Wiensteins New TOE( 12 - 12 Symmetry ) and Womb contraction > Cervical Dilation
All this "time dilation" "length contraction" talk got me to thinking about "contraction"( pulling-in ) of the womb too induce a dilation( expanding-out ) of the cervix to allow baby exit the womb. This is a pulling-in force that leads to a pushing-out force.
Maybe I stated this in reference to gravity in another post. Gravity is a pulling-in( mass-attractive ) force--- see non-observed graviton :--) ---and as a result of gravities pulling-in, there is a resultant pushing-out reaction called dark energy or cosmological constant.
If I recall correctly, the new news out regarding Wienstiens TOEeveything, is that there is not repulsive, cosmological constant ergo no dark energy. He apparently believes that the observed Universe we see is just a flat part of a greater Universe, and this flatness is what cause the appearance of a cosmological constant or dark energy.
So it appears to me, that, just as some believe that gravity is purely a geometrical subcataory of mathematics, I believe that, the cosmological constant is a resultant of spactime contraction, and similar to the situation with the fetus/baby exiting womb to become independent baby.
I'm curious to see how Wienstien handles the constancy of speed-of-radiation and gravity( mass-attraction ) as a force of nature or just mathematical subcategory of geometry.
My feeling is that there exists tubes of nature that feed into larger containment chambers--- ex polyhedral, spherical whatever ---that then have exit tubes/pathways canals etc.....on both the macro, medio, micro and ultra-micro scales of existence.
If mass-attraction did not exist, Universe would not exist. Time/accelearation(?) dilation and space/length contraction?
How do we simplify this for the common human? If we say that speed-of-radiation is like time standing still--- see Brian Greens 2D slices-of-Universe ---then I and many others have had the perception of experiencing that time stopped or extended.
I guess it is like and experience of very long moment between two seconds. So was that due to a contraction of space, or acceleration of chemistry?
.."we cannot return to the womb"...(Fuller) aka as handsa's "arrow-of-time" in one direction only, however, that direction is not to be confused with three other cosmic directions( fuller again );
1) out.....<>
2) around...()
3) in...><
So the arrow-of-time is more likened to hawkings explanation that all time is going/flowing from south to north or vice versa, east to west or vice versa.
This has to do with what others have mention in regards to our understanding of entropy says that cup falls off the table breaks and all particles come apart eventually and we are left with a "heat death" Universe--- aka very large flat photon ---.
Hawking had one scenario where at that at some terminal end point of Universe, the time reverses itself and entropy will mean the opposite of what it means now, i.e. the a broken cup will fall higher and rebuild itself before it lands on the table.