thing. Does anyone know if the clinic that helped her have so many children faced any repercussions?

As for the £500k, hell yes I'd do it if anyone offered. It would be the worst £500k they ever spent!

Mentally ill...there is a possibility but the doctors shouldnt just go around doing anything a person wants. Where are the brains here?

i mean a lawyer i can understand such behavior from but for "doctors" is unacceptable.
I have to rebring this up since it is now what I need to discuss in a class of mine... Why, I have no freakin clue... But I was watching some videos and reading pages about her...

http://www.radaronline.com/search/apachesolr_search/angela suleman

might need to copy and paste.. But I have a total of 3 pages of writen notes.. I have to "Could the birth of the recent Octuplets bring about issues related to child abuse and neglect? If so, state them with good evidence and research to support your position."

I wanted to check here to see what people were saying about her... Tho this post is about her doing a porn thing to save her house.. read some of what the sights say...
Wow a single mom can't afford 14 kids? Who could have anticipated that?

Right! LOL!
i was watching a story with all that, and it said that she was battling depression, and woke up one day realizing her life long goal was to be a mom! I was like good fn lord!! Its one thing to wanna be a mom to like 4.... but adding 10more into the mix... You can comment me now please.. LOL
I think a more compelling question might be, "Will you watch a porn film featuring the 'Octomom'?"

Of course, I'm very much uncertain about the target market for such a film. I ... uh ... er ... um ... no.

As I can neither imagine getting married anytime in the imaginable future, nor any of my friends being so perverse and crass as to force me to watch such a spectacle at a bachelor party, I do not foresee ever watching such a film should it be made.

(If I'm ever crazy enough to get married, my bachelor party will probably consist of an attempt to determine whether or not a small group of people—between four and ten—can obtain and smoke my body weight in marijuana, and a two-week effort trying to determine who dosed me with how much acid in order to make the ceremony a memorable event for everyone in attendance except me. Well, yeah. There will also be however long to figure out where I disappeared to while chasing the twelve-headed wedding demons back to the hellish, farting gash whence they emerged. Point being, no, I can't imagine watching an "Octomom" porno anywhere in there, or under any other circumstances.)
can't believe Vivid would waste that much cash, but whatever.

It's not a waste if you turn a profit on it, now is it?

And I fully expect that they would. I'm with Tiassa on the "will not watch" boat, but I don't expect that such distaste will impede the market much. In the first place, there are those who regard highly-fertile women as a huge turn-on (which is hardly surprising from an evolutionary perspective), and that would go double for a famously-fertile woman who is (I'm assuming here) probably near the top of the attractiveness pile for that particular sub-genre (and, no, that's not saying much). But more than that, this would be more akin to a celebrity sex tape than a regular porno - most of the buyers will be in it for the famous-person-in-compromising-situation aspect over the masturbation-fodder aspect. It's the thrill of feeling like you're seeing "behind the curtain" and into the personal space of a celebrity, and there's no shortage of demand for that.
They don't actually want her to do the porn. They simply want to get a lot of free publicity for their company via news articles about them making the offer. If they were serious about paying her to "act" in such a film because they thought it might be marketable, they would surely try to make the deal quietly behind closed doors so as to avoid rival offers from other porn companies. Instead, they announce the offer to the likes of TMZ, knowing that it will result in articles about their company. The fact that it seems silly and inexplicable just serves their purposes all the more, since it gets people talking about it.

An astonishing percentage of the "news" is really just various groups/companies/whatever doing things that they know will generate news articles about them, which amounts to free advertising. This is just one more example.