Why we must die?


Valued Senior Member
I just lost my beloved mother on 25th August 2005,
i feel very sad,
why we must die?
why can't we live forever? :(
Creation and destruction are going on simultaneously. The birth and death of thought happen simultaneously. That is why I insist that there is no such thing as death at all. Even the body does not die. It can change form but does not cease altogether. Because death really does not exist it is impossible for you to experience it. What you do experience is the void or emptiness you feel upon the disappearance of someone's body. Death can never be experienced and neither can birth for that matter. In your natural state, where the body is allowed to function without the interference of thought, birth and death are going on all the time.

There is nothing to die here. The body cannot be afraid of death. The movement that is created by society or culture is what does not want to come to an end. How it came to an end I really don't know. What you are afraid of is not death. In fact, you don't want to be free from fear because when the fear comes to an end you will drop dead. That is its nature. It is the fear that makes you believe that you are living and that you will be dead. What you call yourself is fear. The you is born out of fear, lives in fear, functions in fear and dies in fear.

-UG Krishnamurti
I'm sad, sincerely for your loss, you mother lives on in you and your family, a person only truly cease's to exist, when nobody know of them, so keep her memory alive and she will live forever, especially know days, with all our high tech imagery.
Entropy I spoze. I lost a grandmother last saturday too. I guess death for her is probably better than chemo and pancreatic cancer. I dunno.

Either way, it's coming for us all my friend, mourn her as you must and celebrate her life and your own (and life in general) while you can! There's no going back!
Everything that has a beginning must have an end. The bodies are like clothes, when they get worn-out they must be replaced. The self, the "life", which animates our bodies, can never die. It is the cause of life and death of bodies. If we would love the life we would never be sad if someone dies. To the people in India, death means little.

Life is the same thing which religions call God. It breaths itself into us and inhales it back, like a tree which replaces its leaves.

If we know the self which makes the body alive, we can stay in our bodies for a longer time... for thousands of years, like the people in ancient times. But it is impossible to live forever in a body.

Hapsburg said:
Because matter breaks down over time. Damn. Take a science class.

He was asking why matter has to break down over time... I doubt you need a science class to know that things break down.

wesmorris said:
Entropy I spoze.

But why does "entropy" exist?
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If we know the self which makes the body alive, we can stay in our bodies for a longer time... for thousands of years, like the people in ancient times. But it is impossible to live forever in a body.
So, do we still live when our bodies cease functioning? What is my "self" ? Who am i actually?
Is it possible I will meet my mother again after i die?
Saint said:
So, do we still live when our bodies cease functioning? What is my "self" ? Who am i actually?
Is it possible I will meet my mother again after i die?
You should ask a church. You won't get anything from these athiests, who insist on bashing anything that even suggests that you might continue past death. Or at least ask it in a more civil forum, since this is also one of the least civil I know of.
There is no reasonable means to venture a guess on either subject (paradise or seeing her again). I see no evidence to support either, or prove either incorrect. The opportunity cost of living is that death remains a mystery.
Well I saw this ad in front of the site and promptly landed on the page as though Jesus had finally knocked on my front door. I was hoping for some kind of answer judging from the seeking title. Was I disappointed? Anyway that depends on what I was looking for, which I can’t even remember at this point. A lot of people move through life like a conveyor belt and at the end of the day they don’t know what to do with it. It’s funny. While we are pondering our gift death is settling camp in case we get tired and finally ask for the panic pill. I am sorry about your parent that recently passed away, I am sure she is well rested now if it’s any consolation. I am sure she knows that death is the most beautiful thing to happen to life, in her life, and everyone’s as well. Death is always here, just a few yards away is all. Anyway my life has always been pathetic; my psychotic parents have been separated for as long as I can remember. My siblings are okay, as soon as we stopped kissing and touching each other at age 7 we pretty much just kept to ourselves. Anyway I don’t mean to bore you with my mundane significances. I remember when the news rushed in that my grandmother had passed away, the next few days were actually lost in time as far as I was concerned, that was the first time I actually looked at somebody’s eyes in wonder. I was talking about my grandmother. It’s true that when someone dies sometimes their death only magnifies them and they become part of you forever in time.

