Why the only true religion hasn't been available from the beginning of times?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Testing thread starter. OK, this went through so time to write the thread I meant to post:

I always wondered why Christians/Muslims haven't wondered about this: If theirs is the only true religion and we assume a 6000 years old Earth/civilization, how come that God didn't bother to send down the only true religion for 2/3rd of that time? And if we count the Americas and Asia where these religions didn't show up until the 1500s, we are talking about 90% of their timeline. Sounds to me pretty unfair from any God letting people to live and die for 5500 years without the possibility to getting to know the only real religion.

So how does your religion account for this?

Also what caused god after 4000-4600 years finally to decide, well, better send my son/prophet down and educate humans, because they don't know shit about me??
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Proponents of such religions would no doubt argue that God had different covenants with man at various times throughout human history and that regardless of whether or not any particular person in any particular part of the world knew the details of such covenants that they would still be able to find God (and be "right" with him) if they truly sought him.

Personally I just see it as evidence that suggests that religion is purely man-made.
I never understood why your "god" just doesn't say something now, with billions of people listening with TV, Radio and other media, but instead has only kept silent. It is very strange, to me, that your god only talks with a few people and they all lived thousands of years ago, why not speak to everyone at one time? Why does your god need to have others speak for it instead of just showing up and doing so itself? To many things that are not easily answered I'd say. But then you all seem to believe in god anyway and that's your right to do so but I never could.
Cosmic, your post is offtopic, completely different matter. But they would say, that faith is supposed to be a test, and if there would be evidence, it would be easy to believe.

Now let's keep it on topic, shall we?
Cosmic, your post is offtopic, completely different matter. But they would say, that faith is supposed to be a test, and if there would be evidence, it would be easy to believe.

Now let's keep it on topic, shall we?

But I tried to by asking that their god speak now to everyone to prove what it is. That's all. If it cannot provide a clear enough way to show it is the only true god then there's no god and no right god as well.
What are you high, cosmo? :rolleyes:
Imagine the implications resulting in "god speaking to us" it would render life meaningless even if a theist, if god just spoke and commanded us, LOL, on TV, how absurd.
What are you high, cosmo? :rolleyes:
Imagine the implications resulting in "god speaking to us" it would render life meaningless even if a theist, if god just spoke and commanded us, LOL, on TV, how absurd.

Testing thread starter. OK, this went through so time to write the thread I meant to post:

I always wondered why Christians/Muslims haven't wondered about this: If theirs is the only true religion and we assume a 6000 years old Earth/civilization, how come that God didn't bother to send down the only true religion for 2/3rd of that time? And if we count the Americas and Asia where these religions didn't show up until the 1500s, we are talking about 90% of their timeline. Sounds to me pretty unfair from any God letting people to live and die for 5500 years without the possibility to getting to know the only real religion.

So how does your religion account for this?

Also what caused god after 4000-4600 years finally to decide, well, better send my son/prophet down and educate humans, because they don't know shit about me??

Very directly:
... the Quran insisted that its message was simply a "reminder" of truths that everybody knew. This was the primordial faith that had been preached to the whole of humanity by the prophets of the past. God had not left human beings in ignorance about the way they should live: he had sent messengers to every people on the face of the earth. Islamic tradition would later assert that there had been 124,000 such prophets, a symbolic number suggesting infinity. All had brought their people a divinely inspired scripture; they might express the truths of God's religion differently, but essentially the message was always the same. Now at last God had sent the Quraysh a prophet and a scripture. Constantly the Quran points out that Muhammad had not come to cancel the older religions, to contradict their prophets or to start a new faith. His message is the same as that of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, or Jesus. The Quran mentions only those prophets who were known to the Arabs, but today Muslim scholars argue that had Muhammad known about the Buddhists or Hindus, Australian Aborigines or Native Americans, the Quran would have endorsed their sages too, because all rightly guided religion that submitted wholly to God, refused to worship man-made deities and preached that justice and equality came from the same divine source. Hence Muhammad never asked Jews or Christians to accept Islam, unless they particularly wished to do so, because they had received perfectly valid revelations of their own. The Quran insists strongly that "there shall be no coercion in matters of faith," and commands Muslims to respect the beliefs of Jews and Christians, whom the Quran calls ahl al-kitab, a phrase usually translated "People of the Book" but which is more accurately rendered "people of an earlier revelation" .... .

Armstrong, Karen. Islam: A Short History. New York: Modern Library Chronicles, 2000.
That's still not the beginning of times. And is also some surprisingly ignorant equivocation from Armstrong, which is nothing new. Unless you want to argue what the k-word means again. :D
Very directly:

Really? I don't recall any prophets in the Americas, so I am not sure what the new ones were reminding the people, please tell us.

Also do you want to argue that the polytheist nature gods of the Native Americans were the same as the monotheist god of the Bible or Quran? Total bullshit and the same applies to the Asian religions. The tenets are also not the same, sometimes VERY different. And if we humans already had those, why did we need Jesus or Muhamed??

