why ?


Registered Senior Member
I don`t what a heck we are doing here , here we put all our questions, all our belifes and hopes, but there are people doing diligent search, there are astronauts and cosmonauts trying to make us reach more, there are scientist trying to understand the world and the Universe, and here we are all trying to understand a subject that nobody is certain nobody has proofs conclusive proofs, well it`s good to change ideas but there has to be more to it.
I wounder if somebody told me that were aliens here, whats next?
What would be the next question ??
what could we do for example if alien treath was real ? what could we do to prevent being destroyd by an advanced ( many years) civilyzation?
Did Portuguese or spanish conquers gave any chance to the native? they where much well armed they ( native people )didn`t had a chance.
But well we can rest we have to do our best ...
In a previous post on a similar subject, I presented the "home-field advantage" scenario, in which we know this planet and it's patterns, it's tricks and treats, better than anybody. If an invading alien force landed here (note I said if they landed, if they brought in the Death Star, we're toast), they'd have a guerilla war on their hands. Unless they were very adaptable to hostile environmental conditions, they'd be no different from any other army. Even if their tech was higher, it wouldn't take long before some backyard Rambo got his hands on one of their toys. Don't underestimate the courage and adaptability of our species. We didn't take over the planet by being stagnant.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Originally posted by Oxygen:
In a previous post on a similar subject, I presented the "home-field advantage" scenario, in which we know this planet and it's patterns, it's tricks and treats, better than anybody. If an invading alien force landed here (note I said if they landed, if they brought in the Death Star, we're toast), they'd have a guerilla war on their hands. Unless they were very adaptable to hostile environmental conditions, they'd be no different from any other army.
I agree complety in your opnion in fact i couldn`t agree more, however we have to be prepared ( hipotesis ) to lose many human life on a first strike, i believe we are capable of adapte any envoyerment as hostil it may be
Now now, we are jumping to conclusions here aren't we. Why, in all the universe, would aliens want to invade us? Let alone if they knew we existed?

As for any type of warfare, compare it to a Nimitz attacking the Sioux. As in the aliens have the Nimitz, and we are the Sioux. If any alien civilisation had the technology to traverse the vast areas of space, then quite frankly we wouldn't stand a chance.

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who' if we wins' knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid sould who know neither victory nor defeat."
-"The Man in the Arena"
It's hard not to work off of assumptions regarding this, I know I'm guilty of it...but, don't assume that a qualitative advantage immediately means quantitative advantage. As Uncle Joe Stalin like to say "Quantity has a quality all its own".

The New Age of Enlightenment is approaching...are you ready?
A better question - Why not?

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who' if we wins' knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid sould who know neither victory nor defeat."
-"The Man in the Arena"
Originally posted by patriotSTORM:
Now now, we are jumping to conclusions here aren't we. Why, in all the universe, would aliens want to invade us? Let alone if they knew we existed?

Better why not???
How about resources, and by the way.. there would be 6 billion estimated workers here to help them out..

Maybe a few million when they would be done but.

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
This is of course assuming that eventhough they found a way to cross the star they would still be as violant and careless in nature as we are.
Perhaps getting to a point that star travel is possible is such an ordeal for a species that all their recourses they have are needed.
If you are simply looking at how much money is needed to build a working fusion reactor this might forshadow an even greater investment for a ship to reach the stars.
The only way in doing this would be to combine their efforts and thus find a way out of their 'childhood' struggles. This would mean that any species that is finally capable of attaining interstellar travel technology would automatically be a peaceful species.
Then again, may be not... :D (this is the beauty of speculation, anything is possible)

I err, therefore I exist !
Who is to say that both the good and the bad aliens aren't here now. This is a prime piece of realestate, even if the idiots living on it have a death wish!! I mean, what species spends most of its money starting and keeping wars going? What species kills and otherwise plunders the mother planet that they are living on without knowing how to go to another? What species welcomes people from other planets with a golden record, and when they get here fires on them, etc. What species can't even take care of its own people??

Point made and taken, I hope. Yeah, they are here, and have been here all along.

Jane Derry
The real question is....what do they want/need? Are we a part of whatever that is or are we just in the way?

