why ?


Who's to say we aren't already slaves....maybe we are the tool for terraforming this planet into a hospitable place.....maybe we were engineered with a virus like nature that in time would transform this planet into something the ET's want and they are just overseeing their plan...we say that the reason no life can reach this planet is because of the time it takes to span such distances at sub-light speeds...well a fly has a very short life compared to us...we maybe the fly equivalent to an ET as far as life span is concerned.

Australia had to import the european dung beatle into this country the reason is because the dung beatle equivalent here couldn't deal with cattle crap....so I'm saying its possible that we are their dung beattle equivalent.

On the other hand why would an ET want to leave their world....some would say to see what else is out there etc...thats a pretty huge effort just to explore....a more plausible reason is out of necessity...now we KNOW our planet can sustain life...and ET would qualify as life, if they left out of necessity and earth seemed a good place to come then we are in the way.....

Just some thoughts....BTW this hippie talk about any civilisation advanced enough to reach us would be peacefull...I don't buy it nothing drives life more to do the impossible then the fear of extinction.

At present we have't the means to reach a distant planet...or to terraform a near planet or explore past our solar system....If we found out that earth was to die within a certain short time frame i.e. perhaps 2 lifetimes I'm almost certain that technology would be developed in time to save the few fortunate, and we'd be the aliens looking for a new home.
Hey rambler,
I have to agree. It's possible that we are just an terra former. Do you think they envisioned us with nukes? Or have they just 'allowed' us the tool to terra form? Also I agree that tech advances do not make you a better/kinder race. But I also think (AH NOT THAT AGAIN!!) that if they were hostile they would have jumped on along time ago. Unless of course we are already doing what they want. There are so many what if's and buts that it's hard to keep all of it straight. How much more terra forming do youu think that we will have to do before we become 'pests'?? ;) Stichen figured that one year on Nibiru to = 3,600 of our years. Don't know if I buy that. Really no way to test it. Seeing how you would have to probably have at least 4 - 5 generations on a different planet with a different solar year before any changes began to show. IMO

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
to everyone,

When i put the first message the possibility of us being atacked by an alien race was as a mear hipotisis and still is, is as simple as that, what i wanted was to change views on this subject, offcourse we don´t know even if they exist, even more if they are hostil or not, i just wanted to know everyone opinion.
to everyone,

When i put the first message the possibility of us being atacked by an alien race was as a mear hipotisis and still is, is as simple as that, what i wanted was to change views on this subject, offcourse we don´t know even if they exist, even more if they are hostil or not, i just wanted to know everyone opinion.
I think that people would respond in different ways to different messages. It's an argument that my husband and I have had. If they showed up in large numbers, out of the blue, (or black) then ther would probably be WIDE spread panic. But if they sent a message first, one that we all would receive at the same time, and told us they would be here in X number of months/years then the panic would be lessened. Even if there was panic, there would be time for people to adjust, and come to grips with the new reality. If what is happening now, with all the sightings, is suppose to do this - acclimate people - then it's to SLOW!! IMO what is going on now does not help. To many deniabilities, to much bad press - w/abductions and all. If they would step it up a bit, and show themselves to larger groups, more often, then maybe the poles would not panic.
Why is this board so slow? As in the people are never here? I can't seem to find any decent forums any more. BOO HOO :(

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway

[This message has been edited by courtjester (edited July 01, 2000).]
Is there anyone that it`s taking this subject serius?
QUESTION: what it`s the opinion of armed forces toward this subject ?
I'm almost never serious!! ;)
I think that the subject has been considered. Can't remember where, but there was a report somewhere that mentioned that very fact. That some sort of CLEAR guidance was needed for the troop in the dirt. Do I reallyhave time to go up the chain of command to find out what I'm suppose to do, while staring at the alien/craft?? I am not in service now, but have been there - done that. While it is true that some guidance has been put out to certain troops; ie pilots, the vast majority of troops are left to make decisions on their own. As far as I know, the guidance is;
You see our ~Great Leaders~ think that most of the troops are incapable of intelligent thought, trigger happy... In order to give that guidance though, they would have to admit a ~CONCERN~ which would lead to all sorts of ~uncomfortable~ questions.

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
to courtjester

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway

very beutifull
I wrote that a long time ago, it still seems to fit, so...
I'm going to start anew thread. This place is so slow!!

I am where there is need, I am not where no need exists, I am a staff to lean on, a lamp to light the way, I am shelter from the storm and yet I am the storm that rages around you.
susan mcmanaway
a hutt is a large, slug like creature from starwars

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Well as far as armed forces go there is no guidance. We have rules of engagement in combat but thats pertained toward the enemy not aliens,lol. I believe the aliens have interest in earth like h-kon said for the resources on this planet. Throughout my researches in abduction ive found many various references towards the aliens either taking samples of dirt, plants etc. Then theres other reports of various species of animals being abducted and the abductees were informed of terraforming of another planet to look like earth as earth is dying.
Bigfoot has also been reported as being seen on craft and around craft collecting samples as well. As far as humans go.....they arent in the plan nor are they in the way. THey are being abducted as a means of study and gene splicing along with cattle to implement eh hybrid program to instill emotion in the alien gene pool.

Eric Cooper