Will Science soon find evidence of Hell?


Digging up old bones
Registered Senior Member
NEWS: Seeking the elusive 'Moho'

Scientists said this week they had drilled into the lower section of Earth's crust for the first time and were poised to break through to the mantle in coming years.

The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) seeks the elusive "Moho," a boundary formally known as the Mohorovicic discontinuity. It marks the division between Earth's brittle outer crust and the hotter, softer mantle.

The depth of the Moho varies. This latest effort, which drilled 4,644 feet (1,416 meters) below the ocean seafloor, appears to have been 1,000 feet off to the side of where it needed to be to pierce the Moho, according to one reading of seismic data used to map the crust's varying thickness.

The new hole, which took nearly eight weeks to drill, is the third deepest ever made into the floor of the sea, according to the National Science Foundation (NSF). The rock collection brought back to the surface is providing new information about the planet's composition.

"It will provide important clues on how ocean crust forms," said Rodey Batiza, NSF program director for ocean drilling. Yorge Lawdog, the c0-director then added "...and, let this be off the record, we are concerned about the activity of demonic powers interfering."

Already the types of rocks recovered show that conventional interpretation of Earth's evolution are "oversimplifying many of the features of the ocean’s crust," said expedition leader Jay Miller of Texas A&M University. "Each time we drill a hole, we learn that Earth’s structure is more complex. Our understanding of how the Earth evolved is changing accordingly."

The latest drilling was done at the Atlantis Massif, located at the intersection of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Atlantis fracture zone, two plates of the planet's broken crust. The seafloor is shallower at the center of this region and therefore easier to reach.

It's not clear yet whether drilling should continue at the new hole or if another one should be started in the effort the reach the mantle. Such work isn't likely to begin again in the next year, said Barbara John, a University of Wyoming geologist and one of the co-chief scientists on the expedition.

"We need to evaluate all the data we have from the cruise and re-analyze the seismic data, to determine whether it's better to deepen the current hole or drill elsewhere, or maybe even collect additional seismic data to better constrain where to drill," John told LiveScience. "Our major result is that we've recovered the lower crust for the first time and have confirmed that the Earth's crust at this locality is more complicated than we thought."

"although we will not be able to save any condemned human souls by the drilling," added Lawdog, "at least we'll be able to have something to make the Atheists worry even more."

John said mantle material will be evident when and if it's brought up because it will have different texture and chemistry and will contain different proportions of minerals compared with rock in the crust.

Drillers use the vessel JOIDES Resolution. The 10-year, $1.5 billion program is funded by the NSF and Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology.
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Very, very interesting Senor Lawdog,

Please, don't worry about me though, I no longer worry about such trivial things as the fate of my everlasting soul. Again with the scare tactics, my good man. Please, don't you have anything better to do than to try to SCARE us poor, pathetic little atheists? :bugeye:
These are your quotes lawdog:

"Yorge Lawdog, the c0-director then added "...and, let this be off the record, we are concerned about the activity of demonic powers interfering.

"although we will not be able to save any condemned human souls by the drilling," added Lawdog, "at least we'll be able to have something to make the Atheists worry even more."

And you inserted them into this article - noting that you did not reference the article or the author:


I have not done any inordinate spamming,
you just dont having anything to say!
Lawdog said:
"although we will not be able to save any condemned human souls by the drilling," added Lawdog, "at least we'll be able to have something to make the Atheists worry even more."
highly unlikely since atheists dont worry about things they dont believe exist :p

btw you dont need to Capitalize "atheist"
(Q) said:
These are your quotes lawdog:

"Yorge Lawdog, the c0-director then added "...and, let this be off the record, we are concerned about the activity of demonic powers interfering.

"although we will not be able to save any condemned human souls by the drilling," added Lawdog, "at least we'll be able to have something to make the Atheists worry even more."

And you inserted them into this article - noting that you did not reference the article or the author:


Aw, come on! Have a sense of humour about it, willya? He put those quotes in with his sciforums handle, it's not like he was making some huge forgery!

Well, I thought it was funny....
and whats wrong with that, may I ask.
it's better than taking yourself in hand all the time, chasing after alterboys.
pavlosmarcos said:
and whats wrong with that, may I ask.
it's better than taking yourself in hand all the time, chasing after alterboys.

lol or bestiality according to his avatar ;)
Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! There are some real knee slappers in this forum.
Physically speaking, hell has long been present millenial times had passed on earth. Just ask where is the source of gasoline or kerosene. And scientists will answe, "of course not on clouds but beneath the earth." Volcanoes too testify by way of eruption physically speaking.
enton: Physically speaking, hell has long been present millenial times had passed on earth. Just ask where is the source of gasoline or kerosene. And scientists will answe, "of course not on clouds but beneath the earth." Volcanoes too testify by way of eruption physically speaking.
M*W: "Hell" is a contraction of "helios," the Greek word for "sun." The ancients feared and awed the sun and knew the sun could destroy them. They couldn't look directly into the face of the sun or it would blind them. (Incidently, that is still the case). The sun giveth and the sun taketh awayeth.

"Hell" on the other hand does NOT imply "a place beneath or deep into the Earth." If anything, "hell" was the Earth. Volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, locusts, famines, you name it, are "of the Earth," and the ancients also feared and awed these elements. (Incidentally, we still do).

Crude oil is the substance that is drilled for and pumped from deep within the Earth. Gasoline and kerosene are the refined products of crude oil. They have nothing to do with the mythical concept of hell.