Why the 'X'?

SnakeLord said:
Besides which, I only answered your question and see no ill done with it. I explained that sometimes discussions can get heated, and that you had no valid position to label anyone who uses the short form of christianity as an "angry person".

I agree completely, it would be completely invalid of me to label posters as angry people, which is exactly why I asked if others felt that was the case. I never meant to convey prejudice to the other forum-goers, I was making a simple inquiry intended to get a judgement from more experienced posters.

SnakeLord said:
Yeah, and you pigeonholed everyone who types xianity as an "angry person" after just 2 posts. You win.

Again, I most definitely didn't intend to label anyone, and I don't recall doing so, whereas you are speaking directly to me and making baseless (and incorrect) assumptions.

SnakeLord said:
And now you're playing even more of the martyr role than I gave you credit for.

Hey, you're doing a "marvellous job" of supporting my statement that you act like a martyr - all based upon some self delusion that the "angry people" who use an x are trying to insult you.

I'm not sure "martyr" means what you think it does. My dictionary says: "1. To put to death for adhering to some belief, esp. Christianity. 2. to sacrifice on account of faith or profession."

I'm sure you didn't intend to turn this into an attack on belief (definition one), so you must have meant definition two, which doesn't apply either, since I haven't sacrificed anything in the name of curiosity.

Regardless, you were right in saying that your opinion had no effect on the other posts, and I've learned that lesson. My question has obviously hit a nerve with you and Christianity and martyrdom for whatever reason, and for that, I apologize.

I agree completely, it would be completely invalid of me to label posters as angry people, which is exactly why I asked if others felt that was the case. I never meant to convey prejudice to the other forum-goers, I was making a simple inquiry intended to get a judgement from more experienced posters.

Sure, and as a more experienced poster, I gave you the judgement you've asked for. What's the problem?

Again, I most definitely didn't intend to label anyone, and I don't recall doing so, whereas you are speaking directly to me and making baseless (and incorrect) assumptions.

Well I do reserve the right to call it as I see it. I explained to you originally in my very first post that it is just for ease of use, which you refuted on the basis that nobody says B'ist. I then explained that aswell, but you just ignored it instead trying to justify something that is solely in your head. And its easy to see from your posts that no answer other than "yes it is purposely to insult" are good enough for you.

You then proceed to whinge that I'm being mean because my opinion doesn't agree with yours.

As you just want someone to say it is for insult purposes then yes, they do all say xian to be rude. I mean really.. the 'x' is so damn insulting I'm surprised they get away with it.. Happy now?

I'm not sure "martyr" means what you think it does. My dictionary says: "1. To put to death for adhering to some belief, esp. Christianity. 2. to sacrifice on account of faith or profession."

Buy a bigger dictionary.

- One who makes a show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy.

That's exactly what you're doing, (especially with your last post).

Regardless, you were right in saying that your opinion had no effect on the other posts, and I've learned that lesson. My question has obviously hit a nerve with you and Christianity and martyrdom for whatever reason, and for that, I apologize

Oh absolutely, you hit a nerve. lol

But anyway, humour aside, this post has pretty much come down to this:

The atheists/non believers etc have all seemingly supported the notion that 'x' is not intended as an insult, and while some people might view it that way, it just makes life that little bit easier. On the other hand you have the religious folk who swear it is used to offend regardless to what the people who actually use the word think.

So there was no point asking in the first place. You all seem determined to look upon it as insulting, even though it isn't.. and so good luck to you. It's as daft as a muslim saying you're being insulting because you don't type (pbuh) whenever you say jesus, but you're free to feel insulted by whatever you want. I suppose in December you stand outside christmas card shops with a banner saying: "Don't insult us, use christmas not xmas".
My original question was answered much better by other posters, as I'm sure you can see for yourself; I wasn't looking for a pity handout, I was looking for a reason beyond efficiency in typing.

Now, however, I see that you're responses revolve around a baseless claim that I am a Christian who is seeking some sort of reprieve on the behalf of my brethren from the hurtful insults cast by the heathen non-believers. I regret that I gave you that impression, but judging from the other posters, you are the only one who felt that way.

What I will take from this topic is that the 'X' is short for Christ. This is either from St. Andrew's Cross or from the greek letter 'Chi'. Also, there doesn't appear to be any clear consensus as to whether it is insulting or not. I get the feeling that each person uses or views it differently (atheist and Christian alike).

