why we need ghosts

I don't think that we literally need ghosts, but I will say that I personally like the idea of scientific anomalies.

By that I mean events that fall outside the scope of the current scientistic worldview.

The existence of non-conforming events would mean that we don't have all the answers yet, and that amazing discoveries still remain to be made.

I realize that the idea that such things are even possible is likely to be extremely controversial on Sciforums.

But I prefer to think that there's more to reality than we imagine, and very likely more to reality than we can imagine.
I see it exactly in the reverse. IMO, reality from necessity is based on simple mathematical functions and interactions of the *stuff* which makes up our universe. Granting that we do not know everything that make up this stuff and their mathematical functions and interactions, humans can and do imagine things which are not mathematically possible.

A sentient and motivated God is but one example of a mathematically impossible human imaginary construct, IMO. The fact that many people believe in such a construct is due to a human need to make sense of those things we do not yet understand.

In the past Gods were part of our everyday life, but as we learn and understand more and more of universal functions all those gods have fallen by the wayside, until there was only an Image (Tulpa) of a single God, which already has become a *God of the gaps*, due to our ever expanding knowledge of the stuff and their mathematical functions and interactions in this universe.
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In context of the popularity of * ghoulies, ghosties, and things that go bump in the night*, allows us to entertain these improbable subjects and *hidden* living entities among us.
I am a Fantasy fan, but also a Realist and try to keep the two separated.
In context of the popularity of * ghoulies, ghosties, and things that go bump in the night*, allows us to entertain these improbable subjects and *hidden* living entities among us.
I am a Fantasy fan, but also a Realist and try to keep the two separated.
Is that the difference between a Fantasy Realist and a Magical Realist? ;)
In context of the popularity of * ghoulies, ghosties, and things that go bump in the night*, allows us to entertain these improbable subjects and *hidden* living entities among us.
I am a Fantasy fan, but also a Realist and try to keep the two separated.

The distinction is important but why does a living being have to be just like us to exist? What makes us the only definition of real or existing?
Do you ever wonder why we can create all these things that dont exist? What i mean by that is it does exist or is real on some level of our consciousness either by dynamics or metaphor. Creation comes in many forms, doesn't it? Why do we have this constant need to create and purge? Nature is always creating in one form or another. For good or ill.

Take, for instance, dracula by bram stoker. How in the heck could anyone think of such a mythic being? There are no undead people who suck the blood of the living. but hold on. There are people who predate on others and its not always literal or obvious. There are those who are toxic or draining who feed off the energy of others. The modern term is psychic vampirism. Do you know there are people who do this to get extra energy to even help them become successful at anothers expense? All is not as it seems in the world. The transactions taking place are not all in visible form such as cash.

What makes people think we cant or even unconsciously create ghosts? That we cant project our thoughts and feelings to create living entities? We know by experience that we not only affect others by thought but also energetically. Havent you ever detected 'vibes' around people and surroundings? What makes people think its impossible that at times it may be extremely strong and we emit thoughts positive or negative so strongly, it can act as a force or shadow. A living entity or refuse of ourselves from the darkest, vilest, evil aspects that would be termed demons to the light, good or higher consciousness we would term angels. Sometimes we get to see all that is hidden inside of our multilayered beings and surroundings with the masks we wear or surface identity as we go about our daily lives. Sometimes pieces of us break off and get absorbed by the environment or vice versa. Sometimes another can steal a piece of your soul or its given. Its energy. We are giving off things constantly to our environment as much as we absorb and are affected by it, much of it unseen. Sometimes we may see it in literal symbolic form.

We dont just act on a literal level and only affected on that level. There is more going on that we call reality beyond that is visible. Sometimes, it becomes visible.

I think ghosts can be due to several reasons. It could be people who have passed, beings from another dimension and also just a chip off the old block. A segment or piece of life force broken off from a living being. What shape it takes and its nature would have a lot to do with who it came from. Demon, angel or just benign. It comes from us. We are its creator. Our shadow selves, for better or worse.

Really WTF are you getting at?

Sure I have chemicals, but what you say is ridiculous.
The distinction is important but why does a living being have to be just like us to exist? What makes us the only definition of real or existing?
Things don't have to be like *us* to exist. Inanimate matter is also real, just not sentient, IOW, it does NOT know it exists.
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Things don't have to be like *us* to exist. Inanimate matter is also real, just not sentient, IOW, it does NOT know it exists.
He was inferring to a living being, not inanimate matter. I thought his point valid: who's to say we are the only expression of living existence?
There can be many kinds of life-form, but they all have to adhere to the laws of physics, chemistry and biology. Ghosts and ghouls don't. What goes bump in the night is probably an overambitious rat or clumsy cockroach, depending on the amplitude of the *bump!*.
There can be many kinds of life-form, but they all have to adhere to the laws of physics, chemistry and biology

Only to the laws of physics as we currently know them. The Big Bang, black holes, and quantum entanglement are phenomena that don't adhere to our known laws either. Whose to say that ghosts and other energy entities aren't in that same category?
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Only to the laws of physics as we currently know them. The Big Bang, black holes, and quantum entanglement are phenomena that don't adhere to our known laws either. Whose to say that ghosts and other energy entities aren't in that same category?
We have evidence of these natural events which obviously are/were NOT sentient, but NO (reliable) evidence of *immaterial* sentience. That belongs in the realm of *spiritualism*, which is trying to give *meaning* to the mathematical nature of the universe.

But our brain is so esily fooled, its almost pathetic. We *perceive* tghings that don't exist and *fail to perceive* things right in front of us. It's called *selective attention*.

Interesting experiment: The original selective attention task;

Do try it, it a remarkable example of how our brains work.
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We have evidence of these natural events which obviously are/were NOT sentient, but NO (reliable) evidence of *immaterial* sentience. That belongs in the realm of *spiritualism*, which is trying to give *meaning* to the mathematical nature of the universe..

We have mountains of evidence for ghosts and paranormal phenomena. Go thru the list of about 50 threads posted in this forum if you have any doubts. Here's one now!

I used to be an avid photographer and developed my own pictures. The link you gave does not provide evidence of *living ghosts*.

Yes it does. And there are tons of eyewitness accounts of the same. It is what it is. Sorry if that bursts your bubble.
We have mountains of evidence for ghosts and paranormal phenomena.
Your definition of "mountains" or "evidence" (or both) are vastly different than mine. Maybe you are referring to "mountains" on a neutron star, which might be a neutron or so high. And by "evidence" you must be including hearsay, fuzzy pictures, fuzzy videos, and crackpot testimonies. :)
Your definition of "mountains" or "evidence" (or both) are vastly different than mine. Maybe you are referring to "mountains" on a neutron star, which might be a neutron or so high. And by "evidence" you must be including hearsay, fuzzy pictures, fuzzy videos, and crackpot testimonies. :)

You don't impress me as anyone who has ever in his life researched the evidence for paranormal phenomenon. Maybe you should stick to something you know, like penis jokes. ;)
Me? You're the one seeing ghosts everywhere. Do you also see fairies? :)

I've never encountered a ghost. But then I've never encountered a duckbilled platypus either. Such are the drawbacks of judging reality based on one's limited experiences.