Why wouldn't God let people out of hell?

beyondtimeandspace said:
Alright, *ahem* stretched,

you are correct, what I believe wouldn't be considered "mainstream" Chrsitianity. However, the "mainstream" Christianity is also "modern Christianity." What I profess is Catholocism, which is the Church that follows the lineage of Popes right back to Saint Peter, the Apostle, to whom was said by Christ, "You are Peter (Rock) and upon this Rock I will build my Church.

The following statement:

"Those who refuse salvation through God's son Jesus have automatically chosen eternal separation from God with conscious torment in Hell."

which you quoted, is true GIVEN THAT, a.) you believe Jesus to be God's son, b.) you understand the choice that you're making, c.) you fully choose to reject the salvation wrought by Jesus. This means that if you are unconvinced (for whatever reason) of Christ's divinity, His salvific act, or the need for salvation, then you cannot be held fully responsible for severing yourself from that act. Therefore, you may still receive redemption. It also means that if you are forced to choose against Christ (for whatever reason, and by whatever means) then you, again, cannot be held fully responsible for severing youself from that act. Therefore, you may still receive redemption. It ALSO means that if you have never even heard of Jesus (for whatever reason), and therefore aren't capable of making the conscious choice of accepting Jesus' salvific act (as such), then you cannot be fully held responsible for not accepting it (you may, in fact, be actively living in unison with it, though unaware that you are). Therefore, you may still receive redemption.

In response to your question about #4, I have answered this already (perhaps not in this thread, I'm not sure) in saying that the deaths, either commanded by God, or wrought by God Himself, as spoken by Old Testament authors, cannot be seen as true, as such. What is written in the Old Testament was written for a great many reasons, the least of which was to show that God acted out violently against humans. In fact, what is considered in the Old Testament to be violent acts of God against mankind, or men, is almost always so by very indirect means, none of which could be considered willed activities of God. I reiterate that many of the stories illustrate a human way of justifying bad actions by using God as a front (kinda like what Bush is doing, as well as the terrorists who also use God as a front). Also, many of those stories were simply written from the perspective of humans trying to understand catastrophes (like the flood), and often drew the correlation between wickedness and punishment, and so concluded that it was an action of God (much like many old pagan religions who would perform human sacrifices to the "gods" in order to appease their anger). The enlightened Christian would recognize this and admit that such things could not possible have been done by God, He being, as is asserted, omnibenevolent.


Now, in response to Chazman,

thank you for correcting my misconceived assumptions. However, don't consider my perception shallow, for there are MANY Christians to whom my reasoning can be applied. I simply recognized some patternal forms of language that you have used that indicate a person of such belief and reasoning.

However, you have also made the same mistake that I did, and have assumed many incorrect notions about me and my own beliefs.

In fact, I belief first, and then attempt to understand. I apply my logic to my beliefs, and have always found that my beliefs, and my logic can be reconciled. If God really is the creator of all, and the image of God is Intellect and Free Will, then we were meant to use our intellect, and so I do.

I do, also, believe in the entire truth of the Bible. However, in a different sense, than, perhaps (again, I assume) you. I realize that what truth the Bible is intended to reveal, is entirely true. However, I also recognize that there is much in the Bible that does not coincide with other kinds of truths (ie, scientific truths, historical/archaeological truths, etc...). The Bible was not written to present such truths, and so I do not consider areas that have apparent flaws, or contradictions with regard to known present day truths to be of major concern, since those kinds of truths were not meant to be absolute in the Bible, they aren't the reason the Bible was written.

Furthermore, I would like just to say this last thing. There is a different between saying "why did God do such a horrible thing?" and "why did God allow such a horrible thing to happen." It is quite easy to reconcile the second question with the postulation that God is an omnibenevolent being. However, I doubt the first could ever be reconciled with the notion.

