why we need ghosts

Holy Ghost 2: A Newer Testament, coming soon to a theater near you.

2019 model, totally redesigned and improved for greater mileage. 4 wheel drive optional.

Hey, Rolls Royce had a "Silver Ghost", a little too spendy for most....o_O

Never could find a Rolls Royce junk yard. Forever relegated to haunt the upper class with the memory and occasional apparition of the old "Silver Ghost".
The lesson of ghosts is a Buddhist one--stop being so attached to the things of this world and elevate yourself to the present eternity of pure awareness. A ghost is a hungry vestige of a poorly lived life, needing liberation into the higher planes of being. If you find yourself haunted by a remnant of the past, let it go. Be in this complete and sufficient moment, and find in this luminous immediacy the fountain of your true and timeless being.
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Just remember - we are spirits in the material world.
Holy crap never thought of that

Thought I was just falling out of bed

Not being pushed

Thought bubble

Do holy ghost take holy craps and what makes a ghost holy?

Will the pope become a holy ghost?

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The truths of life are deeper than factuality. They reach into the very depths of our souls.
What truths?

This phrase is tossed around as though THE TRUTH is some sort of massive secret, which when "found" will "open" your "mind" and in essence give you knowledge and superpowers to rule the Universe

But apart from the hint - THE TRUTH - is out there (where else would it be?) nothing is mentioned about what THE TRUTH will refer to?

The truths of life are deeper than factuality

So THE TRUTH is not a fact? Curious observation. Does that make THE TRUTH a LIE?

They reach into the very depths of our souls

Ummmm now we have a bunch of lies reaching into the very depths of a non existent aspect of our body

Got it

Anybody like to buy another bottle of snake oil?

The lesson of ghosts is a Buddhist one--stop being so attached to the things of this world and elevate yourself to the present eternity of pure awareness. A ghost is a hungry vestige of a poorly lived life, needing liberation into the higher planes of being. If you find yourself haunted by a remnant of the past, let it go. Be in this complete and sufficient moment, and find in this luminous immediacy the fountain of your true and timeless being.
I'm not sure if you are interpreting this correctly.
In buddhism there exist Tulpas.
upload_2019-1-18_15-53-22.jpeg upload_2019-1-18_15-50-12.jpeg Tulpa
Tulpa is a concept in mysticism and the paranormal of a being or object which is created through spiritual or mental powers. It was adapted by 20th century theosophists from Tibetan sprul-pa which means "emanation" or "manifestation". Wikipedia


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Spirits are made by yeast, sugar and some distilling!
However......, what is it in distilled spirits that affects the normal mental functions so drastically? What is the effect of distilling, the infusion of higher spirits inherent in the product..........o_O
A ghost is a hungry vestige of a poorly lived life, needing liberation into the higher planes of being.
According to you, then, it's their own fault they are ghosts? Does that apply in all cases?

If you find yourself haunted by a remnant of the past, let it go. Be in this complete and sufficient moment, and find in this luminous immediacy the fountain of your true and timeless being.
That sounds more like Buddhism.
According to you, then, it's their own fault they are ghosts? Does that apply in all cases?

Not always. Being murdered might leave you a ghost as well as committing suicide. Some might not even know they're dead.
I would like to know where they get the chains to rattle when they are on the other side?

I don't know why their clothes get to make the trip with them to the other side, either. And why they end up all washed-out when they do so, like they're in black and white. In fact, what's the whole deal with the greyscale on ghosts? Why no colour?
I would like to know where they get the chains to rattle when they are on the other side?
Jacob Marley forged his chain in life, apparently to protect his cashboxes. He proved that you can take it with you - though there probably isn't much to spend it on "over there".