On a side note, I regard the OED as the definitive source of definitions for the english language, and it doesn't contain a single definiton of 'martyr' like yours. Although the American Heritage Dictionary is nice, I'd hardly juxtapose it with the OED (the reall OED, not the askoxford.com 'lite' version). And yes, I realize that my initial two weren't from the OED either.

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My original question was answered much better by other posters, as I'm sure you can see for yourself

Didn't realise it was a competition. But better? Nah, just different. I explained quite clearly to you how the effects of shortening words is common and that you have no reason, (and you still don't), to assume that this action signifies rude intent. Of course, it's only now - many posts later - that you've finally decided to tell me that you wanted a specific answer:

I was looking for a reason beyond efficiency in typing.

In which case you should have told everyone what answer you did want. How am I supposed to know you don't want answer so and so, but will only accept something else?

I also wonder why you didn't want that answer. Because you were already aware that people shorten letters, but you were specifically looking for something to show non believers as rude? Do you consider it the wrong answer perhaps? If so I would ask for something a little more substantial than "it cant be because people dont say B'ism".

Furthermore, how can you even say you were looking for a reason beyond that, when that's exactly what you asked for:

"Is that the motivation? Or is it simply laziness?"

I fully answered your question with relevance to how you asked it. Why ask if it's laziness, and then say it's not good enough when someone explains that it is?

Now, however, I see that you're responses revolve around a baseless claim that I am a Christian who is seeking some sort of reprieve on the behalf of my brethren from the hurtful insults cast by the heathen non-believers. I regret that I gave you that impression

You're still giving off that impression.

What I will take from this topic is that the 'X' is short for Christ.

You didn't know that? What did you think it was short for? Bob Marley?

Yes, it's the short form of christ, and for ease, people will shorten words.. so christian becomes xian because x is the short form of christ.

jesus fucking x. :D

I get the feeling that each person uses or views it differently (atheist and Christian alike).

Guess so, but you just chose to consider my view as not what you wanted. Of course that's your right, it's just daft.

On a side note, I regard the OED as the definitive source of definitions for the english language

Who cares what you "regard"?
SnakeLord said:
Of course, it's only now - many posts later - that you've finally decided to tell me that you wanted a specific answer
Actually, in my second post I think it was already pretty clear:
Chryso said:
I am not unfamiliar with contraction, my question was whether or not there is an intent other than efficiency.

SnakeLord said:
I also wonder why you didn't want that answer. Because you were already aware that people shorten letters, but you were specifically looking for something to show non believers as rude? Do you consider it the wrong answer perhaps?
That was a possible reason that I suggested, some disagreed with that suggestion, others agreed. I was prepared to move on after people responded.

SnakeLord said:
I fully answered your question with relevance to how you asked it. Why ask if it's laziness, and then say it's not good enough when someone explains that it is?
Because I wanted more than one person's answer. What I should have done after you responded is accepted your answer and solicited others, my apologies for trying to provoke further discussion.

SnakeLord said:
You're still giving off that impression.
I'm not sure how, but if you explain how not to give off that impression, I'd be happy to listen.

SnakeLord said:
You didn't know that? What did you think it was short for? Bob Marley?

Yes, it's the short form of christ, and for ease, people will shorten words.. so christian becomes xian because x is the short form of christ.

Allow me to correct myself, I didn't know the origins of the 'X' abbreviation.

SnakeLord said:
Guess so, but you just chose to consider my view as not what you wanted. Of course that's your right, it's just daft.
I do accept your view, I was trying to solicit other possible explanations. My entire reason for posting was to get more than one answer.

SnakeLord said:
Who cares what you "regard"?
Well don't take my word for it, take theirs. You'll notice their tagline: "The definitive record of the English language"

Allow me to correct myself, I didn't know the origins of the 'X' abbreviation.

Ok, and allow me to also tell you that it isn't written with rude intent.

Well don't take my word for it, take theirs. You'll notice their tagline: "The definitive record of the English language"

Which could be likened to:

"Snakelord is the coolest guy on the planet" - so sayeth Snakelord.
Interesting -

There was a group of christians from the middle east who translated some scriptures into chinese at the request of the emperor Taizong sometime in the 7th century, and ended up with a toaist/christian blend of ideas. They were called Xian monks, because they were based out of Xian (chang-an, the ancient capital during that part of chinese history).
The first Xians, strange but true.

The lost sutras of jesus - riegert, moore - seastone/ulysses press
the jesus sutras - palmer - ballantine/wellspring press