Well,,,,, beyondtimeandspace
I find it realy hard to believe a person of your intellect, would push aside
literal words of the old testment , as some sort of " well they meant something other than what they wrote cause they didn't know how to describe it." or // OR there is some other symbolic meaning ,that you are refurthing too...is so, I would like to see an example of what you mean ..
otherwise your last Paragragh, ::::(:)In response to your question about #4, ))
reasons away whatever is written in the old testment ...as something
other than what it realy is ....
Am I way off base here ???
JustARide said:
Because Hell is clearly a barbaric idea born of God's need for revenge, not punishment.

Punishment is undertaken in order to teach someone a lesson, to make one realize the wrongness of his/her actions. The hope is that the person will emerge better for having paid a price.

Revenge is punishment with the express purpose of inflicting pain. Whether or not the victim realizes or understands the reason is irrelevant. Revenge is taken for the benefit of the one inflicting the revenge.

Thus, since Hell has no rehabilitative function (being, in essence, forever without the chance of parole), it is merely revenge, and not the invention of any so-called "loving" God.

Most likely, Hell served as a great marketing tool for Christianity and it has continued that to this day. I know quite a few people who call themselves Christian merely because they want an insurance policy against Hell when they die.

Fear sells.


"It's just a ride." - Bill Hicks

Correct! Good Job! *applaud*!
caffeine_fubar said:
Correct! Good Job! *applaud*!

WEll , I guess this means YOU for one will find out in he is correct...

I wonder about the other ninty five percent of christains who
have no fear.. what marketing tool was used on them????
Chazman said:
WEll , I guess this means YOU for one will find out in he is correct...

I wonder about the other ninty five percent of christains who
have no fear.. what marketing tool was used on them????

Maybe the carrot, aka heaven? Also, I doubt that 95% of all who at least claim to be Christians are completely confident they're not going to hell. There are various Bible verses and sects in Christianity, calling each other heretics, that to simply "believe in Christ" doesn't seem to be enough to some people. The Bible doesn't always seem clear about salvation. Can one lose it? If one returns to his "sinful ways", can he afterward return to the fold (the passage in Hebrews 6:4-6 talking about "crucifying the Son of God afresh")?

I think there are a lot of people who call themselves Christians who still are concerned about going to hell.
Last edited:
Yo Jenyar,

Quote Jenyar:
"You're talking about people whose birth and circumstances prevented them from hearing the gospel."

S - I am also talking about the fact that you Jenyar, had absolutely no control over firstly, your actual birth into existance, and secondly, where and to who you were born. Yet essentially, you were born into sin. How rightous is that?

Quote Jenyar:
"Another point is that God can kill the body and still save the person - we can't. Your argument relies on putting our act of taking a life on an equal level as God taking a life."

Eesh Jenyar, you know that is pure speculation only. The facts are, the way in which god committed acts of killing were totally clear regarding the murderous aspect of his action. He did in NO WAY imply that he was slaughtering the physical bodies only and not the souls.

Quote Jenyar:
"You don't understand the commandment. God also instated death penalties - as punishment for breaking the commandment."

In most "civilized" countries today. the death penalty has been abolished. This is a sign of moral progress. The Christian god should lead by example. Mankind should not be setting examples of moral progress to an omnipotent god.

