
“It truly is a quite simple concept, but if you let your own inner conflicts and despair cloud your mind, you will forever delude yourself to believe what "feels right", whichever expedient "faith" proves to be most useful to your own greeds, and your own selfishness, HAS to be right, despite how fallacious it shows itself to be under even the most generous of scrutiny.”

* I think you have put your finger quite squarely on the problem. But the question is: Now that you have identified a personal truth, are you going to act on it? Are you going to reject this Christian nonsense and walk your own honest path?

davewhite04 said:
What facts are you referring too?

i meant they people will believe to all sorts of religious texts, books & scriptures written by uneducated & orthodox people thousands of years ago... and will actually criticize the proven facts of reality today!
* I think you have put your finger quite squarely on the problem. But the question is: Now that you have identified a personal truth, are you going to act on it? Are you going to reject this Christian nonsense and walk your own honest path?

There is no other worthy path than that of Edification.

It has been two years since I was a part of this thread, and have come to realize how little has changed in our humanity. It is still steeped in ignorance, and intellectual indolence. Man still wishes to placate his sublunary propensities of nationalism, self-aggrandizement, and will-to-riches. A sad species man has become.

In the time of the ancients, the universe was that tiny portion of existence on earth. None knew the ineffable scope of existence and perhaps they still do not. But these religions, they are rife with human-simplicity. They exude nothing more than the stench of inadequacy man trails behind him in most of his endeavors for power, money, and self-worth.

To embrace religion is to embrace the ignoratio infinitus: the sterilization of creativity and discovery--a final quietus on edification. In a universe with a hundred billion stars in a hundred billion galaxies...man believes that his place on this pebble amongst a million mountain ranges is one of "complexity" "value" and "purpose" in nature...and yet nature remains wholly indifferent. The universe evolves on a time scale that makes human existence less than a one tick on the clock. Man will come and go, believing that the projection of his ideal self-image, "God", is waiting for him in the afterlife. To give him the valueless emoluments in his dreams, to satiate all appetites of which he was too weak to appease himself, and imbue upon him the granduer that never leaves his thoughts.

"We are human, look at how evolved we are compared to plants and beasts! Surely our desires and dreams are far more important than any other ideals, otherwise they wouldn't be so natural..."

Man will smother himself in his own delusion.

Nature will continue on, wholly and utterly unmoved.

And the ignoratio infinitus will die...having no host to feed upon.

And the spartan intellectuals, the triumphant gladiators standing atop the limp cadavers of their adversaries, will look down with a thin smile, and gracefully outstretch their hand... to embrace eternity.
If "God" did create angels with free-will WHY did he need to create man as well?

He likes to watch reality TV, especially Big Brother earth.
As much as Turtle was (or may have been) making a joke, there is something to be said for a deep rooted psychological need of humans to know that they answer to some powerful justice. Some folk cannot conceive that morals are our own responsibility as a child-species approaching stages of maturity.
If "God" did create angels with free-will WHY did he need to create man as well?

Adstar, possibly IAC, and many other Christians believe that man was consciously created by God in response to Lucifer's fall from heaven and his creation or causation of the material universe including planet earth. Satan wanted to be his own God, so what better way to show your power than to create dinosaurs and cavemen? Hence, Satan created the dinos and cavemen.

God looked down at what Satan was doing and was laughing at him and joking around with Michael and Gabriel about how much of loser Satan was. They were laughing at his dinosaur creation and how much of a moron satan was. Then God said, "Enough of this. Let me create man to restore the earth to heavenly status. I'll simply create man, tell them to serve me, and see what happens." God did just that, and man sinned almost immediately after, thus beginning the incestuous mess of a race which exists today.

I'm guessing God's goal is to get as many people as possible into heaven. I'm not sure how many people or what percentage of people would have to reach heaven in order for the restoration to be a success.

IceAge has said that there is a finite and definite number of human souls/spirits. The one's that aren't living here now are simply in a dormant state. All of the souls/spirits will take their turn going through this shithole of an earth and seeing if they can get their name in the Book of Life.

Let's say God created 1,000,000 people total (clearly this is short, I know). If 500,000 people reached heaven, then 50% of God's creation would have passed the test. If 750,000 went, then 75% would have passed the test.

I'm not sure whether God cares what percentage of his creation goes to heaven or not, but I'm guessing the more the better. Anything over 50% is probably satisfactory. Seeing all the sin in the world today, I'm not sure if even 50% of man has reached heaven, but I have no clue what the qualifications are. Apparently, you can murder someone, ask for forgiveness, and then still go to heaven. David, the man after God's own heart, saw a hot woman, sent her husband to the front lines of battle so he would die, then took the hot woman as his own and made love to her every night. So maybe the number is more like 80%.

Everyone else will go to hell where they will be held temporarily and tortured. Then, a little after the Second Coming, they will be transfered to the Lake of Fire where they will swim in liquid fire for eternity and burn alive forever.


The Hindus believe an entirely different concept. There is no ultimate goal with humanity. There is no end to the material universe as we know it. In fact, the Hindu God didn't even create us consciously or intentially. There are infinite souls which are being created every day and which all will live in the material universe for eternity until they reach heaven, or if they do.