Why the only true religion hasn't been available from the beginning of times?

That is why I said "for example" - the point being that given a prophet, its not necessary that his/her message will be accepted. I bet there are native Americans who embrace Christianity. I bet there are native Americans who don't - so what? Maybe there are prophets whose message was not accepted - that is not to say they were not sent.

I accept the Native People of what we call America now shaman prophets . The way of the Hopi is a good way to believe . It will save the planet . Besides that they think all the leaders of the world will come to the Great House Of Mica ( pronounced Meeka I believe , kind of like Mekigal ) You think that is weird the Indigenous people of Australia call there shaman Mekigar . I am God Na! Na! Na! Na! Na ! Magic man with magic hands Momma ! Guitar God ! Rock and Roll! It is true I been eating shit most my life . It is the way of Mekigars
So what you're saying is the the various Native American faiths are equally as valid a belief system as yours? IOWs Islam is no more or no less a valid belief system than that of Native Americans.

Actually I'm just responding to the OP. I think the point is that

163 Lo! We inspire thee (Muhammad) as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him, as We inspired Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon, and as we imparted unto David the Psalms;
164 And messengers We have mentioned unto thee before and messengers We have not mentioned unto thee;
165 Messengers of good cheer and off warning, in order that mankind might have no argument against Allah after the messengers.

faith is a matter between God and the believer
So what you're saying is the the various Native American faiths are equally as valid a belief system as yours? IOWs Islam is no more or no less a valid belief system than that of Native Americans.

Yeah way ! The 12th Imam who crawls from the belly of the earth is real similar to fall of Lucifer concepts . Which is similar in nature to Melek Taus concepts . I heard it said that all Kurds in there heart are really Peacock Angel devotes . Yeah man The Micheal Angel comes to my mind
SAM said:
faith is a matter between God and the believer
Hence the observation that monotheistic presumption cripples thought on this topic.

SAM said:
That is why I said "for example" - the point being that given a prophet, its not necessary that his/her message will be accepted
- - -
The native Americans know who their prophets are
Cult leaders, evangelical clerics and shaman, are not "examples" of prophets - true or false?
Hence the observation that monotheistic presumption cripples thought on this topic

Anyone who feels more liberated by any other religious system is free to believe what they want.
Cult leaders, evangelical clerics and shaman, are not "examples" of prophets - true or false?

Isn't one man's prophet another man's cult leader or shaman? Its not black or white is it, inspite of your uncrippled thought processes on this issue
Yeah way ! The 12th Imam who crawls from the belly of the earth is real similar to fall of Lucifer concepts . Which is similar in nature to Melek Taus concepts . I heard it said that all Kurds in there heart are really Peacock Angel devotes . Yeah man The Micheal Angel comes to my mind
That's Arch Angel Michael :)

You can see the picture just on her lower back:
I always wondered why Christians/Muslims haven't wondered about this: If theirs is the only true religion and we assume a 6000 years old Earth/civilization, how come that God didn't bother to send down the only true religion for 2/3rd of that time?
There was an awful lot of paperwork to take care of.
But I tried to by asking that their god speak now to everyone to prove what it is. That's all. If it cannot provide a clear enough way to show it is the only true god then there's no god and no right god as well.

What are you high, cosmo? :rolleyes:
Imagine the implications resulting in "god speaking to us" it would render life meaningless even if a theist, if god just spoke and commanded us, LOL, on TV, how absurd.

are you both high? how many times have i told you god has spoken to me, and has communicated to me in a lot of other ways. ffs it's god; it doesn't have to pay for a prime time slot on our idiot boxes.

and joey, how in the hell did you conclude that would make life meaningless?
Is your ignorance a point of view?

Is yours? Why wasn't Mo scurrying over to see these guys? Why so much preoccupation with the people in the ME? Or is this just that fickleness again?
Is your ignorance a point of view? The native Americans know who their prophets are

That website loads forever. But OK, let's say they had some prophet-like entities, still answer these:

1. Some of those old religions are NOTHING like Christianity/Islam, so saying that those ancient people got the correct message is not a valid argument. Well, just the number of gods for example...

2. If they did have the sufficient message from God(s), why he had to send Jesus and/or Muhammed? The info either wasn't sufficient or the newer prophets were unnecessery...
Almost all religions do share similarities. They tried to give reasons why things around us happened, they set certain rules for society's morality and living with each other, and provided a method of control for the leaders to use on the masses.

Now we have science to clarify our world better, we have legal systems in place that tries to give everyone a fair and safe place...ah, we're still doing the control stuff with religion, among other things.