Wiki, the undisputed source of all knowledge...

What, exactly, has caused Wikipedia to become such a joke on "respected" forums? My understanding is that Wiki is a self-patrolled, self-edited encyclopedia. Once one recognizes this, it shouldn't take much to know that any quote obtained there is not necessarily above reproach, but does present a good starting point.

Especially for general knowledge, again as a starting point. It seems though, that any reference to Wiki automatically disqualifies the poster as substandard, maybe even a "woo woo"?

Why and how did this connotation come about? Wiki is by no means definitive, but it does offer general information for someone totally unfamiliar with a subject and frequently cites other references for further research.

Why the disdain? Why not welcome, and respect this quotation, with the proper disclaimers of whence the quotes came?

Is it just me, or do many members use "Oh, that's from Wiki", therefore your whole premise must be wrong as a method of bolstering their positions ? Have we found a whole new category of fallacy? As a disclaimer, I must mention that I, personally have not much run into this problem, but I see the disdain shown in other posts.

Question: Is it worth quoting Wiki, even as a general info source? WTF? Please discuss and specify your position on the validity of mentioning Wiki.

Most teachers think I am absolutely insane for holding this view, you see, our teachers are somewhat, how should I put it, retarded. We can't use wikipedia.
Captain Kremmen said:
I should add some entries to wiki on subjects that I know a lot about.

That's all well and good, however it becomes something similar to how tribal peoples would replicate stories for generations. Storytellers were known to be inventive, after all the oral replication would lose some "facts" over the decades and they would have to be reinvented by the storyteller to generate depth and interest to the tribes people.

I guess what I'm saying is by all means include Sources, but be prepared for any Hypothesizes, theories or conclusions to be brought into dispute by other wiki users, after all if they aren't peer reviewed previously they could be perceived in poor repute.
It is not the best source of information but then what is? It was kind of a turn off when they were asking for money (donations).
Most teachers think I am absolutely insane for holding this view, you see, our teachers are somewhat, how should I put it, retarded. We can't use wikipedia.

That is your opinion.
To convince me, please give examples of what wiki says is not correct.