Stretched said:
I am also talking about the fact that you Jenyar, had absolutely no control over firstly, your actual birth into existance, and secondly, where and to who you were born. Yet essentially, you were born into sin. How rightous is that?
It's completely unfair, to be certain. Pure grace. Just like it's pure grace that my circumstances don't have to determine who I am, even to the extent that they do. Death would have restored the balance, if God didn't. My life was a gift from God, appropriated by sin and sold to death, bought back by God.
Eesh Jenyar, you know that is pure speculation only. The facts are, the way in which god committed acts of killing were totally clear regarding the murderous aspect of his action. He did in NO WAY imply that he was slaughtering the physical bodies only and not the souls.
You're right. It also doesn't say they went to hell. So we have to work with what we've got. God was blessing Israel and everybody who was faithful to Him. Nobody needed to threaten Israel, or to be excluded from that blessing. The situation was that God became involved with people who had no freedom, no rights, no country, no possessions - and He promised it to them. Would people prevent Him from delivering on His promise? Should they be able to? Is our lives and "freedom" on earth more important than having reason to believe in God - who jealously takes care of his own, and protects them from harm? Even from death, and death without hope? Murder leaves no option for hope, mercy, forgiveness or life. God provides all those things. Or do you deny that He does? If you do, why? And if you don't - why?
In most "civilized" countries today. the death penalty has been abolished. This is a sign of moral progress. The Christian god should lead by example. Mankind should not be setting examples of moral progress to an omnipotent god.
Now look again at your first objection above: did you choose to live? Did you choose to live in a country where the death penalty has been abolished, or where moral progress has been made? Isn't that unfair? Were you just lucky to have standard by which you can measure "moral progress"?

Why do you even expect life to treat you fairly? What law or principle says it must?

Another problem: is it justice that murderers live, or is it mercy? How do you define "fair"? What kind of compensation makes up for the damage a criminal or terrorists causes?
Yo Jenyar,

Quote Jenyar:
"You're right. It also doesn't say they went to hell. So we have to work with what we've got. God was blessing Israel and everybody who was faithful to Him. Nobody needed to threaten Israel, or to be excluded from that blessing. The situation was that God became involved with people who had no freedom, no rights, no country, no possessions - and He promised it to them. Would people prevent Him from delivering on His promise? Should they be able to? Is our lives and "freedom" on earth more important than having reason to believe in God - who jealously takes care of his own, and protects them from harm? Even from death, and death without hope? Murder leaves no option for hope, mercy, forgiveness or life. God provides all those things. Or do you deny that He does? If you do, why? And if you don't - why?"

S - We are not talking here about any old tribal god. How can a god who created the universe become "involved" with a poeple? This god is the creator of the infinite universe. Do I need to expand on this logic? Unfortunately Jenyar, and this is my logic and not my gut, God provides nothing that we can be certain of. The odds that hope, mercy, forgiveness or life, is a natural product of human nature and not from or even ispired by a supernatural source is overwhelmingly great.

Quote Jenyar:
"Now look again at your first objection above: did you choose to live? Did you choose to live in a country where the death penalty has been abolished, or where moral progress has been made? Isn't that unfair? Were you just lucky to have standard by which you can measure "moral progress"?"

S - I am infinitly gratefull for all of my circumstance.

Quote Jenyar:
"Why do you even expect life to treat you fairly? What law or principle says it must?"

In my opinion life has been exceptionally cruel to me. Yet I have modified my expectations to accomodate my infinite gratitude for that which I do have. But I will never except that the being or force to which I am indebted to, is anything at all like the Christian god.

Quote Jenyar:
"Another problem: is it justice that murderers live, or is it mercy? How do you define "fair"? What kind of compensation makes up for the damage a criminal or terrorists causes?"

S - In the context of human nature, we all have the capacity to murder. Life seems to display a fundemental "unfairness". I suppose the option of showing mercy is a debateable issue. If you are saying that the compensation of an eternal blissfull hereafter with your maker is a possible solution to the insanity committed by mankind in the name of politics and religion, that would seem to me a very dangerous thought.

Yo cool dudie beyondtimeandspace,

"In response to your question about #4, I have answered this already (perhaps not in this thread, I'm not sure) in saying that the deaths, either commanded by God, or wrought by God Himself, as spoken by Old Testament authors, cannot be seen as true, as such."

S - Then you have to concede that the Bible is not inerrant nor divinely inspired. But it seems the Catholic Church has managed to sqiurm out of that one!


