Why we Fought Each Other ??

Many religions preach kidness to those in their religions. Outsiders are heathens, and those have to be fought. That´s why there is so much religios struggle. And not all the religions teach/tought kindness.

And there is a difference between what people say and what they want. Greed and ambition can overcome most of the religios teachings.
Love thy neighbor as thyself.


Sounds nice to the ears until someone shoots your son.
*Sounds nice to the ears until someone shoots your son.*

And that someone turned out to be some religious zealot, whom's daughter the kid got prengnant.

§our§tar: Well, He did say 'Be fruitful and multiply'. Don't see the harm in that ;)
M*W: What a liar and hypocrite you are! You have said over and over how sex is wrong and evil and disgusting and perverted. You are neither fruitful, and I hope to god you haven't multiplied!
Cassie Calibre said:
All i know is.. every religion teach kindness to others.. why are we fighting then ?

Because most men take little notice of the call to treat their neighbour with love and peace when they want to fight and kill. They use their reason to go against the call and take part in warfare. The powers that be in this world know this. It is surprisingly easy to get people to kill their fellow man. All they do is whip up fear and appeal to mans pride.

"Why of course the people don't want war. . . . That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Herman Göring - German Nazi Party leader

I am continually shocked by your accusations and your love for me. Why don't you share some of that with Adstar and other fine posters on this forum please?

I never said that sex is wrong and evil and disgusting and perverted. If that was the case, then no Bible character would have sex.
§our§tar: MW

I am continually shocked by your accusations and your love for me. Why don't you share some of that with Adstar and other fine posters on this forum please?

I never said that sex is wrong and evil and disgusting and perverted. If that was the case, then no Bible character would have sex.
M*W: Because they're not as deserving as you are for my love. In fact, I love you more than I love Adstar, Jenyar, Randolfo, and all your other blind mice.

Just to set the record straight, since I love you the most, then Adstar, Jenyar and Randolfo, I guess that means I hate Godless, Cris, surenderer, Path, Katazia, and especially duendy!

Members: Take Note - This is how Christianity screws you up!
I am an atheist, cassie.

the reason man, has so much hatred for his fellow man, it has been taught to him by his God.

the bible.

He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.--exodus 22:20

And Moses spake to the children of Israel, that they should bring forth him that had cursed out of the camp, and stone him with stones. And the children of Israel did as the LORD commanded Moses.--exodus 24:23

And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day ... And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones.--numbers 15:32-36

the qu,ran (the cattle)

Allah will torment those who deny his revelations. 49

Stay away from those who "meddle with" or mock the Quran. 68

(spoils of war(says it all))

Those that the Muslims killed were not really killed by them. It was Allah who did the killing. 17 [

the book of mormon(1 nephi)

It's better to kill one person than have a whole nation die unbelievers. 4:13

The "great and abominable church, ... the mother of abominations, whose founder is the devil." 14:9

(2 nephi)

God cursed the Lamanites (the ancestors of the Native Americans) causing their skin to turn dark and making them "loathsome" to His people. 5:21-22

you see cassie, all religions hate each other . read the bible, read the qu,ran, etc.
and come to you own conclusions, as to the path of true enlightenment.
the truth is out there.
§outh§tar said:
I never said that sex is wrong and evil and disgusting and perverted. If that was the case, then no Bible character would have sex.

So Biblical characters never do anything wrong or evil? Really?
They fight for the right to party...

Seriously though, if you don't believe my religion, you are not human and our rules don't apply, like with the prisoners at Abu Ghraib.
*(the bible.

He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.--exodus 22:20)*


I can see it now, folkes, Southstar's best line when an atheist quotes the bible
"It's out of context" LOL, LOL, LOL, :rolleyes:

Just giving you notice.

Cassie Calibre said:
All i know is.. every religion teach kindness to others.. why are we fighting then ?

I think it is because of Greed. Reasons are that Arab countries have most of the worlds oil. Many wars have been fought for oil by the US but they don't expose this. Many wars are fought for land, and other resources. Usually everything is blamed on the religion when actually it is the "people" who should be blamed.

Just my point of view.

Peace be unto you :)
Godless: *(the bible. He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed.--exodus 22:20)*

I can see it now, folkes, Southstar's best line when an atheist quotes the bible
"It's out of context" LOL, LOL, LOL, :rolleyes:

Just giving you notice.
M*W: Godless, your avatar appears to be stomping up and down, but what is that thing under his feet?

Oh, I see what it is. It's a bible!
786 said:
I think it is because of Greed. Reasons are that Arab countries have most of the worlds oil. Many wars have been fought for oil by the US but they don't expose this. Many wars are fought for land, and other resources. Usually everything is blamed on the religion when actually it is the "people" who should be blamed.

Just my point of view.

Peace be unto you :)

You are forgetting Jihads to spread religion which lasted some 1100 years and crusades, which did the same, which lasted some 250. Oil is only a 90 year old problem and was never an accute problem before 1973.
path said:
You are forgetting Jihads to spread religion which lasted some 1100 years and crusades, which did the same, which lasted some 250. Oil is only a 90 year old problem and was never an accute problem before 1973.

Jihad doesn't mean Wars. It means a fight beween right and wrong. For example our prophet said that the greatest Jihad is the Jihad in yourself. That Jihad is not following the Satan. It is to let go of your desires, and submit yourself to the will of God. This my friend is the GREASTEST of all Jihad's.

Well, it seems that nowdays Jihad is considered as Fighting against another. Well one reason is because of Middle East. But the thing is Jews are oppressing them. The Palestinians took many actions without violence, but they didn't get any attention. When this failed they started to fight for their freedom. They started bombing, this took news. But when the Jews kill the palestinians the news is quiet.

By your post it seems that you think Islam spread through the sword. But that is not the case. They may have fought, but our Religion preaches their is no forcing the religion. If you didn't know, when Muslims controlled the Israel, they didn't oppress them. Most Jews fled from the European places to settle to Jerusalem. they had the freedom to live, embrace their religion. But when the numbers of Jews in Jerusalem was high, then they took advantage and attacked. What cheapasses! From those days and now, their has never been peace, because the Jews want the Palestinians OUT! On the contrary the when Mslims controlled they let the Jews live.

My friend Terrorism spread because of your own people!

Peace be unto you :)
StarOfEight said:
So Biblical characters never do anything wrong or evil? Really?

I meant no one in the Bible is condemned merely because of having sex.

Be fruitful and multiply was the command after all.
I am referring to historic military jihads not whether historical figures have the same meaning of jihad as you. The last declared military jihad, formal not like Al Quiada style was in 1889 declared by Afghani's against some hindu's in the hindu kush. 786 islam spread for the most part by the sword get over it but if you want to discuss that leave it for another thread. Just a warning I can provide ample evidence from many sources including muslims themselves. Christians take the blame and chastizement for having conducted historical crusades muslims one day must do the same for jihads.