Wiccans - What's the proof?

We're all here, aren't we? ;)

What possible other explanation is there?
How can anyone with a science background possibly defend the existence of magic?
Yes. As practised by British Traditional initiates, Wicca is a variety of witchcraft founded on religious and magical concepts, and most of its adherents identify as witches. As such it is distinguished not only by its religious beliefs, but by its initiatory system, organisational structure, secrecy, and practice of magic.
What proof is there that magic exists?
I have had lots of magical experiences. Experiences of remembering past lives, being helped by specific locations on earth, contacts with creatures not currently accepted by most scientists, psychic experiences, calling for wild animals to come to and they come and so on.

What you really want is someone to force their way toward you in all your denial of something and 'prove' it to you. Why would I want to overcome your doubt, which you are comfortable with, why would I want that struggle which is made much harder because of your beliefs? Believe what you want.

I have had enough proof for me. I suppose their may be some Wiccans and pagans who try to proselytize and convert, but you can simply say to them you don't buy it. Maybe some of them will expend energy working on your skepticism. What a waste.
God used magic to give rise to the first forms of life on earth. There's your proof.
Yes. Please define magic. I don't see any clear and precise question asking for what magic is or what it is you are looking for. If you are talking about the psychic, this exists. Although, the proof scientifically is not yet there. But the truth and proof does not need defending itself. If someone is having a maical experience they cannot deny that, or be subjected to any other possible truth. But I don't know if you are talking or not about magical experiences. All we should realize is the realm of the possible.