"We believe that the Bible is God-inspired, inerrant when interpreted correctly by the Church (and this is fluid, as science and other observations help us with this task), but not inerrant by the Protestant definition."


stretched said:
Yo cool dudie beyondtimeandspace,

"In response to your question about #4, I have answered this already (perhaps not in this thread, I'm not sure) in saying that the deaths, either commanded by God, or wrought by God Himself, as spoken by Old Testament authors, cannot be seen as true, as such."

S - Then you have to concede that the Bible is not inerrant nor divinely inspired. But it seems the Catholic Church has managed to sqiurm out of that one!


"We believe that the Bible is God-inspired, inerrant when interpreted correctly by the Church (and this is fluid, as science and other observations help us with this task), but not inerrant by the Protestant definition."



What would be the name of this church? from what sec is your belief
system???? christain science???
Just wondering !
stretched said:
We are not talking here about any old tribal god. How can a god who created the universe become "involved" with a poeple? This god is the creator of the infinite universe. Do I need to expand on this logic? Unfortunately Jenyar, and this is my logic and not my gut, God provides nothing that we can be certain of. The odds that hope, mercy, forgiveness or life, is a natural product of human nature and not from or even ispired by a supernatural source is overwhelmingly great.
Because he also created people. What better reason to be involved with them.

God is not meant to prove anything. You also prove nothing, does that make you irrelevant? And the overwhelming odds are that hope, mercy and forgiveness are "super"natural. They intrude upon our natures, don't they? But no matter how overwhelming their origins are, they no more overwhelming than our origins. They don't add weight to your argument.

I am infinitly gratefull for all of my circumstance.
Do you have any reason to be? Is "being grateful" a natural response to the inevitability of nature?

In my opinion life has been exceptionally cruel to me. Yet I have modified my expectations to accomodate my infinite gratitude for that which I do have. But I will never except that the being or force to which I am indebted to, is anything at all like the Christian god.
Even when what you have done is what the Christian God justifies doing? You didn't just modify your expectation to create an imaginary debtor, did you? You did it in recognition of something.

In the context of human nature, we all have the capacity to murder. Life seems to display a fundemental "unfairness". I suppose the option of showing mercy is a debateable issue. If you are saying that the compensation of an eternal blissfull hereafter with your maker is a possible solution to the insanity committed by mankind in the name of politics and religion, that would seem to me a very dangerous thought.
It's no solution. The solution is in making steps like you describe above reasonable. Not just reasonable, but necessary for repairing a broken relationship. In that repaired relationship, we can be who we are even under the most unfair circumstances. Because "fairness" isn't in our hands, or available in this life only. But it is available, and as you have proved to yourself - gratitude is not excluded. Many people won't even go that far.
Yo Chazman,

Follow the link dude. That statement is from the creed of the Catholic Church.

stretched said:
Then you have to concede that the Bible is not inerrant nor divinely inspired. But it seems the Catholic Church has managed to sqiurm out of that one!


"We believe that the Bible is God-inspired, inerrant when interpreted correctly by the Church (and this is fluid, as science and other observations help us with this task), but not inerrant by the Protestant definition."

I can't agree with beyondtimeandspace's answer. Denying that God had anything to do with the accounts in the Bible is just as erroneous as saying He did it himself, regardless of the people involved.
anonymous2 said:
Maybe the carrot, aka heaven? Also, I doubt that 95% of all who at least claim to be Christians are completely confident they're not going to hell. There are various Bible verses and sects in Christianity, calling each other heretics, that to simply "believe in Christ" doesn't seem to be enough to some people. The Bible doesn't always seem clear about salvation. Can one lose it? If one returns to his "sinful ways", can he afterward return to the fold (the passage in Hebrews 6:4-6 talking about "crucifying the Son of God afresh")?

I think there are a lot of people who call themselves Christians who still are concerned about going to hell.

