why we need ghosts

What we have here is some rescue workers who heard a voice which they believe to be coming from inside the car.

This is not exactly an inexplicable event - after all there were two living people in the car. OK, so one died and the other fell unconscious before they got in.

We can debate about the veracity of events, and the details - but nothing in this accounting even remotely points toward anything paranormal, let alone ghosts.

Again, the fact that it passes your personal litmus test, says nothing about whether it has enough evidence to warrant any more serious consideration.

So, what else do we got?
What we have here is some rescue workers who heard a voice which they believe to be coming from inside the car.

This is not exactly an inexplicable event - after all there were two living people in the car. OK, so one died and the other fell unconscious before they got in.

Actually there was one dead body in the car and an unconscious baby. 4 rescue workers heard cries for help from the car and one such cry was recorded on a body cam. The cries were clear enough to get the 4 workers to all lift the overturned car on its side, at which time a worker crawled on top and found the baby inside. This is what happened. There is no denying it. Moving on.
A trollish thing to say. If you've nothing to contribute, keep it to yourself.

People outside the car won't know if someone inside were unconscious until they actually got to them.
That's kind of sanity.

The baby was unconscious. It had been in the car for 48 hours hanging upside down and suffering hypothermia. Those are the facts of the case.
Not until the rescuers found them there weren't.

Yes there were. They had been in the car for 48 hours. The mother was quite dead and the baby was unconscious before the car was lifted out of the water. You skeptics will make up any shit to get out of believing in the paranormal.
The baby was unconscious. It had been in the car for 48 hours hanging upside down and suffering hypothermia. Those are the facts of the case.
The baby was not known to be unconscious until it was reached by the workers.
To suggest anything else is to spin a yarn.
The baby was not known to be unconscious until it was reached by the workers.
To suggest anything else is to spin a yarn.

Bullshit. The baby was already unconscious before they got to it. You're just making shit up again. Besides, an 18 month old baby doesn't know to cry for help in a desperate situation. And the voice was a woman's voice, not a baby's. So no..no conscious baby calling for help inside the car.
Right. You believe in ghosts calling rescuers and I'm insane.

You are making shit up because you really, really want to believe in ghosts.

Unfortunately, even a strong desire to believe in something does not make that something true.

The facts of the case prove otherwise. Ghosts actually exist. Get used to it.
Bullshit. The baby was already unconscious before they got to it.
More embellishment. Shame.

You're just making shit up again.
Unless the rescue workers have X-ray vision, I state incontrovertible fact. They did not know the state of the victims until they found them.

Besides, an 18 month old baby doesn't know to cry for help in a desperate situation.
Your personal opinion on that is trumped by actual 18-month toddlers speaking in coherent sentences.

And the voice was a woman's voice, not a baby's.
You know perfectly well that there is no way they can know that.

That's enough MR. You've stated your opinion on what you think it is. In light of critical analysis it is simply insufficient evidence of anything ghostly - to anyone but you and some people who want you to watch their video. You can't make others see things as you do.

Best this is is mysterious. Nothing here points to any paranormal explanation whatsoever.

Find something compelling next time.
More embellishment. Shame.

Unless the rescue workers have X-ray vision, I state incontrovertible fact. They did not know the state of the victims until they found them.

Your personal opinion on that is trumped by actual 18-month toddlers speaking in coherent sentences.

You know perfectly well that there is no way they can know that.

That's enough MR. You've stated your opinion on what you think it is. In light of critical analysis it is simply insufficient evidence of anything ghostly - to anyone but you and some people who want you to watch their video.

Best this is is mysterious. Nothing here points to any paranormal explanation whatsoever.

Find something compelling next time.

Troll along now troll..