Wild energy...

Nootropics may be the friendly drug you seek. Some similar OTC drugs help me to concentrate in complex problem solving. The side benefit is some colorful and wild dreams. But no PK or TK yet...
I've never meditated before, it sounds really intriguing.. But scary at the same time. You say you can feel all these energies? I'm not sure if I want that. I'll have to do some research in the morning. *YAWN* I am jacks extremely exhausted eyes :) Later.
Let me gues, Fight Club...

Alright, as far as I have felth Energy, don't be affraid of you feeling it.

I'm not far in psychic powers yet, but energy is a strange feeling.
It doesn't hurt you, either way when you try to feel it.
Meditation is also inharmfull, it's just a state between dreams and awakened.
Just try to relax yourself by thinking of it as if it's a nice feeling.

I am able to feel some energies, not all the time though.
Lately I can feel if an electric device whit some battery is full.
Or a power switch that gets electricity.

Jacks lazy eyes must be improvised from fight club.
Great movie, I've seen it 6 times or something :).

Keep this in mind, don't be affraid for powers and do not doubt yourself.
If you lived this far whitout the powers, you probbably can disable them later on if you do control it :)

As mentioned earlier the energies have subsided to normal levels. It was just a matter of re-alignment :)

But one thing that often freaks me out is being very aware of electric devices output. I hear (or feel, not sure) a increasing hum from appliances and especially my comp (when it´s turned off). This sound just rises in frequency and I always bolt from whatever I´m doing to unplug the jack.
First time this happened was last summer and has become a frequent annoyance for me.

Don´t think it means anything at all. Just maybe that I´ve become more sensitive to currents. But it´s a bother since it switches on some primal panic button and it takes a while to calm down after unplugging it :bugeye:
Shifting the Energy...

A possibility that might explain some of the funk apparently affecting some people is that Neptune is activating the psychic centers and the energy is turning inward on them. Energy is energy. A powerful energy must be acknowledged and handled or it can turn against one in a negative way.

What's so interesting about Alice Bailey's "Initiations: Human & Solar" is that she deals with the sun and earth as conscious entities that are in the process of initiation. Bear in mind this book was written in 1922, and Alice Bailey left her body in 1948. In 1943, Bailey wrote that her book, "The Rays & The Initiations" was written for a group of initiates who would need the information at the end of the century (2000) and, in 1943, they had already started to incarnate. "Initiations: Human & Solar" is deceptively simple yet loaded with meaning that has become clearer over the years.

The energy for initiation is directed through the sun, according to Bailey's 1922 book! The Mayan calendar was not deciphered until the 1950's, and knowledge of the sun was far more limited when Bailey wrote in 1922.

The objective of the Hierarchy is to direct stimuli that will bring 3/5's of humankind through the first initiation by the middle of the next round. The next round? It may reference the next 5,200-year cycle that is actually beginning at this time. The middle of the next round would be about 2,600 years.

Initiation is driven by stress and tension that mandates new awareness and skills. The first initiation is something many people who talk about these things may have taken long ago, since the lower initiations occur over longer periods of time than higher initiations. The majority of humankind have not yet taken the first initiation at this time, and the Hierarchy seems to focus on those who have taken initiation then rely on them to bring the larger numbers through the portal.

Large numbers of those who are still working on the first and second initiations would get hit by increased psychic energy that they do not know how to deal in a more drastic way than those who have experience with dealing with that energy. Higher energies impacting those who do not know how to deal with them is both a danger and an opportunity. Ultimately, they will learn how to deal with them but most of the forms that they created in lower awareness will disappear with the learning curve. As in the personal lives of individual initiates, much of what is familiar to the past collapses in the learning curve of initiation...:)

This is normal. You should actually do your meditation early in the morning. The recommended time is about 6:00 AM. More precisely: when the sun rises.

That's because during and after a meditation you become extremely aware and restless. Your senses improve, your body work more consciently and inconsciently and purification when is needed (almost never it's not needed...) follows.

You seem to be doing very well... :)

Don't worry about all the energy...
The messages will come once you get in sintony with your inner voice. Be completly silent and you'll start to listen your inner voice in your Heart (with time, you'll listen during the whole day, whenever you want).

The message from the Universe is:
Love yourself and all creatures unconditionally and with all your Heart. :)

Fell the peace of being a well of Love for everyone. :)
I do...
And everyone can... :)

Here's the official Announcement...

- Hey guys, after practicing and mostly find information...
(just say gathering information only for almost 2 years)
I have an announcement to make...

- Probably not all of you psychics are open about your powers, but a lot of you appeared to open up thanx to Banshee...
This post wil be posted in more then 1 thread...

- A few days ago, I seriously started to try telekinesis again, and very seriously...
Even whit a method (seeming boring and dificult) so simple and fun to try...
--- The psi-wheel technique ---
and I did it, whit more and sooner results then I even expected after long last...
I don't want to mis-guide people here, but I did it in even the first session...
Not on a big scale, but at least noticable...
Te day after went 3 times as better...

So I now pronounce myself, as Psychic controlled...

I'll practice more, to get very good, and try to encourage people to open up for it, and to learn it if they can be trusted whit it...

Cheers to you all and your sucesses on the same goals as I have...