All good points here !! and very true,, but very unfortunate as well.
True,,, there are many counterfeits. even more counterfeits, than there
authentic true believes. this is part of the problem, and one of satins big
delights. the bible also says :
the path to hell is wide and open....
the path to heaven is short and narrow...
people always want proof , there is no devil , etc.....
evil does not bother those that it already has in it grasp...
But try being a born again true believer for a few days, see what type of attacks one would encounter, the point of these attacks is to bring a
believer down, so he cannot wittness, or effectively wittness to others
about salvation, and Christ Jesus, this is were alot stumble, and need to realy
on there weapons---> faith, word of GOD, prayer, blood of Christ, etc...
I have yet to find direct scriptures that support anyone able to lose there salvation. question should be ... are the realy saved to begin with ???
being saved, and forgive, does not mean that one will never do no sin again.
just simlpy that there sins have been atoined for past present and future.
however in a persons true heart cannot go out and do as they please ,
because the flesh will now tempt the new spirit man into sin ,
this is where the WAR is heb 6:6 if they should fall away ( flesh over spirit man inside ). afresh = second time , or twice. one over top the other, again...

again the question may be is one really saved to begin with?
good trees bare good fruit
bad trees bare bad fruit.... :eek:
Jenyar said:
I can't agree with beyondtimeandspace's answer. Denying that God had anything to do with the accounts in the Bible is just as erroneous as saying He did it himself, regardless of the people involved.
secound the motion and evryone said AMEN>
stretched said:
Yo Chazman,

Follow the link dude. That statement is from the creed of the Catholic Church.


so you gather your beleifs from : --> Written by David Bennett
or the bible according to : --> Written by David Bennett
maybe "bible edit" :--> Written by David Bennett

sorry to be so brass, but if you are going to make a statment and expect
other to aggree, or at least try to understand , try using scriptures instead
they are alittle more convincing...than someone elses thoughts...

My wife was born and raised a devote catholic, even raised in the convent
she only got these missles , she was never actual encouraged to realy read the bible on her own.. so she could put the missles in line with scriptures..
so why read for yourself when all you need to do is listen to the father of the church..
when you leave these links to these pages, they do no justice ,
they are only another person that you aggree with, this does not make them true.. :eek:

is it realy true , do catholics pray to the saints??? say like saint peter.
Yo Chazman,

Relax, I am an agnostic. I don`t do any Christianity. The link is from a recognised Catholic site called - "Ancient and Future Catholics" (find here: http://www.ancient-future.net/) David Bennet is the Editor. Just as your Bible was edited by countless David Bennets over the millenia, so today is David Bennet editing his electronic version of Christian "truth".

Chazman said:
Well,,,,, beyondtimeandspace
I find it realy hard to believe a person of your intellect, would push aside
literal words of the old testment , as some sort of " well they meant something other than what they wrote cause they didn't know how to describe it." or // OR there is some other symbolic meaning ,that you are refurthing too...is so, I would like to see an example of what you mean ..
otherwise your last Paragragh, ::::(:)In response to your question about #4, ))
reasons away whatever is written in the old testment ...as something
other than what it realy is ....
Am I way off base here ???

Chazman, it isn't that I think the authors of the OT wrote what they did because they didn't know how to describe it, it's that they wrote in a way that THEY understood. Furthermore, I'm not saying everything in the OT (or NT) is symbolic, or non-literal. I'm simply saying that one must read with a discerning eye, and studious manner. Every part of the Bible was chosen because it had relation to, and connectedness with every other part. So, in reading and studying any part of the Bible, it must be taken in relation to, and in the understanding of, every other part. Therefore, if the God of the NT is a loving, forgiving God, one who is not quick to anger or wrath, as is the one of the OT, then there is a reason for it. It is not that God "changed" for God is said to be immutable (and must be since He is also said to be infinite). Therefore, if God did not change, then it must be that the human perspective changed, or maybe the intention.

