will science & religon ever be able to co-exist?

Meathead said:
My argument was not indefensible at all, I merely don't have the time or need to argue with someone unable to understand what is being said. So, it is not Ad Hominem, and nor does it resemble an Ad Ignorantian completely. There is definite evidence that supports geeser is simply too daft to grasp what was proposed.
then it seems we are all as daft as geeser, for accepting your answers.
Meathead said:
By saying religion and science are mutually exclusive are you saying that neither religion or science can both logically explain an event?
no, because science can with the use of evidence, however religion cant, but unfortunely some people believe it can without evidence, hence why both cant be true.
Meathead said:
Meathead said:
If so, why is religion so widely accepted to this day?
Argumentum Ad Populum that another common fallacy, concidering the diversity of religions, and the different sects within.
(if a thing is wrong, it matters not how many people think it's right, it's still wrong.)

religions a mind virus.
Meathead said:
I don't know why there was a need to throw words around like that, it had no relevance to the topic of the thread. If you want to feel intelligent by saying such irrelevant crap for the sake of it, take it to another forum, or atleast involve them in your own arguments, rather than ones which never concerned you.
Ad Hominem nothing more really need be said.

but I had to.
you have some audacity, you've only been here for few days and your telling me to move on, f**king cheek.
skinwalker, jesus never rose from the dead physically, resurrection is the same thing as the eastern nirvana.

3 days. it's not a coincidence that number 3 is mentioned so often in the bible and fairytales. it has some meaning.
Meathead said:
My argument was not indefensible at all, I merely don't have the time or need to argue with someone unable to understand what is being said.
Persons I have met with good education, solid intellect, diverse life experience, and successful careers have had this in common: they understand that the responsibility for communication rests, initally, with the speaker or writer. When they are not understood they recognise this as their failing and seek to express their ideas with greater clarity. They may repeat this process several times, either until they are successul, or it is clear that the listner/reader is either stupid, disinterested, or emotionally wedded to a different viewpoint.

I should just like to congratulate you on collapsing this extended process into the elegant and simple "I merely don't have the time or need to argue with someone unable to understand what is being said." Such vigour, such robustness, such maturity.

By saying religion and science are mutually exclusive are you saying that neither religion or science can both logically explain an event? EVER?
There may be things included in a religion that were discovered scientifically by the people who created and believed in that religion in the distant past. And it may otherwise be right on something by mere chance. Other than that, I believe the answer to the question is "yes".

If so, why is religion so widely accepted to this day?
Humans are naturally illogical creatures. Ask any Vulcan. :p

The fact that this religion or that is widely accepted has no bearing on its validity. To argue otherwise is a form of argumentum ad populum, "appeal to the people".
Little_Birdie said:
excuse my humble opinion but i feel as though these sciences seek to explain things of this physical world, relgion as i seem to understand it seeks to explore a world beyond that
science explains how, relgion expores why
That is a primitive understanding of science. Recent studies reveal the genetic reasons behind much of animal behavior, the nature of consciousness and how the brain creates it, and it may lead to a conscious machine.
spidergoat said:
That is a primitive understanding of science. Recent studies reveal the genetic reasons behind much of animal behavior, the nature of consciousness and how the brain creates it, and it may lead to a conscious machine.
what does that have to do with science and nature co-existing
I'm saying that as science advances, it is able to investigate things previously only associated with philosophy and religion. Science can address why as much as how.
i was thinking more on a philisophical level than a semantic one i will try to keep more acrate in my wording from now on