Why Son of God has to Die?

DOESN'T EVERYONE SIN? Ooh. Original Sin. I mean, without it, Christianity would be nowhere. If you weren't told-No one can be perfect, you wouldn't bother with Christ either. The whole base of Christianity is that every man will sin, inevitably. Such a concept is dispicable.

Anyways. I don't understand the concept of God sacrifice either. It's wrong to sacrifice humans, but, if we're sacrificing our God for the greater good, GO FOR IT!!!
How are there to be aliens(which is inevitable with this universe. Not that any would visit us, I am not suggesting UFO's, have no fear)? Would God merely go from planet to planet sacrificing himself again and again, or would they all rot in hell because they have not found Jesus(even though they can't)?
Don't go straight for the jugular on the Original sin too quick. The statement that "everyone sins" is a statement of man's depravity, which is not exactly the same as original sin. Original sin is better described as the state we're in, in which everyone tends to commit what theologians call actual sin, e.g. adultery, murder, etc. Even if you disregard Original sin, we've all still done actual sins, so really the question of Original sin is irrelevant.