Why we age


because we do, there are some parts of the DNA, that can be powered, to order the body cells, so they reconstruct them selves, this way humans can live twice, or 3 times more than he can live toaday, that means, when he's 90 years old, he would be like he's 50, :p
i watched a show about it , and other future stuff, in a tv. show..
The simple advice to eat right, exercise regularly and get sufficient rest can and do extend many persons lives with quality intact. Obviously, if you eat poorly, do not exercise, don't get enough rest and smoke, drink to excess etc you can and most likely will cut both your overall health and the length of your life as well. This is now common knowledge.
Hi there Jack, good to see you up and about. :)

While stopping the deterioration of telomere length enables effected cells to continue normal division & reproduction rather than dying, thus far this has been demonstrated in single cells on a petri dish and subgroups of cells in entire organisms only. I am unaware of success with preserving telomere structural integrity within the entirety of any organisms cells at this time. Thus, while said subgroup may well contribute to extending that organisms life span, the unaltered cells will eventually fail and cause the organisms demise.

The flaw is this assumption:

I am betting, if excessive sugar is presented to cells, they will not be immortal.

But, what can't all cells be "uplifted". I like that word better.
As do I, but the actuality is that preserving the telomere length preserves the cell as it is and allows it to continue to function normally, rather than endowing it with new capabilities, thus 'preserved' rather than 'uplifted'.

Well sure, if excessive sugar is present, or lactic acid, or insulin or adrenalin or any number of substances is present in abnormal quantity it would cause trouble for the exposed cells, premature death inclusive.

The simple advice to eat right, exercise regularly and get sufficient rest can and do extend many persons lives with quality intact. Obviously, if you eat poorly, do not exercise, don't get enough rest and smoke, drink to excess etc you can and most likely will cut both your overall health and the length of your life as well. This is now common knowledge.

you forgot to be carefull of anger, if you want to live longer, eat right and etc etc ... and don't be nurvice, just have fun, and don't get angry..
As do I, but the actuality is that preserving the telomere length preserves the cell as it is and allows it to continue to function normally, rather than endowing it with new capabilities, thus 'preserved' rather than 'uplifted'.

Well sure, if excessive sugar is present, or lactic acid, or insulin or adrenalin or any number of substances is present in abnormal quantity it would cause trouble for the exposed cells, premature death inclusive.

..you forgot to be carefull of anger...

Right you are, anger causes the adrenals to dump cortisol, adrenaline and angiotension into your blood stream and these have profound effects on the body, especially if neither 'fight or flight' occurs to use them properly.
Calorie restriction may only work due to the restriction of Methionine, an important amino acid found in proteins. Reducing Methionine alone appears to have the same longevity benefits as overall calorie restriction, without the side effect of loss in reproductive drive.

Regarding aging, there do appear to be genes which can speed up and slow down the effects of aging, and the old "accumulation of defects" mechanism(as in the new car analogy) doesn't appear to hold up in light of that fact.

"The Evolution of Aging" is an interesting and easy read for anyone from a high-school student with an interest up to medical researchers. It doesn't get into the refined mechanics of what we know about how aging works at a molecular level, but the telomerase issue is discussed, along with case studies of various animals showing different aging behaviors, and draws an overall conclusion from the current collection of aging knowledge.
I am betting, if excessive sugar is presented to cells, they will not be immortal.
As far as I understand sugar combination dissolved in plasma are very important in protein folding and protein protein interactions. ex: A growth factor binds to it's receptor at 10ng/ml however with the appropriate sugars will bind a 1pg/ml (in a dish).

Also, too much glucose glycosolates proteins and screws up their in vivo function a major problem with diabetics.

I'd like to see humans invest more into longevity research. I have no idea why we spend a trillions times more killing ourselves instead :shrug:
Calorie restriction may only work due to the restriction of Methionine, an important amino acid found in proteins. Reducing Methionine alone appears to have the same longevity benefits as overall calorie restriction, without the side effect of loss in reproductive drive.
That's interesting.
Over expression of telomerase (tell-om-er-ase) is one of the major characteristics of almost all cancer cells. These cells are able to live almost indefinitely if given adequate resources (unlike our own normal cells).