Life is the greatest gift, death is the wrapping paper
my two cents:
--we die because a short reproduction cycle is helpful to evolution.
--we should not assume an afterlife when no evidence can be given either way.
--if there is no afterlife (see previous remark) then you wont see her again. however, if there is an afterlife, venturing a guess as to how it operates would be folly.
"My mind, why do you cry? Realize thy Atman, Beloved; drink the timeless great nectar of non-duality" - (Avadhut Gita, 1.48)
Saint said:
I just lost my beloved mother on 25th August 2005,
i feel very sad,
why we must die?
why can't we live forever? :(
Condolence saint, my mother too departed on January 24, 2001 at the age of 48.

It's natural that we die. Besides death has come because of the deception made by satan. But for all we know, God first declared death.

Gods die too. so don't worry. Since we are here part of the creation, then we must be able to come to the truth that we are corruptible.

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Psalms 82:6-7

Again, condolence saint.
Besides death has come because of the deception made by satan. But for all we know, God first declared death.

A fundie nut job expressing a shred of doubt? Wow...
Saint said:
So, do we still live when our bodies cease functioning?

Yeah, the life, the sense of a self continues existing. It's just your current body and person which dies, you will get a new body. You might have children, they will exist after you die, and they will create new children, and the self will exist in all of them, and you "are" this self. The thing is that you are only aware of a small part of the self yet, which is "saint", but after you die, you will get a new body and become aware of that new upgraded body.

After you've lived through life in countless bodies and experienced the world from their viewpoint, you will no longer feel as though you are located in a specific body. The self exists everywhere at the same time, just like God, because it is God.

Who am i actually?

There is only one Being, and every person, every animal, every plant, and also every planet, every sun is only the instrument of this single being by which it reveals itself. How many Who would there be?

The same self speaks through my mouth as it speaks through your mouth and all living beings. The only difference is that every living being does not know this "self" completely this, so neither can they reveal all of its qualities (just compare rocks, plants, animals, humans, "Christ"... All of them are limited because of their bodies except the Christ in which the body has reached the same level as the "self")

The self doesn't need to evolve, it is already complete, only the body (and person) needs to, so that it can express the self more precisely. I'm sure you would want that the world would become a Paradise right now, that shows that the self is all-loving and complete.

Is it possible I will meet my mother again after i die?

Many people believe that's what happens. Anything could be possible. If there's true love between people, they will meet again, in future lives. But in the future lives we usually have no memory of our past lives, just as you now don't have memory of the people you loved so much in your past lives.
Many people believe that's what happens. Anything could be possible. If there's true love between people, they will meet again, in future lives. But in the future lives we usually have no memory of our past lives, just as you now don't have memory of the people you loved so much in your past lives.
So, virtually i have no chance to see her again? To say "I love you , mother" ?
What you preach totally different from Christianity, but a bit similar to "reincarnation" of Buddshism.
Based on what you said, seems that we do not have to fear death.
I do not fear death, i fear the "unknown future" after death,
even if i have soul, what will happen to my soul?
Does my soul have freewill to choose his destiniy?
Saint said:
I just lost my beloved mother on 25th August 2005,
i feel very sad,

Dude that sucks. Totally sorry to hear that.

Saint said:
why we must die? why can't we live forever?

We're an instance in a big process of adaptation. If we didn't die then there there would likely be no change.
Hang in there Saint, it will get easier. There are no answers, just enjoy your life while you can.
Saint said:
I just lost my beloved mother on 25th August 2005,
i feel very sad,
why we must die?
why can't we live forever? :(

Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room. I am I, and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, that we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way you always used to. Put no difference in your tone, wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was, let it be spoken without effort, no trace of shadow in it.
Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. There is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you, somewhere very near. Just around the corner. All is well.