Wild energy...


Registered Senior Member
Ok, I usually meditate for about an hour before going to sleep each night.
It´s become my bedtime ritual. Now for the last week the energy input that I normally experience has become like a massive tsunami. It has happened a few times before, but never so much several evenings in a row.
It feels very stressful and makes me jittery and restless. It is like wave after wave of energy that makes the whole room wobble.
The shapes that usually just hang around at night have become elongated and stretched out like being torn by some wind.

There is no messages. Only freaky power that makes my sleep uneasy.

I know some ppl here are experiencing something similar right now, I´d like to hear your views on what the reason might be.

And those of you who´ve never come close to experiences like this, I think it´s about time that even the skeptics should take time to listen to the universe instead of just prodding it with sticks. You could enjoy it :)
There is no messages. Only freaky power that makes my sleep uneasy.

In my experience,this is what happens when you are moving on to something new!

It is interesting that the same observed effects can easily be reproduced by ingesting certain kinds of drugs.

What might that say about the meaning behind visual imagery resulting from motivated, self-reinforcing meditation?
It is interesting that the same observed effects can easily be reproduced by ingesting certain kinds of drugs.

What might that say about the meaning behind visual imagery resulting from motivated, self-reinforcing meditation?
Well nothing really!
But it could mean that the drugs have opened one of the bodies centers,& you have not learnt control of it.
Well nothing really! But it could mean that the drugs have opened one of the bodies centers,& you have not learnt control of it.

So, you are saying at least two things:

1.) "Well nothing really!" is precisely the same thing as "But it could mean that the drugs have opened one of the bodies centers,& you have not learnt control of it."

So, we can automatically dismiss the "could mean" eqivalent.


2.) Addiction to drugs is the equivalent of opening the body's centers and then controlling them.

Why does this all make me chuckle in disbelief?
Now you are saying two things.
It is interesting that the same observed effects can easily be reproduced by ingesting certain kinds of drugs.

Addiction to drugs.
So which one do we automatically dismiss ??

& you are welcome to your disbelief,as I do not think this forum could ever convince anyone.

By the way,do you think that your Gov,wasted its money on remote viewing for nothing?????
No, just for the unrealized potential. I trust our Government has now paid the appropriate tuiton for a real education.
Mr G

.) Addiction to drugs is the equivalent of opening the body's centers and then controlling them.
I do not think this is possible.
ie you could never learn to control them if you opened them with drugs.
I read on the news,that they are calling the remote viewers back,for this new war.
It's not what you think. That's why the CIA and the DOD are now relying on armed, pilotless drones. :D

What does that say about the utility of human remote seers?

:D :D :D :rolleyes:
Drugs can be used to open up the mind to other realities. Meditaion and yoga also does this. But that doesn´t mean that you are addicted to any of the activities above, only that you use them.
Addiction is something completely different. That is the search for outer satisfaction to satisfy an inner need, and in that futile search anything can be misused, not only drugs.

Bebelina is right in this.

Some drugs can help open your mind, but this are not addictive drugs. Addictive drugs are the ones your body gets used to because of the garbage that is added to those drugs. Like Heroin and Cocaine. Because of the garbage in it, a human body gets addicted, not by using some milder (natural) drugs so once in a while.

There are a lot of Energy Fields going on between the Cosmos and human bodies. Humans who are more open minded can pick these Energy Fields up and can be troubled by them if there is something going on.

Like some humans know pretty well, the feeling like 'There is something in the Air tonight' and feel like there is something pressing on them. Every human has this feeling so once in a while.(a bad day?)

Energy coming from the Spheres can bother humans who are open minded and living close to Nature and the Cosmos. The Energy Fields coming from the Spheres is very high at the moment, because of all what is going on here on Earth. The wars going on at the moment and the weaponary used for this are causing damage to Earth and She is reacting on it with Vulcano activity and much more activity in the Tectonic Plates.

This interacts with Energy coming from the Spheres and MuliBoy said it very right. There are coming messages from the Spheres which manifest themselves as very depressing and sometimes frightening to humans who are even used to this.
It are warnings to make humans aware of the damage they do with their war 'toy's', which have a great influence at the quake activity on Earth right now.

Meditation is the right way to relax your body completely and clear your mind from the daily life. So you are much more open to these Energy coming from the Spheres and feel the influences from there reacting on Earth.

