Why we must die?

Let me quite from the lyrics of the theme song of the French film "Le Papillon".

Pourquoi les jolies fleurs se fanent? Parce que ça fait partie du charme.

Translate: Why do lovely flowers wither? Because that's part of their charm.

Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu? C'est pour faire parler les curieux.

Translate: Why are there Devil and God? So that the curious can talk about it.

A quote from Confucious. I think you can read this in Chinese.

We know little about living, how can we know about death?
不知生, 焉知死?
I still can not accept the Reality that my mom was dead.
I strongly human has soul, her sipirit receives the salvation of God, she is with Jesus Christ now.
This is another wise saying.

When I came to this world, I cried. Everybody around me smiled.
When I leave this world, I will smile. But I don't want anybody around me cries.

So be strong.
Saint said:
So, virtually i have no chance to see her again?

Yes, you have.

I do not fear death, i fear the "unknown future" after death,

There is no future, only the presence. Movement in time exists only in the mind. The future is your hopes and fears, the past is your memory. If we would let go of our memories, hopes and fears, we would be in the presence, and nothing would exist, because the presence has no duration or 'existence'... still it's the reality.

even if i have soul, what will happen to my soul?

The same thing that happened last time.
Saint said:
I still can not accept the Reality that my mom was dead.
I strongly human has soul, her sipirit receives the salvation of God, she is with Jesus Christ now.

How can you not accept that she is dead? I think you have accepted that she died. You just would rather that she were still alive. It is alright to wish she were still alive.

You are sad that she died.
It is alright to be sad.
Saint: When you die, there is as much chance of you dancing with pink elephants under a rainbow for all eternity than your expressed longing.

I would want to believe in the view that I would live for eternity on some dimension called heaven with lost loved ones, but it's just wishful thinking and beyond all rational thought.

You get one shot at life, God (if he created this universe) has made it clear that is how it works.