Will a State of Emergency Be Used to Supersede Our Constitution?


Will a State of Emergency Be Used to Supersede Our Constitution?

A program dating back to the Eisenhower era of emergency measures for an America devastated in a nuclear attack, is now converted to bestow secret powers on the president for anything he considers an emergency. The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (HR 645), recently introduced in congress, calls for the establishment of “national emergency centers” in major regions in the US. The stated purpose of these centers is to provide “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency, major disaster” or to “meet other appropriate needs”, determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
Recent “Continuity of Government” planning has quietly removed time-honored constitutional protections, and increased the militarization of civilian law enforcement. For the first time in US history, military troops are allowed to do police actions (vs local law enforcement) in US cities. There is good reason for the constructive friction between existing law enforcement agencies so that power is distributed in a democracy, and local law enforcement is responsible to local citizens.

More can be found here....


links there to the original article.
100% “Global controls will have to be imposed and a world governing body, will be created to enforce them. Crises, precipitate change..”
Speak on it and get dragged out of my house at 4 am? Fuck it bring it on FEMA bitches.
If there is a real national emergency, then the constitution is off the table, yes, that can happen, and it arguably should happen.
Speak on it and get dragged out of my house at 4 am? Fuck it bring it on FEMA bitches.

Wake up you are the Child of liberty !!!! FEMA is not going to drag you away . If you brake the law the cops might . You got wield control before they come and get you. Oh unless you are a student and you engage in terrorist chatter . I forgot about that for ia Minute but besides that , if you are the leader of the Black Panthers and you kill a bunch of whites , Babies too , well that is wielding power so you see were that might get you . Might become an F.B.I. matter then and more than just local cops . I don't know I will let them fight that one out . Lets hope it don't happen . Your kind of Fighsty . Stoni ? Death Wish ?
Balls to the walls ?
If there is a real national emergency, then the constitution is off the table, yes, that can happen, and it arguably should happen.

You are such a progressive Spidey . What would constitute a " Real Emergency " What are the guide lines in this ? Women going bizzirk on the weekend exposing there titties to men as they run at em like wild panthers . Getting back at them for wagging there peckers at em when they were little girls ?
Emergency !! Titties flopping . The woman's movement with the rabbit Floppy by there side . Kill the rabbit . Burn it witches . Burn it hard with bazookas. Bazooka titties like granny has . Ha Ha Ha Ha . That will scare em . I am not afraid !! Bring on the titties !!
I mean something like a plague, where some people might object to quarantine or vaccination. It might be necessary to arrest people or even shoot them in order to save millions.
I mean something like a plague, where some people might object to quarantine or vaccination. It might be necessary to arrest people or even shoot them in order to save millions.

zombies ! shoot to kill! O.K. yeah I might go with that one ? Unless I am a zombie , then I might get Shot and think it was a bad idea after all . Kiss Me I got cooties . Who was that Barbary Coast Gal ? Typhoid Mary was it ? I got to google that . See what is what ?

I was wrong . She was a New Yorker from Ireland. 53 people it is said she infected
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If there is a real national emergency, then the constitution is off the table, yes, that can happen, and it arguably should happen.

Why, because of people like me? The "terrorist?" Give me a fucking break. There is no argument for suspending my rights, or encarserating citizens in "camps."
Why, because of people like me? The "terrorist?" Give me a fucking break. There is no argument for suspending my rights, or encarserating citizens in "camps."

If you are a convicted criminal you lose your rights so Yeah there exists a chance, brake time may be imposed against your will . So it is all dependent on the letter of the Law . Back in the 1600 no one would have thought that there would be a law that said a slave owner could kill there slave and what have you events rose up that insidiously allowed the slave owner to kill there slave all based on what ? Perception of events ! You your self I could see suspending what ever you think should be based on events . Lets say Christ showed up at your door step and you new it was your Christ . He tells you you got to kill the Connor Baby cause if you don't the devil wins and all eternity will be under the control of the Devil if the Connor baby is not killed . What are you willing to suspend at this point . Do you go kill the Connor Baby or do you Follow the Law of " Thou shall Not kill ?
If you are a convicted criminal you lose your rights so Yeah there exists a chance,

Yea, but if the guys writing the laws are the bad guys. If they make YOU go to a camp will you go willingly? Will you take the chip in your hand?

He tells you you got to kill the Connor Baby cause if you don't the devil wins and all eternity will be under the control of the Devil if the Connor baby is not killed . What are you willing to suspend at this point . Do you go kill the Connor Baby or do you Follow the Law of " Thou shall Not kill ?

