Why Son of God has to Die?


Valued Senior Member
Men dies, and Son of God also Dies!
If Gos is so Powerful and no rule can bind His will and action,
then why He needs Blood of His Son to atone for human's sin?

Why not He just forgives us (we are all futile) and allows ALL of us going to heaven.

Why not He allows us TO SEE HIM face to face and REPENT. Because, in current situation, I really do not know Which God is True God, I can only Guess. Why I must bear eternal punishment if I unluckily guess Wrong ? :confused:

Is it Fair ?
Men dies, and Son of God also Dies!

"He" (God) didn't really die, he only let his body die so that we would be saved.

Why not He just forgives us (we are all futile) and allows ALL of us going to heaven.

He forgives all people, sooner or later, all people go to heaven, but people must first gain experience. That's life...

Why not He allows us TO SEE HIM face to face and REPENT.

God says in the Bible that no one can see his face, and if someone sees his face, they can't live (yet Moses and others saw his face without dying).

You see... those who believe in religions says that God forgives their sin, but if you do not believe in religions, you say that you forgive yourself. That's one and the same thing.

Because, in current situation, I really do not know Which God is True God, I can only Guess.

You don't have to guess. God wants you to pick the God you think is the best. There is only one God, and everything is a part of IT. If you see that religions give you no energy, you don't need to believe anymore, God doesn't want that... God wants the same as you... God wants that people do what they want... because you and God are one and the same thing...

Just choose whatever you think sounds good in religions... in all of them, if you wish... that way you get more knowledge of life. If there's something you don't agree with, don't believe in it. Later you will not need a religion, because you'll have yourself. Belief in oneself is more important than belief in "God".

Why I must bear eternal punishment if I unluckily guess Wrong ? :confused:

You don't have to. People were only told so that they would obey God's commandments.

Is it Fair ?

There are very strong evidences that christianism its not a truly new religion. There are many parts that were stolen from Egipcian religion and others.

In such religions there are "heros" that died and then ressurected 3 days after, for example (sound familair). That hero (Osiris) was born at 25 December -_-

The prayers that we know are equally (word by word some of them) to older Egipcian prayers.

So, Jesus has to die, because that part of the story that chritians (and Jesus itself) stolen from older religions. Jesus death has we know its fake. Its just propaganda that Jesus created.
It's wrong to say that the things in the Bible are "Stolen". Truth is the same everywhere, it can't be stolen, it will be told everywhere in different forms. The earth was flooded 5000 years ago, and because it's a truth, it's also written in other religions. None of those religions have "stolen" from each other, they simply talk about the same truth.
That Jesus died in some kind of metaphysical deal to pay for the sins of everyone past present and future was just an afterthought. He certainly died as a result of the sins of his generation. The story also has some value as a metaphor, that one should do the right thing even if it means your life.

My interpretation is that Jesus was only on the edge of spiritual transformation until the last moments before his death. When he said "thy will be done", that was when he truly accepted things as they are, up till then, he still had some doubts ("why have you forsaken me"). Realizing the essential unity of everything is a sign of enlightenment. It's an example for everyone, and in that sense, it might "save" people from delusion.

He didn't necessarily need to die, such transformation could have happened at a later time without death.
Should Christianity be right, why should death mean much to the son of god? It wouldn't be as if he would actually cease to exist. It would be an inconvenience at worst.
Three statements:

-God is Just
-God is Gracious/Merciful(for these purposes those are synonymous)
-Human Responsibility for their sin

The only way you can have all three of these statements together is if one has someone on which to place the blame of sin. Think about it like this: if God let everyone into Heaven (again without Christ-figure) and he just magically writes off everyone's wrongdoing, that cannot be just(can it?). On the other extreme, if God let no one into Heaven because everyone did wrong, that would not be merciful/Gracious.

Simply said: without a Christ-figure, it becomes a pick two of the three game. That is why Christ is necessary.
Dear Saint,

What sense would there be in allowing Sin into Heaven. Is the World not bad enough that you would want us to move all of the Same Problems into Heaven?

You know, it would honestly be a Bad Thing if Sinners were Forgiven and allowed to oppress, exploit, rape and pillage the rest of us in Heaven they way they ever did while on Earth.

Screw Salvation! What about Justice!

