Will a State of Emergency Be Used to Supersede Our Constitution?

The government has bigger guns. And tanks, and chemical weapons, and nukes. It might even become necessary to nuke a whole city in order to save the rest of the world.

The government can draft you and force you to fight a war, and it can execute you for a crime, of course they can vaccinate you against your will if it's an emergency.

you have been watching to many resident evil and outbreak movies. That will NEVER happen. Look at the SARS responce, way to rapid for full quarentine to be effective except in countries like Australia (we didnt have a single case:)) so what possible reason would there be to nuke a city? its just not going to happen, its stupid to even suggest it. Look at the responce to the spanish flu for Christ sake.

Disaster managment plans are designed mainly to deal with natural disasters. Ie the pisspoor job of managing the evacuation center at the superdome (or whatever it is called) in New orleans. Yes health events fall under its scope but there is no possible potentual reason to use nukes.
The government can draft you and force you to fight a war, and it can execute you for a crime, of course they can vaccinate you against your will if it's an emergency.
What government are you talking about? It can't draft me and force me to fight. If I tell them to fuck off I ain't pulling no trigger, the worst they can do is throw me in the clank for being uncooperative. Like I said, quarantine, banishment. Sure they could execute me I suppose, but then it is no longer the nation I have grown up in. It truly has become the evil empire I have always been railing about. Hope you aren't one of those that have been calling me a nut? :p In which case, no, I won't disagree with you, they could. At least I'll have the moral high ground. I guess I'll run, or fight back first. Hell, if you are going to die anyway. What was it our fore fathers said. . . something about live free or die?

So no, no government has the right to do anything to the sovereigns of these united states against their will. That is precisely why we have a constitution. If the federal government were ever so arrogant to suspend it? Then in legal terms, because of the practical and legal way in which this country was founded, each citizen would then be subject only to natural law, common law, if they are no longer under constitutional law. (Perhaps their various state laws.) So necessarily, the government has no "right" to do anything to you. If they do, they have become nothing but violent criminal barbarians. As Americans, we are free sovereigns on this land. I don't know what nation you are from, but I know my history and my birthright. I am no subject of any sovereign, king, queen, prince, church, corporation, or state except by my consent as the governed. Any violation of such with out my consent and reasonable just cause? It is my right, as stated by my forefathers, to resist.
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