Why UFOs are not real

first to rndbush - That is a ridiculous thing to say, there is no one that can keep a secret of such high technology from so many people.

I totally agree that aliens are not here. They exist outside our solar system but the chances that they have come to our planet is VERY small, considering the huge, almost insurmountable obstacles. The lights was a good point. Many things about this psudoscience don’t add up. The shape of the crafts is unreasonable as well as inefficient. Absolutely NO hard evidence is ever found. The government is bad at keeping secrets, almost anything they do ends up in the open. Maybe a few years after the fact but inevitably out in the open. No quantum leaps have been made in technology (a previously made point). However, the biggest reason hasn’t been address yet. WHY???? Why would an alien race travel millions of light years and abduct people just to have sex, perform sexual operations, or warn about impending doom of the earth to a very select few and leave no evidence? There is no reason to visit us and hide. Motive is an important missing piece.

If the theory does not fit reality then reality MUST be changed.
fa_q2,if real aliens existed,They would come down close enough to see us humans and or make contact with us.it just makes common sense.BUT..If they were built buy a secret organization in leage with some form of our goverment(SHADOW)maybe,that could explain why we cant snap a good clear photo of them,if and i say if,humans built these craft that could explain why they wont let us see them.they are AFRAID WE WOULD FIND OUT THEIR LIE.
There are 2 main flaws with this. First and foremost- the technology is simply not there. The government, in all its research glory, cannot be that far ahead of corporations and other countries. Secondly – the government is a large blundering fool and as hard as it tries can barley keep a secret for more than a few minutes on anything of real size. I wouldn’t doubt that many sightings are government tests, but flying saucers, silent hovercrafts with extreme acceleration, and super agile crafts are part of the hype involved.

If the theory does not fit reality then reality MUST be changed.