Why Skeptics Should Pray

It's all relative, Bebelina. It's all how you interpret the results from the world's events. Some people, those pessimists (they piss me off, sometimes I have desires to whup their gay asses for them) take the "this good stuff is just temporary we will all die anyway ha ha ha" attitude. Some people, like you and most religious people (I'm thinking christians here) will take the "if we pray faithfully we will be rewarded" "everything happens for the best" "all people are born good" etc attitude, which inspires a sense of slight bewilderment and disgust in me. Such optimism is sickening, but not as sickening as the pessimists.

I prefer to say, "we are nto all doomed, but there is no one up there to save your damn ass if you get fucked up. If you fuck up, it's up to your own powers to get out of the shit that you got into. No one up there to scoop you out, kiddo." But I do respect individuals who might be religious, because I place individual value above their beliefs. Many of my best friends are religious, and we are all the best of buddies. I dislike the idea, but not the people.
Can I just say, I am extremely pessimistic. I can't do anything or go somewhere without thinking or seeing the worst in things. I am trying to be more optimistic, really I am.
Anyway, my religious studies may not be up to scratch as I'm not religous. I merely get the knowledge from oter sources (mainly my over religious friend, how I pity him).
I've just realised. We are getting off topic fast.

hey zero, what if i type like this. does it annoy u. im doing it on purpose

I'll quit now. I'm sorry. I'm very conscious about my writing.
Sorry I did not realize that punctutation and grammer were so important to you or on a post like that. I don't think you should be nit-picking me for that though. I myself have seen much much worse. Let us moot back to the original topic disscusion and forget my brief derelict of sentence structure.

Next time I post I will also try to be more articulate I decry how I poorly I worded the point I was trying to make.

- oh yeah and Zero I posses two arms

Who ever has the point of why skeptics should pray, please explain.
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Actually, Zero, I agree, I prefer it when posts are written correctly, and same as Thor, I'm usually careful to do it myself. It's just that there seem to be a few people around here who have dodgy formatting and posts, so kinda thought it was the accepted norm. And someguy01, why don't you just go back and edit the post with the typo? :rolleyes:

But that's all entirely off topic, I apologise.
I was just thinking that, why didn't you edit it?
Firefly, Bang, Bang - (If anyone listens to Rammstein, they'll get that)
"Skeptics should pray" is entirely a theistic attitude of sanctimonious self righteousness. It stems from the attitude that the theistic point of view is superior and the skeptics are some half retarded animals that should be educated. A tad pathetic in my humble opinion.
Zero, this is not something I have said or do believe: "if we pray faithfully we will be rewarded"
That is not at all what I believe. That resembles more something of a threat.
That if I don't pray I will be punished. I don't believe that.
I simply said that if you ask for help you will get it. Maybe in the way that you will have more energy to solve your problems or start thinking in new ways that will bring new solutions to your problems and so on...not in the way that a "hand of God" will lift you up from the mud kind of thing.
You see the difference?

One of the main reasons I don't believe is that if god is proven to not exsist (which religion will deny), we will have wasted a lot of time. I'm saving myself a hell of a lot of time to do more rewarding things, such as talk to you guys.
Personally, I don't "pray to God", I communicate with the universe, which I am a part of, so seeing it that way, I do generate my own energy.
As I said, it's your choice. It's your personal beliefs. My own beliefs are just that religion is a lost dream, and it is all up to yourself and your own resources to get out of the shit. I can not believe in a superior being up there, guiding everything. It's just a fairy tale to me.

But theism has its merits, as does atheism. And, individual power can preserve those merits and reduce the cons of each particular viewpoint.
If you think it's my own choice, my own belief, why do you then keep telling me what to do? Assuming things about my belief even that I haven't said is part of it.
And you do believe that you are a part of the universe, even if you don't think it has a consciousness?
Skeptics need not pray...

Prayer is a form of meditation, however in prayer one asks of god things he/she may need to be solved, it is usually when an individual that is in deep shit when they start praying for problems solved. Atheists do almost the same however atheists meditate, relax and find solutions to their problem while in a state of meditation. Atheist know that they solved their own dilema, or that they themselves came up with the solutions, while the theists "believe" that god helped them, they really don't want to take credit for their own ingenuity of solving problems.

This is a little story told to me by a Catholic.

There was a flood, and an old man had to climb up on his roof, in order to survive, he was a hardcore believer so he believed god will save him, a friend came by on a boat as asked him to climb on board, the man replied, "it's ok!! god will save me", a few hours latter a man in a jet-ski came by and asked if he wanted a ride, the old man replied, "I've been praying, it's ok, god will save me!" then the house started to go, with the flow of the flood, a helicopter came by, and hovered above him, asked him to grab the rope, the old man replied, "it's ok god will save me!!, I've been praying for him to come!!." the helicopter took off, the house went on and fell apart, needless to say the old man died.
When in heaven the old man asked god, why did he not save him, god answered to him. *I've gave you three chances to be saved, first I sent you a friend with a boat, then I sent a stranger with a jet-ski, last I sent a helicopter, It was ovious you didn't want to be saved since you took none of them.*
If there is a god who is controlling us. I'd want to fight the dictator. I'm not going to be a slave to another being.

Anyone got any god killing weapons. I have a pitchfork, does that help. Also, I have a pretty sharp shovel.
Free Will in Christianity

How can we have free will if God has a plan for our lives and knows everything we'll do in advance?

Since God is omniscient, God has foreknowledge, meaning he knows what everyone will do in the future and what any individual would do in any given situation. This foreknowledge enables God to have a plan for everyone's life. For instance, if God wants a particular action to occur, he knows who would choose to do that action, and under what circumstances they would choose it; thus he is able to plan for it to happen. However, God's knowing what choices we will make is simply knowledge - it doesn't remove our free will, for we are still the ones making the choices.

This may be more understandable if we consider that we have a type of foreknowledge from our knowledge of history. For example, we know that the Americans won the Revolutionary War. If we went back in time before the Revolutionary War took place, our knowing the outcome wouldn't force anyone to do anything. Our knowing the Boston Tea Party would take place wouldn't mean that the colonists would be forced to throw the tea overboard, it would only mean that we'd know what the colonists would choose to do. It's the same with God: his knowing what we'll freely choose to do doesn't mean we're forced to make that choice.

Then he must know that I'm gonna kick his ass!
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