Why UFOs are not real


Registered Member
I think that if the aliens want us to know about their presence here,they would let us know without need to hide;remember that they have travelled interstellar distances,so they are so much advanced than we are(therefore more powerful)that they have nothing to fear.On the other hand,if they really want to pass unnoticed,do you relly think that thy wouldnt be able to do so but they can come and go between the stars(a very far away task for us to do so once)as we move over the ocean(at least)?
If they are so clumsy(the aliens)that any non professional can detect them any other day,why nobody can bring(not one among how many cases?)undoubtful proof?
Besides,if the US government has alien artifacts hidden,where are the amazing scientific developments?Dont tell me that then we all wouldnt have noticed this "quantum leap",this revolution that would have dwarfed any other technical revolution with such a help;if the government decided to release it slowly(why to do so if the knowledge is power for the one who has it?)the foreign scientists would have noticed it anyway.
If the aliens are mean,why to play along with them if they want to hide?If they are good why the fear?
Plus,they suspiciously resemble what common sense may tell about OUR future evolution(kind of a collective unconscious self image):loosing hair as its going since we came from apes,growing of the head in the same track,loosing of smelling organ(so capacity)as well,loosing of emotional expression("the eyes are the mirror of the soul"),loosing of phisical power and size due to machines abuse,telepatic abilities that some say its latent in OUR brain,but they are basically HUMAN;much more than a crab,for example,which evolved under similar planetary conditions and shares a common ancestor with us:how can this be?Evolutive convergence may happen, but to this outstanding ressemblance?And they precisely found us among the vastness of the universe¡¡And they hide¡¡¡¡But they keep coming¡¡
Even the name is confuse:if they are unknown flying objects,how the "believers"can say that they know what they are?
I think that theres life out there,thats why Im basically here,but I consider this UFO thing as a false signal...We must keep searching and waiting.
UFO- Unidentified Flying Object.

How can you NOT believe that there are flying objects which we cannot identify? I know that I can'y identify every satellite, airplane, helicopter, and weather phenomenon that comes my way.

Can you?
First off for the record,

I don't go with all the alien stuff (used to), but to feul the debate (in a spirit of fun), you mentioned that we have not had an amazing technological revolution and therefore no alien technology in our hands. If this is true, what about the fact that we have advanced faster within the last fifty years than any other point in the history of mankind.
We have had such phenomenal leaps and bounds in our technology because each technological development makes the next one that much easier. This is also why computer peripherals become so out-dated so quickly.
For Hudson:
Of course I cant,but I will not give them any other identity than the ones that you mentioned,or any other proven;and to qualify for identity as a new object in the universe(as we know it of course)we have to discard first all these known identities(for we are 100% sure they exist)and then define its characteristics with undoubtful clarity(proof);if we cant we still have an unidentified flying object,but not an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
This may prove interesting. George W. Bush has said, "he", refering to his VP candiate, " knows about all about it, if I'm elected president I will tell all."

I remember when Jummy Carter said the same thing. In fact Carter had a copy of the report he had filed on the UFO he had seen.
When he was sworn in he forgot all about it, "what UFO?"

Obviously they(the aliens) do not want to be known they seem to have something else in mind. There's too much happening
for nothing to be going on. Thats just my opinion.
Oxygen,let me try at the development issue:
Lets say that in a given moment we have this elements of knowledge:A,B;now,as any advance is made on basis on the precedent,we can work with them:A-B:C,B-A :D.But now we can
C-A:E,A-C:F,C-B-A:G,A-C-B:H,and so on.
But the type of revolution I meant is more like A-B:R;this is the smoking gun that, I believe,we ve got to be seeing now,called it quantum leap because in this kind of movement the object travels the distance without any visible trajectory;dissapears at one point and appears in another.
Is like you ve visited the U.S. West prairies in the 19th century;you would ve noticed that they ve had contact with the whites because of the rifles.

that they ve had contact with the whites because of the rifles.
Jesus, man what did I touch,sorry,have few days using this stuff,well, where the icon
is must read :D.Last line doesnt go.
I see what you're getting at, drawing a comparison between the apparent technological leap the indians took when they came into contact with European settlers. It's a very good comparison, but the quantum leap is only illusory. We don't go from A:B to R without all of the baby steps in-between. C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are all there. They are just very small. In one day, I have seen a single project transported from foundry to lab and back again no less than five times. Each time they were trying a different process. The public will never see those trips. They will only see that such-and-such a company has "suddenly" come out with a new microchip that performs miracles, or that we can now watch moving images on a screen at our homes broadcast from miles away. Nuclear development was a gradual and well-documented process. Other advances are accidental, such as the microwave oven. Currently in the works is a plan to replace silicon with a liquid that offers even less resistance but can still have its conductivity turned on and off at will.

