Why there are no atheist stampedes?

They probably don't care to show up in 1000s in a crowded,defined place. I still think the gods like them...
There was probably one atheist in the crowd. The gods were just making sure they got the bastard.
Atheist, by definition, do *not* believe in God, therefore, what would motivate them to collectively try to prove anything? I suppose we *could* have a segment of non-believers who are evangelical atheists, LOL, but somehow I highly doubt that. - Jesse.
I'm sure there have been plenty of stampedes that have involved people who are athiests. I just think it is interesting and ironic that when tragedies happen at theist or spiritual events, people take it and turn into some what of a mockery of religion. 'Oh, look, all the Hindus were killed, their Goddess must not love them' sort of thing. I think it is sad how the news has just shifted into complete sensationalism. Instead of people mourning and feeling sad about the loss of lives, they are more concerned with the idea of religion and 'how could their Diety possibly kill them if he/she existed and loved them' sort of thing. Yes, it is ironic, but that doesn't mean those poor people should be subject to ridicule. If you are an athiest, well, that's just fine, but to mock others in their death over observing their religion....that's just fucked up. tragedies happen to people all over the world and it doesn't matter if they are theists, athiests, or agnostics. We will all die some day, but what if your death was used as sensationalism? I think it's just sad.
If my death is used as sensationalism, I will come back and haunt the news media.

The same thing can happen to atheists. Get lots of people in a tight place and cause panic and people will be trampled to death.
If my death is used as sensationalism, I will come back and haunt the news media.

The same thing can happen to atheists. Get lots of people in a tight place and cause panic and people will be trampled to death.

Exactly. It's just convenient that when things like this happen at religious festivals, the news junkies are there to gobble up every bit of it and turn it into some kind of morbid news sensationalism. The irony is so thick that people just can't wait to sink their teeth into it. Those poor people. I hate the fucking media. When my friend was murdered, they posted pictures of his body and his blood strewn all over the street in the papers and it just made me want to hurt those assholes and vomit at the same time. They reduced him to nothing but a tabloid and a piece of meat that was good for nothing, but headlines. My sympathy goes out to all those that lost loved ones in this recent tragedy. Blessed be.
I'm fully atheist but I think you failed to read between SAM's lines.
That was a pretty callous comeback.

Just maybe She'd be quite upset at what happened.
It's not quite the same as a bungled burglary-guys shoots self type of scenario.
Show some self control.
Syzygys said:
150 Hindu pilgrims have just died in India:
That would be a lot less than the number killed walking along, or near a road by trucks or cars that day. It's only news because of the religious aspect.

Speaking of which: many Americans have heard about Woodstock, I'd say. The "greatest gathering" of people ever seen.
Maybe in America, but a crowd of 300,000 at a religious festival in India wouldn't even be news.
In India, they get together in groups more like 3,000,000 at a time - a lot of the time.
I'm sure there have been plenty of stampedes that have involved people who are athiests. I just think it is interesting and ironic that when tragedies happen at theist or spiritual events, people take it and turn into some what of a mockery of religion. 'Oh, look, all the Hindus were killed, their Goddess must not love them' sort of thing. I think it is sad how the news has just shifted into complete sensationalism. Instead of people mourning and feeling sad about the loss of lives, they are more concerned with the idea of religion and 'how could their Diety possibly kill them if he/she existed and loved them' sort of thing. Yes, it is ironic, but that doesn't mean those poor people should be subject to ridicule. If you are an athiest, well, that's just fine, but to mock others in their death over observing their religion....that's just fucked up. tragedies happen to people all over the world and it doesn't matter if they are theists, athiests, or agnostics. We will all die some day, but what if your death was used as sensationalism? I think it's just sad.


I will admit I have been guilty of this once.

I remember in some religious coal mining town in America, some miners were trapped in the cave. News began to spread that they were saved and the families were shown on TV thanking god and praising Jesus.

Some time later the news turned out to be false and they were told that their loved ones were dead. One of the family members then said "I don't even know if I believe in Jesus anymore".

Of course I felt bad for the tragedy, but I couldn't help finding the attention they gave to their religions in these moments to be rather funny. Their prayers were useless, their praise was useless. Why couldn't they simply be happy without the need for religion, then why couldn't they be depressed without religion being the first thing on their mind?

They realized their loved ones were safe... RELIGION.
They realized their loved ones were dead... RELIGION.

I will admit I have been guilty of this once.

I remember in some religious coal mining town in America, some miners were trapped in the cave. News began to spread that they were saved and the families were shown on TV thanking god and praising Jesus.

Some time later the news turned out to be false and they were told that their loved ones were dead. One of the family members then said "I don't even know if I believe in Jesus anymore".

Of course I felt bad for the tragedy, but I couldn't help finding the attention they gave to their religions in these moments to be rather funny. Their prayers were useless, their praise was useless. Why couldn't they simply be happy without the need for religion, then why couldn't they be depressed without religion being the first thing on their mind?

They realized their loved ones were safe... RELIGION.
They realized their loved ones were dead... RELIGION.

That is, sadly, the point. The focus should be on the tragedy of the people that lost their lives, not on their religion and the irony of their death. Think of how many people, all over the world, who are religious and die, but it's not reported because it wasn't a main religious event. Obviously, and even religious people know this, we all die some day and religion does not protect people from death. I just think it is shameful to use something like this Hindu disaster to create headlines. It's not about their religion; it could have happened to a bunch of athiest mountain climbers. Did they put pictures of their religious shrine on the news? No. They posted pics of childrens dead bodies. It's terrible and disgusting. These people died doing something they believed in. Whether you're religious or not, many people hope to die the same way. We all want meaning in our lives and deaths, religously founded or not.
I'm sure there have been plenty of stampedes that have involved people who are athiests.

I haven't heard, but maybe at the atheist convention for beer...

That was a pretty callous comeback.

Not more so than her usually inane threads about atheists. The difference is that I had a point.

Just maybe She'd be quite upset at what happened.

She is a Muslim, not a Hindu, and there are quite a few of Indians. Also, what is such a horrible thing about death for a Hindu? After all, they are ready tocome back as butterfly or sunflower...
In India, they get together in groups more like 3,000,000 at a time - a lot of the time.

OK, so we will look at it as 1 person died and not 150, OK? Just to keep it in perspective....
surviving the covetous atheist stampedes ........
