Why support it if you cannot stomach it?

Much like your selective, sanctimonious, hypocritical garbage you spew daily.

Your religion demands the death penalty for uttering blasphemy, Sam, and you MUST abide and believe it. It's even written into the Pakistan Penal Code. You as an Indian and a Muslim should appreciate the demands of your state and your religion.

But, then there's the problem of your selective, sanctimonious...

/wipes off the froth

Dear dear, you're getting slightly worked up and highly confused there. Are we talking about Pakistan or Islam? Or India?
If you cannot even look at it, how do you support it?

I generally don't watch documentaries about slaugtherhouses, but those juicy burgers, them I eat!!!

So your thread is (as usual) fucking damn...
I generally don't watch documentaries about slaugtherhouses, but those juicy burgers, them I eat!!!

So your thread is (as usual) fucking damn...

I would go to slaughter houses to get meat. :shrug:
Islam demands you support death sentences, and demands you must believe it.
The US Army demands you support death sentences, and demands you must believe it.

Anyone who may be an enemy combatant, or a potential one, is subject to a US military death sentence, carried out immediately and with extreme prejudice.

At least, that's the rule of thumb, if you're a devotee of US military doctrine and have faith in its obvious supremacy, to those inferior to the cause.
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I've received PMs from people regarding "shocking" images. While I understand the shock value of such images, I find it odd, for instance that people who do not consider a fetus as alive would find the products of conception as "shocking". Or people who support war would find images of war "shocking".

If you cannot even look at it, how do you support it?

Silly argument. I haven't read the whole thread, so others have probably pointed this out, but there are many things that are understood to be perfectly acceptable but that the average person find difficult to watch: surgery, autopsies, slaughtering animals, lawful executions, circumcisions.

The test of morality is not visual.
I've received PMs from people regarding "shocking" images. While I understand the shock value of such images, I find it odd, for instance that people who do not consider a fetus as alive would find the products of conception as "shocking". Or people who support war would find images of war "shocking".

If you cannot even look at it, how do you support it?

So if someone can't watch the amputation of a gangrene leg, then they shouldn't support medically necessary amputations? WTF? :bugeye:
Or people who support war would find images of war "shocking".

If you cannot even look at it, how do you support it?
I support indoor toilets, but I don't enjoy going down to the sewage treatment plant to breath in the lovely odor.

I like to eat sausage, but I've been told no one who likes to eat it should ever see it being made.

Something that is unpleasant, or even shocking, may still be necesary. And just as we don't post graphic images of sex acts on this site; we shouldn't post images of decapitated babies.
Merely the subjunctive?

As opposed to?

Oh, sorry. I hopped in more or less where I left off, but I just saw the current leve of debate here.

It tends to devolve on the weekend.

I think she's saying that she doesn't eat meat.
And also doesn't realize that buying from a slaughterhouse means buying half a cow. Which is pretty big.

Where? Not in the abattoir in Mumbai, you can actually request they set aside a brain or a liver or some hooves.
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How lovely.
You should just assume we're talking about the West here, dearie.

Yes it is. I'm partial to tripe and brain and hooves myself. I won't turn down a liver or kidney either. :D

They are pretty hard to get fresh in the US.
There are a lot of things I fully support and do myself whenever appropriate, such as wiping my ass, of which I do not want to see photographs.

Shoving such pictures into my face is an offense, and the shover is in the wrong. I am not denying the reality of anything I support, and unless the shover has evidence that I am, presuming to educate by such assault is arrogant.

That said, denial based on squeamishness is not a moral virtue to be protected from all assault. If someone is denying the existence or reality of, say, the killing of civilians in Iraq by US weaponry and tactics, a graphic photo or two might be in order.

It doesn't make much of an argument, though. It's anecdote. Argument by anecdote is only good for countering a general denial.

And as a general observation, argument by photograph misleads more often than not. The photo is of an extreme case, or faked, or out of significant context, or somehow irrelevant, quite a bit more often than it is properly illustrative. IMHO. Likewise videos.
You think the decapitated baby was extreme? I think when you are using thousands of pounds of ordinance on a relatively unarmed group of people, its commonplace to expect they will die, some of them in terrible ways.
Most people don't even want to see pictures of their intestinal tract. Do you suggest those people should not be allowed to digest food?
I think actively enabling abortion or war is not on the same level as digesting food. But thats just me.
You implied it's strange to support something but not be able to look at it.

Most people probably don't want to look at 99% of the things they do. Your body is pretty nasty to look at on a closer level.

Most people don't really want to look at photos or rotting corpses covered in mice and feces water. Yet I'm sure those people retroactively support the Allied effort in WWII.

I don't personally have a problem looking at any photos, but some people just have a low threshold for off-putting stuff. Is this really so difficult for you to understand?

What have you done to end the Sudanese conflict, Sam?
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