The correct answer is, that obviously God was sleeping at the wheel, and suddenly after 4000 (or 4622 if you are Muslim) years he woke up and started to create the only true religions. Of course this is total bullcrap and the new ones are not any more truer than the older ones.

Care to try again?
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Testing thread starter. OK, this went through so time to write the thread I meant to post:

I always wondered why Christians/Muslims haven't wondered about this: If theirs is the only true religion and we assume a 6000 years old Earth/civilization, how come that God didn't bother to send down the only true religion for 2/3rd of that time? And if we count the Americas and Asia where these religions didn't show up until the 1500s, we are talking about 90% of their timeline. Sounds to me pretty unfair from any God letting people to live and die for 5500 years without the possibility to getting to know the only real religion.

So how does your religion account for this?

Also what caused god after 4000-4600 years finally to decide, well, better send my son/prophet down and educate humans, because they don't know shit about me??


Remember religion is man made and to give commandment to man, it would be some thing verbal , and verbal commands are usually distorted. Man did not know how to read and write . So time was necessary until man gets more developed.:cool:
The Last Prophet Ron Hubbard had to be sent to Earthlings to remind them of the Galactic Faith. All Hail Xenu!

Note: Scientology isn't telling people their faiths are 'wrong' per say, it's really only trying to 'help' people to refocuse on the true faith so they can be closer to Xenu.
Really? I don't recall any prophets in the Americas, so I am not sure what the new ones were reminding the people, please tell us.

Also do you want to argue that the polytheist nature gods of the Native Americans were the same as the monotheist god of the Bible or Quran? Total bullshit and the same applies to the Asian religions. The tenets are also not the same, sometimes VERY different. And if we humans already had those, why did we need Jesus or Muhamed??

The correct answer is, that obviously God was sleeping at the wheel, and suddenly after 4000 (or 4622 if you are Muslim) years he woke up and started to create the only true religions. Of course this is total bullcrap and the new ones are not any more truer than the older ones.

Care to try again?

Nicely put.
Really? I don't recall any prophets in the Americas, so I am not sure what the new ones were reminding the people, please tell us.

Also do you want to argue that the polytheist nature gods of the Native Americans were the same as the monotheist god of the Bible or Quran? Total bullshit and the same applies to the Asian religions. The tenets are also not the same, sometimes VERY different. And if we humans already had those, why did we need Jesus or Muhamed??

The correct answer is, that obviously God was sleeping at the wheel, and suddenly after 4000 (or 4622 if you are Muslim) years he woke up and started to create the only true religions. Of course this is total bullcrap and the new ones are not any more truer than the older ones.

Care to try again?

Is your ignorance a point of view? The native Americans know who their prophets are

For example: http://www.scribd.com/doc/24062187/66-Prophets-of-the-Great-Spirit-Native-American-Indians

Its not required for you to decide who did or did not receive guidance or how they understood it. I mean Kal-El there is waiting for Alien Jesus to take him off while blasting off the earth. er, I mean Krypton. Did Jesus say that? Well thats what Kal-el [k for kryptonite] believes. Its not to say thats what Jesus said.

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Is your ignorance a point of view? The native Americans know who their prophets are

For example: http://www.scribd.com/doc/24062187/66-Prophets-of-the-Great-Spirit-Native-American-Indians

Its not required for you to decide who did or did not receive guidance or how they understood it. I mean Kal-El there is waiting for Alien Jesus to take him off while blasting off the earth. er, I mean Krypton. Did Jesus say that? Well thats what Kal-el [k for kryptonite] believes. Its not to say thats what Jesus said.


Great Spirit is real . Get some . I love my great spirit
SAM said:
Is your ignorance a point of view? The native Americans know who their prophets are

For example: http://www.scribd.com/doc/24062187/6...erican-Indians

Its not required for you to decide who did or did not receive guidance or how they understood it.
Or for you - especially in your crippled state of monotheistic presumption and cultural ignorance.

The "Great Spirit" reference limits the book to those tribes that had one, which would be mainly the northeastern woodland peoples of North America - an important subset, to be sure, but hardly exhaustive of "native Americans" (a concept that makes little sense, anyway). Narrowing it further to those who recognized things like "prophets", leaves nothing representational.

Are cult leaders prophets, btw? - because as with other peoples in other times of disaster and confusion, the NA Reds in the early 1800s were vulnerable to cults.
The "Great Spirit" reference limits the book to those tribes that had one

That is why I said "for example" - the point being that given a prophet, its not necessary that his/her message will be accepted. I bet there are native Americans who embrace Christianity. I bet there are native Americans who don't - so what? Maybe there are prophets whose message was not accepted - that is not to say they were not sent.
That is why I said "for example" - the point being that given a prophet, its not necessary that his/her message will be accepted. I bet there are native Americans who embrace Christianity. I bet there are native Americans who don't - so what? Maybe there are prophets whose message was not accepted - that is not to say they were not sent.
So what you're saying is the the various Native American faiths are equally as valid a belief system as yours? IOWs Islam is no more or no less a valid belief system than that of Native Americans.