Why worship God?

Originally posted by Jeremy
1: o.k., so I was not nice to test you, but then your other threads (So what will happen to me?) post was not so nice either. I treat people with as much kindness and politeness as they show me or show others. My theory is, politeness is wasted on rude people.

boy oh boy....Do you seriously except people to be nice under a religion forum that involves everything from Atheists, gnostics, christians, muslims, ect.........You are toooo funny....You really need to start going to church if you are looking for a pig barbeque and dancing singing niceness contest atmosphere. Around here, people look for punching bags to vent their thoughts and complains about life. You don't expect me to have these conversations with my collegues or boss at work do you? Or better with my husband.....I'd be fired tomorrow and immediately divorced, so you see, sciforums is helping me keep my job and my marriage....I might start donating to them for that great service.

Originally posted by Jeremy
2.You are reading this...so yes, you do care. Although your talk of carrying weapons and cars driving over me is interesting. Hate is emotion. Are you emotionally attached to me in a hateful way? Truly not caring is complete indifference. What would God think about such violent thoughts.

I really don't care, and I'm not thinking voilently a bit. Just realistically, if I die right now, would you give a damn? Of course not.....Why do you always see the glass half empty when reading my posts? I'm just being brutally honest...that's all.
Flors 06-18-03 at 01:53 PM

1. I think you meant expect people to be nice? Maybe not expect, but hope...yes. It gets back to making the right choice. I choose to be nice, when practical(which is most of the time)? If I am nice to you, you will (maybe) be a little nicer to the next person and so on. Wishful thinking perhaps, but the alternative is worse.

1B. I am not looking for a punching bag (there is that violence thing again....maybe you need more sleep?.:) ) but be my guest, punch away. I am looking for a level headed exchange of ideas from the sole. I do not like it much when people 'rest' an argument on religious writings, using them as a 'proof' of a theory. I am really looking more for thoughts that are strong enough to rest on their own merits. Simple and concise. Almost self evident, if you will. And no, I would not recommend discussing religion in a work setting, etc...and do, please do donate to this forum.

2.Of course I would care if you died, or where hurt. I know you now(in a very, very small way). When I hear of someone dying on T.V. I never feel good about it. Do you? My writings have spent time in your mind, and visa versa, I am now part of you (in a very, very small way of course), all of our interactions throughout life help to form us into whatever we are. If you see a horrible image does it not become part of you? Can you not still see in your minds eye an image of a dead child being plucked out of the ocean after an Air India plane was blown up over the Atlantic more than a decade ago? You may not care much if I live or die, but you still care about my opinion, as you would not be reading this otherwise.

2B. Just for the record: The glass is always full. Think about it.
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Re:Flores on 06-18-03 at 12:54 PM

"Because it is good for our own soul. "

Getting back to the thread, how does worshipping God benefit our sole? Go for a walk in the woods, canoe on a lake, lay in the shade on a hot summers day. This is good for your sole. This is enjoying Gods work. To say a little prayer in your head can't get you closer to God, can it? Religion takes you away from this, does it not? It attempts to fill your head with poppycock.

God is OK. if we don't bow down and acknowledge him daily. Try it for one day. Spend a whole day without God or religion in your head. Open your eyes to see the good around you. God does not need to be praised, nor do we need to praise him. It is silly to think he needs such adoration.
You are cool Jeremy, :m:

To not rely on religious scriptures to understand theism and the creation is an impossible thing. Really, we are not capable of understanding things alone, humans needed the guidance and they recieved in the forms of three wonderful developmental phases called Judiasm, Christianity, and Islam. Three phases meant to teach the same thing, but somehow got horribly tangled and confused.

When you ask why worship god? I know you are thinking about one thing....why does god need my worshiping? Your free will and thinking ability is driving you to try to think and justify for god, and that's not possible....unless you accept the notion that the omelet you just made can rise from the plate and start justifying to you why are you eating it and how do you feel about it.... You only need to think and justify for yourself and examine what worshiping does to you and not what it does for god or others.

I appreciate what you call you being nice to me, but please note that you weren't that nice afterall, for I have seen you mock ideas dear to me and mock me even in person. Afterall, I don't hear everyday, she's a bloody muslim, christian hater. If you wish, I can direct you to the post, but it's unnecessary. So please don't paint a distorted picture in your head about how you treat people nice and how people treat you.

Remember, the snake looks all nice too, sitting pretty not saying a word, subtle....then.......Have you ever heard of a loud snake? Oh would that be a stupid snake giving away it's cover. So maybe being loud and forward is nice in the eyes of god, and maybe your quiteness, surface niceness with no reason, or subtelness is as far from nice as you can get.
Originally posted by Jeremy

Getting back to the thread, how does worshipping God benefit our sole? Go for a walk in the woods, canoe on a lake, lay in the shade on a hot summers day. This is good for your sole. This is enjoying Gods work. To say a little prayer in your head can't get you closer to God, can it? Religion takes you away from this, does it not? It attempts to fill your head with poppycock.

God is OK. if we don't bow down and acknowledge him daily. Try it for one day. Spend a whole day without God or religion in your head. Open your eyes to see the good around you. God does not need to be praised, nor do we need to praise him. It is silly to think he needs such adoration.[/COLOR]

You are completely wrong. I for one is very intimite with nature, for I chose environmental engineering to gain a bachelor, Master degree in, and I'm still working in that field. I don't think you have a clue about nature when you go out and take a walk in the wood or a canoe on a lake. Do you ever see the seamless web that connects everything, do you wonder about it? That's god, and to not think about the creator of all this, is not to understand things correctly and not to appreciate it's beauty and connectivity.

For some of us that do feel this beauty of life we are compelled to bow down. Our soul is humbeled by it's vastness, and so we worship, because we need to, and not because we are told to.

I have been crazy before to go and pray outside in nature in the dark, specially on bright nights. I like it, and you aught to try it sometime.
The tangeled mess. "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive" Religion is a tanlged mess becuase it bases its existance on bowing down to a God who does not want to be bowed down to. All the works of all the prophets were written by us dumb humans. If we can not understand on our own, why would you trust them over your own mind? It is an inconsistent argument. You might respond that Gods work can only be revelled to prophets. I do not buy this.

p.s. My non-nice comments were posed as a question, not a statement. What you consider mocking, is probably due to your sensitive nature on the topic . Sorry to mock.
There are many reasons to worship God, not the least of which is that Satan and his angels hear you.
I don't believe God needs our mindless adoration; he/she/it doesn't require anything of us.

It's the reflection on your own thoughts/actions, with improvement in mind, that is important and beneficial to us.

But does God even deserve worshipping. A lot of bad things are happening out there. The freedom of choice argument only goes so far. Bad things DO happen to good people. Why should God get all the credit for life's miracles, and be detached from the horrible events.
Perhaps, then, the gnostics were right in their belief that there were two gods- the transcendental, unfathomable supreme spirit (the true, "good" god) and the evil/ignorant Demiurge.
Hi, everyone. It seems there are different people try to find common in this so complicated matter. My question is: are we , as human souls, in ONE evolutional level or maybe...?
Originally posted by jugla1
Hi, everyone. It seems there are different people try to find common in this so complicated matter. My question is: are we , as human souls, in ONE evolutional level or maybe...?

Are you suggesting that some of us are morehuman than others. That not all are as close to god as......maybe you? We are, as soles, on unequal footing? Is this a Budhist thing? Or maybe us 'sinners' are not as worthy? Is this not what helps to fan the flames of war? That some are less human?

I do not think it is complicated at all, the smoke and mirrors of religion (Wizard of OZ) try to make it so.