If the baby needed to die God would strike it down.
I mean something like a plague, where some people might object to quarantine or vaccination. It might be necessary to arrest people or even shoot them in order to save millions.
I have no objection to quarantine, leave me alone. You try to start poking people against their will with poisons intended to prevent "plagues" that the alternative media has already exposed with interviews by legitimate scientists and doctors, and even by an exposition that the original creator of the first flu vaccine has stated, as being man made viruses? I think that is bull shit and all hell will break loose. No government or community has the right to violate the integrity of the individual of an innocent person with out their consent. Quarantine? Sure. Cast out and banish, sure. But poison and kill. . . not a chance.
I mean something like a plague, where some people might object to quarantine or vaccination. It might be necessary to arrest people or even shoot them in order to save millions.

If zombies attack quarantine will do little to protect you. I have a better theory on public safety, buy a fucking gun.
I have no objection to quarantine, leave me alone. You try to start poking people against their will with poisons intended to prevent "plagues" that the alternative media has already exposed with interviews by legitimate scientists and doctors, and even by an exposition that the original creator of the first flu vaccine has stated, as being man made viruses? I think that is bull shit and all hell will break loose. No government or community has the right to violate the integrity of the individual of an innocent person with out their consent. Quarantine? Sure. Cast out and banish, sure. But poison and kill. . . not a chance.

We have a winner.
Yea, but if the guys writing the laws are the bad guys. If they make YOU go to a camp will you go willingly? Will you take the chip in your hand?

If the baby needed to die God would strike it down.

we right the laws by our bitches and complaints . Like Egress widows for example . They use to be any measurement form the floor . Then something happened . A tragedy like kids not being able to get out because of the window being to high from the floor . Burned kids was the motivation of the law . So windows in sleeping areas are to be less than 44 inches from the floor because of it . If no one cared about kids burning in Houses then they might still be to high for an adequate escape root. We as a group make law based on events in time . Law suits drive law . Criminal behavior drives law . The nanny state did not just happen over night . People and events are the coupling factors .
people and events are the things being used by the people who WANT a state of emergency so they can drag people like me out of my house.
If zombies attack quarantine will do little to protect you. I have a better theory on public safety, buy a fucking gun.
The government has bigger guns. And tanks, and chemical weapons, and nukes. It might even become necessary to nuke a whole city in order to save the rest of the world.

I have no objection to quarantine, leave me alone. You try to start poking people against their will with poisons intended to prevent "plagues" that the alternative media has already exposed with interviews by legitimate scientists and doctors, and even by an exposition that the original creator of the first flu vaccine has stated, as being man made viruses? I think that is bull shit and all hell will break loose. No government or community has the right to violate the integrity of the individual of an innocent person with out their consent. Quarantine? Sure. Cast out and banish, sure. But poison and kill. . . not a chance.

The government can draft you and force you to fight a war, and it can execute you for a crime, of course they can vaccinate you against your will if it's an emergency.
for Christ sake, do the lot of you hide under your beds at night with a blanket over your head???????

the government has no interest in herding you into concentration camps,why? because it would interrupt BUINSSNES for a start. It makes sense to preplan evacuation and relief centers. I know for a fact that after black sat some evacuation centers had no medical personal (even as basic as first aid trained and equipt personal) for 2 days. The truma councilers from centerlink and the department of health took even longer to arive (not much longer thankfully). You know those boards with "have you seen x" after 11/9 atacks? Think of that across a whole STATE with 1 board being around 3 m long and 2 m high and there were aparently 6 of them identical in the evacuation center my friend was working in.

This was because the state goverment was unprepared, all the disaster planning they did simply didnt cover black sat and they were overwhelmed. A similar thing happened in Queensland with the added problems that the city itself was hit which means the agencies responcible for responding at a managment level (rather than at a responce level) had at the very least transport issues even if they didnt lose infustructure.

In both those cases defence was ASKED to assist the state agencies and NGOs. When defence does come in they work under the direction of civilan agencies, not the other way around. In Australia the police are the organisation with overall comand for all civilan land (defence is different), because they have the structure to run a major incident. The control orgasation depends on what the type of incident is. For example a bushfire, the controling agency in SA is the CFS.

http://www.lga.sa.gov.au/webdata/re...gement_Plan_2_28_July_06_-_Public_Version.pdf (BTW its the public version because its illegal to release publically the location of the state operations centers because they would be prime targets during a terriost atack, they arnt where anyone would think they were though:p)
The government has bigger guns. And tanks, and chemical weapons, and nukes. It might even become necessary to nuke a whole city in order to save the rest of the world.

The government can draft you and force you to fight a war, and it can execute you for a crime, of course they can vaccinate you against your will if it's an emergency.

I am my own man, all they have over me is numbers but a army of millions upon millions marches behind me.