Why U.F.O.'s Exist

They dont exist.

Or rather they dont in places where people are starving or strugglin to make ends meet.

The reason why?

They're too busy getting on with life to waste time making up imaginary objects.

I might not believe in the whole UFO scene, however there have been occurances in remote locations of Africa where supposed visitations occured and UFO's apparently were seen over Kabul prior to Afghanistan having troops deployed.

Thats pretty much starving/struggling regions.

What they saw of course is just something they "couldn't identify" which doesn't mean however that someone else would have the same problem.
However in the cases of UFO's there is obviously more ability to collect data scientifically, like for instance aircraft flight plans, information on nearby airshows (like the Mexican DOD UFO appeared the same day Mexico City was host to a Commercial Exposition), plus a few others points that don't need divulging.

And I dont care if pilots, astronauts, scientists or Presidents have seen UFO's

As for the qualifications of people, how does that effect what one sees?

Well an uneducated goat farmer in some remote region is obviously not necessarily going to know what a helicopter looks like so his misidentification is obviously more plausible, as for "trained" people like pilots they are trained to fly with only a few silhouette charts to identify craft by. If the craft they see isn't a recognisable silhouette then it's obviously unidentified.

It's merely a term "Unidentified Flying Object".

...having a degree or a piece of paper doth not confer either wisdom or common sense. Fortunately I'm blessed with both.

If there was ever a quote for the completely opposite to something, you'd pretty much be the one to make it. A degree or "piece of paper" as you put it does require a certain amount of training to go with it (e.g 5+ years) and in the most cases the training requires certain conditions to be met to govern the persons wisdom and even to an extent common sense.

If you don't know your subject then you'll likely find yourself terminated from the training, if you plagurise you'll likely find yourself terminated from the training.

The ones that usually make such claims in regards to professionals, Wisdom and Common sense are usually people that have lacked any forms of formal education themselves. They usually Revere the professionals because they know their current "Worldly understanding" will not be agreed upon and will potentially cause conflict, not to forget their lack of enthusiasm to learn something their bigotry mind already feels it knowns and doesn't need to learn again.
I long ago decided that the entire professionals versus layman debate was pointless. Human beings are human beings. We all have a world view we want to believe and if things happen that don't fit into that world view it either rattles us to our core, or we pretend it didn't happen and struggle to reconcile it all. The subject of UFO's in my opinion, independently of the question if they exist or not, is a glaring example. For some, they feel like they know the absolute truth and want to wake up the world to something they are utterly convinced about. Others say "No, no. It's impossible" and do whatever they can to convince others, perhaps especially themselves that it is all a crock. Two sides of the same coin...

Reality seems to often be more in the middle.
They dont exist.

Or rather they dont in places where people are starving or strugglin to make ends meet.

The reason why?

They're too busy getting on with life to waste time making up imaginary objects. And I dont care if pilots, astronauts, scientists or Presidents have seen UFO's...having a degree or a piece of paper doth not confer either wisdom or common sense.
The reason why?

They're too busy getting on with life to notice subtle interactions with non understandable objects. It's not like living a hard life leaves you the luxury of thinking about things that are true. So you would claim that things people don't notice or have the time to pay attention to, aren't true?


As for myself, sure I've seen some weird stuff. But I don't know if it's aliens. Besides things like lights in the night sky moving unlike a plane or being still, there's my closet door that one night glowed green.:p
The world is full of wierd stuff. Unfortunetly, people like to package reality into something they can wrap their brains around. When something doesn't fit in their framework they either ignore it completely refuse to accept it.
The world is full of wierd stuff. Unfortunetly, people like to package reality into something they can wrap their brains around. When something doesn't fit in their framework they either ignore it completely refuse to accept it.

Oh come on. Some things are total crap. Dragons and unicorns? Bending spoons with our mind? Moon landing? ;)
I agree that not all claims of extrordinary things are valid. The AStrologer thread is a glaring example. Nonetheless, being unable to prove something completely true isn't the same as saying something isn't true at all or worse, claiming that being unable to prove is evidence is lying.
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And I dont care if pilots, astronauts, scientists or Presidents have seen UFO's...having a degree or a piece of paper doth not confer either wisdom or common sense.
No, but altitude does confer some good vantage points...not to mention the additional testimony of flight recordings.

Check out this documentary on Space Shuttle and aircraft sightings:
My 2 cents:

Is it possible that the UFOs are from our future...about 10,000 years from future. Humans with all the GM food and Genetic modification may look like the greys.

If they mastered time travel, it would not be that difficult to show up like Asgards to find a way to revive the original DNA....

This is as good as any other crazy ideas!
UFO - Unidentified Flying Object

They certainly exist, as long as people see 'flying objects' they can't identify.
UFO - Unidentified Flying Object
They certainly exist, as long as people see 'flying objects' they can't identify.

I think most readers know that, the subtle question is, out of all the sightings, is there any information that can provide us the clues to identify them!

For the people who already identified them, they do not exist...:D
I think most readers know that, the subtle question is, out of all the sightings, is there any information that can provide us the clues to identify them!

For the people who already identified them, they do not exist...:D

You surely don't mean all UFO's are sightings of the same thing, right ?
Sometimes it's an airplane, sometimes a bird, sometimes maybe ball-lighting... who knows what else..
The thing is, every sighting will be explainable by natural phenomena.
As for the rest, let me begin by stating abductions are real, they occur, and very soon all humanity will be placed under the mind control of alien insects.

It'll probably be better than being under the control of mass media.
You surely don't mean all UFO's are sightings of the same thing, right ?.

You guessed it right....

Sometimes it's an airplane, sometimes a bird, sometimes maybe ball-lighting... who knows what else..

And sometimes it is the ball-lighting attached to the arse of the bird! right? :D
The thing is, every sighting will be explainable by natural phenomena.

If the airplane (even the secret ones) is a natural phenomena...you are right again...amazing...
You guessed it right....

And sometimes it is the ball-lighting attached to the arse of the bird! right? :D

If the airplane (even the secret ones) is a natural phenomena...you are right again...amazing...

And that means that there is 'information that can provide us the clues to identify them'.. this answers your question, so now what ?