I'm sure there have been plenty of stampedes that have involved people who are athiests. I just think it is interesting and ironic that when tragedies happen at theist or spiritual events, people take it and turn into some what of a mockery of religion. 'Oh, look, all the Hindus were killed, their Goddess must not love them' sort of thing. I think it is sad how the news has just shifted into complete sensationalism. Instead of people mourning and feeling sad about the loss of lives, they are more concerned with the idea of religion and 'how could their Diety possibly kill them if he/she existed and loved them' sort of thing. Yes, it is ironic, but that doesn't mean those poor people should be subject to ridicule. If you are an athiest, well, that's just fine, but to mock others in their death over observing their religion....that's just fucked up. tragedies happen to people all over the world and it doesn't matter if they are theists, athiests, or agnostics. We will all die some day, but what if your death was used as sensationalism? I think it's just sad.