There are no technological advances today that can't be traced back to a basic physical law and someone asking the question "What if...?"
I would like to add a simple reason why UFOs are pure fiction.
Why do most ufo's witnessed have lights? Tell me this did these highly intelectual extraterrestrials need light to navigate around the srars?
Alien life exists but is as close to us as harmony.
Dear Tom, ...
A couple of questions, if I may:
Remember in your older books, like Fer De Lance, etc., when you mentioned Frank Golden's ability to monitor the 12 KHz frequency pairs that the Soviets were using to extract power from the earth, etc? Now that it has been so many years down the road, and you yourself have essentially moved on to other things, can you elaborate on any of the actual equipment that was being used?
Like his scalar EM receiver, or the time the two of you used scalar transmitters to charge up an area and the clocks went haywire... If only some of us could have some info on how to get started on some of these devices, we could possibly have undeniable proof that it's all more than just conceptual.

Here is the point:

If Bearden is correct in his Scalar EM theory, then we can build devices which would enable us to alter gravity, time, inertia, and the apparent mass of an object. This of course has ENORMOUS implications for military applications, space-vehicle drives, time-travel, teleportation, paranormal phenomena, and just about every other area one can think of.

The Big Question is, Will the 21st century see the acceptance, development, and implementation of Bearden's ideas (in plain public view, mind you), or will Scalar EM be found to have been just another dead end?....

Do certain world governments have these devices NOW?... Bearden says at least "three other nations, not hostile to the U.S.," now possess Scalar technology.



This area, in my opinion, ties much of the information together from the other areas on this web site. Tom Bearden's Scalar EM may be the New Electromagnetics of the 21st century... if we can get him to spill the beans on some specific methodologies and circuitry! In the meantime, we continue to collect, compile, speculate on, and critique his theories, in the hope that some light will be generated along with all the heat.
Wanna a replay to the indians example?
All right,how did they manage to construct the rifles by thereselves?They didnt,huh?
But the Japanese did,and the Arabs,and the Turks and the Chinese did;all right,lets forget all this people:the difference between them and us is that we use the scientific method;and this is an universal language,right?But then the UFOs fans can say that the ETs have such an advanced technology that we can get not an iota about there knowledge...(and why do they hide...?)
The main problem is that reality has certain limits and imagination hasnt;so you can always push its limits further away to overcome those of reality;in the end they would be able to say that the aliens eat at our tables,sleep at our beds and be at our side all the time,but we cant see,hear,smell,touch,and taste them;this is because to proof something is a way to state that an object is real;you cant prove that something is not,would be a contradiction.

That's a totally ridiculous point to make. If it turns out that some UFOs are alien craft, then I'm dammed sure that the lights are not some sort of space headlights. There would be a good chance that the typical lights exhibited by many of these objects are something to do with their propulsion systems.
I agree with you,all our present technology can be traced as a result of a logical process,but the Indians got the rifles from outside of their cultural world,so for them was a quantum leap.
let me tell you were the grays are from,they are not from outer space but from inner space.just think,man in just the last hundred years has gone from the locomotive to the space shuttle,are we so ignorant to think that we have not had technoligy for over a thousand years greater than this?back when religon was first established by the romans they found great discoveries of ancient text desrcibing techno marvals from the ancient world,yes,we had inventors back then to!,but the church did not want the people to know such things just like our goverment does not today,if the did they would lose control over the masses,so the church kept these writings secret and have so for over a thousand years,later they had any writings by anyone burned and those who had writen them exicuted as heritics and so became the thousand years of darkness,THE DARK AGES.yet there were still scientist,afraid of what the church would do,they formed secret societies and went underground to resume their scientific work,what we have done in 100 years they have been doing for 1000 years,those flying sausers are the result of over 1000 years of research by our ansestors in secret and the greys are geneticly enginered bio drones built for the express pupose of flying these machines,if we humans could do it we would but our bodies are not suited for the tremendous forces these craft would exort on us.

ron bushong