Why worship?

It's called compassion. If he was the power to prevent these things and doesn't, then he's not a nice entity, and why should we venerate something that's not nice to us?
Should we venerate our fellow humans then?. As we can be at times compassionate and at times indifferent.

Nature is fickle, we still go and marvel at its wonders. We do not demand anything in return for that.
Worshipping God was/is the cornerstone for the development of human creativity. This is why there is so much religious art and sculpture, music, ideas, stories, etc., even in the early days. The oldest art is about gods.

God cannot be seen with the sensory systems, like we can see trees and nature. God is not directly viewable, outside the person, on a regular basis, like nature. God is mostly viewed like an abstraction, through the mind's eye, using emotions and intuitions to connect the image to the body in a sensory feel; feel his presence.

Since God has no bounds, according to theory, this premise frees the imagination to attribute anything in the mind's eye. This is useful for thinking outside the box of material reality. If man was intended to fly he would have wings to the sensory thinker. The mind-eye is not limit to this, and can see wings on man. If he feels this in his heart, he becomes like a finger of God adding to creation. Now man is can fly beyond nature. This is good skill to teach children, who can then use it or not.
Maybe we feel that man is fragile, mortal, pitiful,
therefore we need mercy from a supernatural being?

Of course we are mortal but it is rare to view ones self as fragile or pitiful. In fact, most or at least a very large number lean more towards the narcissist side and often times it is detrimental. But...um, there are always things to "worship" out there so it is just another facet of being human.
Why humans have the tendency to worship something? Either it is the invisible God or idols.
Most religions have something for you to respect and worship, to feel awesome about it.
Is this the natural psychology?

Idols were not worshipped. Idols were symbols which helped people to focus.
Idols were not worshipped. Idols were symbols which helped people to focus.
Furthermore, an object around which worship is focused is a pretty natural development in religion. It makes sense for what religion is from a social sciences perspective. Religion is the method by which a group of people--or an individual--interacts with "the sacred", which could be just about anything. As such, having an object or symbol to focus on as a sacred image greatly aids that process, and facilitates socialization.
Why humans have the tendency to worship something? Either it is the invisible God or idols.
Most religions have something for you to respect and worship, to feel awesome about it.
Is this the natural psychology?

Is it natural for people to not realize that only an insecure, immature, vain, selfish narcissist would want, need or accept worship & would not be worthy of respect?

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