Humans in general should be trying to pay more attention to this, for they are all so busy with their material and selfish way of living that they forget what is really important in life.

Look at what is going on on Earth right now and how humans treat eachother. And have a very close look please...

The human race is really digging its own grave if they don't stop their damaging behaviour right away.

Luckily there are more and more humans who feel the warnings coming from the Cosmos and Earth and who try to warn the other humans and try themselves to help Earth as much as they can. By keep on telling it to everybody and live close to Earth by nurture Her and Nature as much as they can.

Question remains if it will help because the destruction has been gone so far now that it may be to late...

Perhaps you sceptics should try to look at it from another perspective and not say it is nonsens right away...

Look at the Earth and what is going on right now very close please and without your everlasting thinking way, but try to feel...

By the way, this is not the topic to discuss the war against terrorisme...
I would like to know more about these *unaddictive and friendly* drugs...
I know I live in the country of drug heaven, but I don't know about any innocent drugs for use of psychic powers...

BTW: Banshee's right, look from another perspective...
I prommised not to tell this from a friend whitout permission and fully, but he really was a skeptic, untill a resent event that triggered an event that I'd like to experience...

He's not fully a skeptic anymore, he belive's in what he experienced and he's more open to other things now, but only I know the whole thing...

Has anyone ever seen Fight Club?
It's one of my favorites, a little bit interest from my *dark side*...
There is a sertain perspective that I belive is true...
We put to much value in our stuff than in ourselfs...
We depend to much on objects that we have created...

Maybe we have to take some hard actions like in that film, although not that presice way...
For persons who like *psychologic* thrillers, it's a must see on my list...

Just go back to you, yourself...
I try to relax myself sometimes...
But even at work *I'm used to work on myself* I can't shut my thoughts away...
I think other things while my unconsious takes the pattern of my work over and continue on itself...

Whitch reminds me, I have to go, have 4 and a half hours to rest for my next shift...

I will keep this forum in my sight from time to time...

Fight Club, yes, saw it just the other day. Very good film...*slide*...:)

Shows how we unconsciously can manifest repressed parts of ourselves, if we don´t pay attention.

But it was far too brutal for my taste, but definitely worth seeing.

Stay conscious.

Can you explain to me what this movie is about and what it has to do with Energy from the Spheres?:)

Thank you.

I am curious now...;)
Yeah, FightClub is excellent. I thought it would be straight action but it´s actually quite subversive.
The lead character lives a clean cut life and is frustrated by the "impotence" of being a modern politically correct man. Meets a very rock´n´roll freethinking dude (played by Brad Pitt) and simply falls in love with him, while fearing his lack of boundaries.
(Here´s a spoiler now.. don´t read further if you don´t want the ending ruined, if you haven´t seen it yet.. )

Spoiler paragraph
.... In the end he finds out that Brad Pitt is just a projection of his desires to be something he is not himself. Actually he is the Pitt character himself and has become a split personality.
He has become what he wanted to be and almost eliminates his old self.
Happens all the time for the unwary :)

Unaddictive, friendly drugs... I´d say mushrooms. But they can be very nasty too. Depends on how you are feeling. Enter with fear and it will beat you to a pulp... I never recommend anyone to take them if they hesitate.
Actually I don´t recommend any drugs at all. But at the same time feel that living a entire life without a psychedelic experience, is as bad as going through life without a single sexual experience (Likeness derived from Terence McKenna´s writing on shamanic plants).
Drugs are not recreational. Not for kicks.
Just reporting that the energies have subsided. Or rather that it was time for a mental upgrade. When one becomes mis-aligned one experiences turbulence. Be it spiritual or physical restlessness.

In this case it feels mostly as the old question of taking sides. Good or bad, on or off. There is a etheral community which is accepting members. You can have a trial membership but in time they want you to choose. Bodhisatva, rockstar or nobelprize winner. What will you pursue?
Will you be a symptom of a disease or will you help cure it?

Entering higher(or simply different) realms must be done by passing a checkpoint. I call it the trial. There you are simplified, iconic, with all your traits as symbols upon your frame. The judgement is done by oneself in cojunction with the community. Not being able to accept what one is in this naked form usually leads to self inflicted exile from spirituality.

All your experience, deeds, posessions and desires, are what you are.
The persona you keep is the avatar you have to interact with.
It can help you, or it can keep you grounded.
Whatever it might be, you chose it either in ignorance or with wisdom.

And it´s never to late to change :)