The New Age of Enlightenment is approaching...are you ready?
The problem with all these kinds of questions is that they keep piling fantastic hypothesis on top of each other. Ultimatly one loses sight of the first hypothesis that started it all and even for get that we made it as a hypothesis. At this point we have completly entered the realm of fantasy and fairytales.
What do we know of alien species ? Nothing !
What can we conclude from this that holds true ? Nothing ! Therefor any story about the possible beheavior of aliens is nothing more then an exercise in story telling. Nice for long evenings next to the fireplace...

I err, therefore I exist !
So are you saying because you do not have the knowledge to prove something exist..means that it doesn't exist? Uhhhh..surely I am misreading what you mean?

I think I must have been not clear enough. Sorry for that. What I'm saying or what I'm trying to say rather is that if I don't have knowledge to prove something exists it means I can't talk about it. It may exist or it may not. Everything I say or anyone else who doesn't have sufficient evidence is speculation and therefor fantasy.

I hope this makes my ravings a bit more clear.

I err, therefore I exist !
we dont know the aliens intentions, for all we accually know (facts) they could be nicer than bunny rabbits, or playful as a kitten, or they could be as dangerous as a hutt...... whatever they are we dont really know, but i think it would be more exiting if they came to concure our planet, i would like to see out planet try and defete there fores, i accually beileive that we would have a fighting chance. though if we did win and make it through the odds, there wouldnt be very many people left.

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Tianca--It is a prime piece of real estate for those who evolved here. Who is to say that whatever extra-terrestrial species we encounter doesnt live on a sun somewhere? Or out in the deep recessess of space?

It would be fairly dangerous for an alien to come to earth, step out of its ship, and say hi. Who is to say what the air is made up of on alien worlds? What the air pressure is? The gravity?

This planet is prime real estate, but only for us.

And dexter..what the hell is a hutt??

Where christians dont rule the world its called horrible oppression and poverty...

I think I must have been not clear enough. Sorry for that. What I'm saying or what I'm trying to say rather is that if I don't have knowledge to prove something exists it means I can't talk about it. It may exist or it may not. Everything I say or anyone else who doesn't have sufficient evidence is speculation and therefor fantasy.

I hope this makes my ravings a bit more clear.

:D Yes, it does make your "ravings" a bit more clear! LOL

Ok, I see the point you are driving at. I've just one question for you then. In your opinion..what is sufficient evidence?

well, it depends on what we are talking about of course.
But let's just talk about evidence in general.
In order to be totally convinced that a certain effect is for real one should be able to repeat this effect over and over again. One should also be able to isolate the preconditions of the effect so that it can be repeated any where and any place where these preconditions can be put in place. This would allow the effect to be studied extensifly and one might even begin to form a coherent theory about it that can be fitted into the existing theories or that might alter the existing theories to make it fit. Because if it is real then the existing theories must also contain it because what we want is a complete theory that encorporates every possible real effect.

One could argue that this would never be the case for astronomical data we receive. Since it would be impossible to have a nice experiment where we blow up our sun just to give the final proof that supernova's are actually exploding stars. ;)
However it is the repeatablity that is cruxial here. We haven't just witnessed one supernova but a whole bunch of them. This has allowed us to formulate theories that describe this effect. When we compare pictures of the stars that were made at a later date then when the supernova was witnessed, we can actually see the star that was previously at the exact spot where the supernova was. Not only that but the stars always confirm the theory that supernova occure only with heavy stars that produce huge amounts of energy.

[This message has been edited by Plato (edited June 22, 2000).]
Hi I think that a race of being that can travel across the stars would have enough sense to check out the compatability of the planet BEFORE they stepped out. I mean wouldn't that be common sense? They would have seen that there are worlds that can not sustain their life. As for the danger of stepping out and saying Hi, I agree. Any intelligent race would HAVE to know that most of us(humans)would follow the old saying; SHOOT FIRST ASK QUESTIONS LATER. Sad but true. As for their intentions, I think that there are two groups The goodies and the badies. The bad guys are responsible for the scarry stuff - they are nothing more than bullies and terrorists. But there has to be something working to restrain them, otherwise we all WOULD be working as slaves or invited to DINE WITH THEM?? IMO