Why there are no atheist stampedes?

They probably don't care to show up in 1000s in a crowded,defined place. I still think the gods like them...
Actually, snidely, you answered you own question. There tend not to be gatherings of atheists in large numbers. Or to put it another way, it would not be something the ambulance staffs and police would realize. Perhaps 100 atheists have gotten crushed at football hooligan encounters or leaving burning buildings or whatever, but they are identified in other ways than as atheists. As atheists here repeatedly point out atheists really would have little reason to gather as atheists since this simply means they lack a certain belief, according to them. Oh, I am going to gather in the thousands with other people who also lack a belief. Sounds nice, honey.

If however they were doing this, in foreign cities or away from home towns in any case, and as part of their gathering had to move around, we would find atheists also dying in such incidencts.

Miraculously your OP does not prove that religious people are somehow less deserving of God's protection if there was a God. Which seems to be your opinion.
Miraculously your OP does not prove that religious people are somehow less deserving of God's protection if there was a God.

I think their problem was worshipping the wrong God. We know well, just what kind of jealous god we have, and he got a bit pissed, I guess....
I think their problem was worshipping the wrong God. We know well, just what kind of jealous god we have, and he got a bit pissed, I guess....
Imagine the religious person walking by the funeral of someone you cared about, both of the atheists, and mirroring back your attitude, shaping it to smack an atheist. Why not role model a brave new world instead of gloating?
Because dying in a religious stampede is one of the most senseless, wasteful type of death that one can imagine...

On the other hand, the dead should be greatful, since they have just died while they were doing what is the most expected of them, worshipping their gods... And anyway, what is so sad about death for a religious person?
oh, my, they didn't die as atheists, they died as metalfans!!!
As the world population increases by the billions, are these stampedes going to become more and more frequent?
Because dying in a religious stampede is one of the most senseless, wasteful type of death that one can imagine...
More wasteful than death by heart attack, driving accidents, falling in the bathroom, being beaten to death at the bar?

Just look at the reasons people hop in their cars some of whom die every day on the way to get a slurpee or some porn or to go to a baseball game or whatever. You're just making up shit right now.

On the other hand, the dead should be greatful, since they have just died while they were doing what is the most expected of them, worshipping their gods... And anyway, what is so sad about death for a religious person?
That depends on the religion, a subtlety that seems to escape you - things escaping you also clear in your deep understanding of Hinduism in another post. Separation from loved ones often causes grief. Perhaps, as odd as it may seem, the religious may not look at life and beyond as a mathematical game as you seem to.

Perhaps you have little ambition as an atheist. You are enjoying your gloating about religious people in general dying and the fact that they seem to not just shrug about this. But I thought atheists saw religion as a problem and thus the shift to atheism as a solution.

Somehow your callousness and gloating is perhaps less appealing to them than it seemed when you giggled to yourself while typing it out.

Again why not role model? rather than making it clear that life in a world of atheists would have all the same old shit. The only case you are making is that the issue does not matter at all. Yourself as case in point.
Not again!:


This time a new record, 168 dead...

....and lying Santa:

"One witness, who called himself Santa, told Reuters that the crowd began to run because authorities tried to stop pilgrims from entering to make way for a VIP."

Best part:

"The Communist Party of India (Marxist) called on the government to begin regulating the flow of pilgrims at places of worship."
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Now that you mentioned, it would be nice to be king and deflowering virgins..... :rolleyes:
Well, you used my quote as a jumping off place, but without the context.

You are gloating over the deaths of theists.

I somehow thought most atheists saw themselves as avoiding, apart from epistemological errors, the moral problems of being a theist.

It seems however that you are simply being immoral in one of the same old ways monotheists have often been immoral. IOW low ambition as an atheist.

To say nothing of the reasoning problems.....