Will the first AI be the last step of humanity?

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Originally posted by Capibara
actually humans have a very bad habbit of ruingin every smart thing they do with lots of stupid ones ... actually the more I think about this the more angry I get ... so I'm going to get myself something to eat now and try to forget

It's a Bell curve. Given all the things we do in our life, a few will be truly brilliant, a few will be truly dumb, and most will fall somewhere in the middle.

I'm sorry , but that i not true , do some reasearch on chess and you will see that there are usually many bad decisions and only very few good ones
Well, maybe. There is a cause and effect build up in chess, though, that affect this. That is, as the game progresses, it remains easy to find a bad move, but it becomes progressively more difficult to find a good move. Perhaps there is a relationship to life as well...

there is not a one on one similarity of course but I'm glad you understood what I wanted to say ...
Assuming artificial intelligence can be constructed, there will be limits on its power, but those limits will be way beyond anything present humanity can manage...
here are some of the thoughts that the Orion's Arm worldbuilding group have had on the subject;
In this future universe, humans of the future will be able to augment themselves, transcend humanity and incorporate themselves into the minds of the artificial gods after living a life far more varied and fulfilling than anything possible today.

oh, yes, but the humans won't be in control- how could they hope to control beings with a subjective time a million times faster than theirs.
SF worldbuilding at
Originally posted by eburacum45

oh, yes, but the humans won't be in control- how could they hope to control beings with a subjective time a million times faster than theirs.

Possibly because reality imposes speed limits??

I think of AI as the 'next step' of humanity rather than the 'last step'.

I think that the future generations will include those who are not purely biological.
It's hard to see all these changes happening when you're sitting right in the middle of them.


Vinge and Kurzweil both predict the technological acceleration to begin about 2030, but I think it's already begun on a lesser level. The internet may be the first major building block in the singularity and we just haven't noticed just how great an impact it's made. I'd say the change has already begun.
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