If Heaven is empty except for a small handful of Righteous Saints, that would be better than to throw upon the Gates to Bandits, Pimps, Crooks and Republicans. If the the greater part of Humanity is damned to hell for their Evil, then don't they deserve it?

Forget Salvation. It is a doctrine from Paul, and Paul was nobody. the only advocate we have for Paul in the Bible is Paul, and I should wonder why we count him in his own defense, when all of the Real Apostles were busy writing their own Letters refutting Paul's false Doctrines. We should refer to the Teachings of Christ who taught no Salvation, but taught that we should prepare ourselves to face a Judgment by Moral Criteria, and taught us to strive after a Spiritual Perfection.
Buddhism teaches you must do good to gain merit to erase your sin/karma.
My question, "why I have to be accountable to God for my wrong doing?"
If I wrong James, I only need to apologise to James, why must I ask forgiveness from God too?
Saint said:
Buddhism teaches you must do good to gain merit to erase your sin/karma.
My question, "why I have to be accountable to God for my wrong doing?"
If I wrong James, I only need to apologise to James, why must I ask forgiveness from God too?

This may sound a little weird but...

Asking forgiveness of God means that you ask forgiveness of yourself (unconsciously)

If you've done a really bad thing to a person and he forgives you, it doesn't mean that you can forgive yourself, unless you also ask forgiveness of yourself ("God")
your belief of God is strange to me!
Seems that you believe God is part of my entity, this is not taught in traditional churches.
Buddhism teaches you must do good to gain merit to erase your sin/karma.
There is also no God concept in Buddhism, so why worry about it?

Seems that you believe God is part of my entity, this is not taught in traditional churches.
Right! ...but that's what Jesus taught.
Saint said:
your belief of God is strange to me!
Seems that you believe God is part of my entity, this is not taught in traditional churches.

"God" is your higher self, the unconscious part of you. The self (God) exists within all things. This is taught in Hinduism. I am also a part of you, you wrote this, but you're not yet conscious of it. You read this because your unconscious mind wants to tell it to you.

You want to be "Saint", and you defend that person. People want to be a person instead of God (everything). When you defend your person you restrict your evolution. If you want truth, never be for or against.

When you're going to lie, you may hear a voice which says: 'Don't lie, be yourself, don't wear masks.' This is the conscience, the voice of "God". My knowledge of God doesn't come from books, but from my higher self, which is another word for God.
The Bible says GOD is Creator, He cannot be me!
God and I and two different entities, of different substance.

I guese the God of Yorda is not the God of Christianity.
ther is no god.
only nature and evolution.
and bill gates.
all hail microsoft
Saint said:
The Bible says GOD is Creator, He cannot be me!
God and I and two different entities, of different substance.

What makes you different from God? Do you really know yourself? Or are you merely a body, a physical object?

Are you sure you are not the creator of all things? If you believe that you, your personality and body is the creator of all things, then you are crazy. But believe me, the mind within you created all things. This world is an illusion created by the mind. Dive deep enough in matter... you find atoms, dive deeper and soon you'll end up with nothing... because the world is nothing, and you only dream about "something" because consciousness cannot accept anything so simple as nothing.

God is an inseparable oneness... you see that this world is separated into two complementary sides which want to unite. God is the power behind this attraction. There is light, dark, man, women... (opposites) etc. Because nothing can push aside God, he created two opposites which, when in balance, reflect his divinity. There is nothing in the world where God is not. Nothing can push away God. Magnets want to unite because they miss God, they want to be themselves... the unification, the wholeness... once they were God.

There is only one truth: God. People have lost themselves. Buddhism teaches that we should self-knowledge, because the self is "God". God is the center, and when God, 'the self of all things', enters a human, that "I" in the human becomes the center of the world. He does not yet know that his inmost self is the One which can't be explained by words...

I guese the God of Yorda is not the God of Christianity.

I know that it is the same God behind all religions, the same "self". But those who believe in a God doesn't agree with my beliefs, and those who don't believe in God doesn't agree with my beliefs either. I'm not restricted into specifical patterns in religion or science, the infinite god-mind has no boundaries.
Leo Volont said:
If Heaven is empty except for a small handful of Righteous Saints, that would be better than to throw upon the Gates to Bandits, Pimps, Crooks and Republicans. If the the greater part of Humanity is damned to hell for their Evil, then don't they deserve it?

This is directed toward Leo: Who could be called Righteous, dare a Saint, in the presence of God? Doesn't everybody sin?