As example of what I mean by the author writing in a way that HE (or the people of the time) understood (rather than in a way that everyone in every age understands), consider Matthew 1:25 "And he did not know her until she brought forth her firstborn son. And he called his name Jesus." This is in regards to Mary and Joseph as not procreating prior to the birth of Jesus. WE would understand the word "until" to mean that after she gave birth to Jesus, then they procreated afterward. However, this is not the sense that the author had when writing this. To see that this is true read Psalms 109:1, Matthew 12:20, 1Timothy 4:13 and consider the term in the context of those passages. Furthermore, in this same passage, consider the word "know." What is implied by Joseph "knowing" Mary is sex. This is because in the understanding of the time, knowledge did not simply refer to a passing idea of something, but rather a deep intimate experience of it. To better understand this, consider what it means for a veteran to say "I know what war is like" as compared to little johnny who just saw Saving Private Ryan saying "I know what war is like." The authors of the Scriptures wrote in ways that they understood, and the people of their time would understand. Jesus spoke in parables. This is because stories had much more meaning to people in those days. By this I mean that if you tell a story about a wicked nation being destroyed by God, the idea of the story is that when you do bad things, bad things happen, and doing bad things is contrary to God, therefore don't act contrary to God, and it would have impacted them deeply. Nowadays, we pick apart the story, ask questions like "did it really happen this way?" or say things like "that doesn't make sense, that is completely out of character!" We are not affected by stories in the same way that they would have been, and therefore we should not consider the stories from modern perspective. Such stories as you will find in the Bible, spoken by Jesus in teaching, or written in the OT, again for the sake of teaching, don't necessarily have historical basis or accuracy. Some do, but this doesn't mean that all of them do. We shouldn't be concerned with their historical accuracy, since that isn't what they were written for. Would you ask, "did the good samaritan story really happen?" Of course not, because it is understood that Jesus was making a point. Then why would you say, "the order from God to slaughter of the men, women and children of Jericho really happened." Instead of concerning yourself with such meaningless queries, or postulations, consider what the author of the story was trying to express. This is the real truth to be found in the Bible, for that was how the authors were inspired, why they were inspired. The inspiration was to teach by story, whether the story be accurate, inaccurate, mythical, or ficticious. AGAIN, this is not for every part of the OT and I do not mean to imply that it is. For example, Leviticus contains Levitical Laws. These are not stories, but edicts concerning healthy manner of living. Therefore, the above reasoning does not apply. However, even these laws must be considered with respect to every other part of Scripture. That is, how are such laws protrayed in stories, what uses do they play, how do they line up with Jesus' teachings, what effects do they have in different stories, etc...?

I hope this clarifies things a bit, but I'll be quiet for now because now I feel like I'm rambling :p .
stretched said:
Yo Chazman,

Relax, I am an agnostic. I don`t do any Christianity. The link is from a recognised Catholic site called - "Ancient and Future Catholics" (find here: http://www.ancient-future.net/) David Bennet is the Editor. Just as your Bible was edited by countless David Bennets over the millenia, so today is David Bennet editing his electronic version of Christian "truth".


OHHH.. cool . now things make alot more sense, at lest your now being up front with it.. I was realy starting to wonder where you were coming from
there for awhile .. ALOT of inconstistant, writings from yourself you know..
anyhow,,,, you being agnostic ( correct me if i am wrong here ).
you believe in nothing??? no absolutes ??? if so
If you believe in nothing , does this mean you still believe you are agnostic.
in you still believe you are agnostic, then you do believe in something,
which means you could not possibly be agnostic.
Yahhhh! how you like that for awhile ..... I deal with this stupid stuff all the time. :D
hey rambling is ok to .....
I agree with everthing you have written , and very wonderfully put ,,until....
I started to get to this point:::::

We are not affected by stories in the same way that they would have been, and therefore we should not consider the stories from modern perspective.

From there on things kinda fall apart for ya !!!

It's kinda like your saying alot of things just don't matter if the story was real or not
and we should only apply the stories that pertain to us now in the present time ..

well that just kinda punks god out.. would it be easier for us to modenize the bible to fit our needs today, and out what is errelavent...
I do think you are short changing yourself, there is alot more here than meets the eye...