Why shouldn't a ten year old be allowed to drive?

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Sure, but are irrational and sudden reactions solely the province of children? There are plenty of underage children who, given tuition, would make perfectly competent drivers. Those who couldn't handle it could be ruled out.

But they may not be ruled out. My younger brother loved cars, at the age of 10 he was about 5'5 and used to beg my parents to let him back their cars out of the garage. We had a place in the middle of nowhere and my parents would let us drive because there were no other people around. He was a good driver and still continues to be one, (written test aside) he would have passed his driving test no problem. However he did have 10 year old moments, moments that rarely run through an adults mind and if they do most adults do not act on them. He would suddenly turn the wheel to chase after birds on the ground, imagine he was racing, forget he was the one driving...etc Now in just 5 years he's changed so much, he still does stupid stuff and is still quite irresponsible (which is why he has no car and no permit), but he no longer chases birds with the car or races his imaginary friends. While there are many mature 10 year olds few if any are free from having 10 year old moments.
10 year olds can't drive for the same reason I can't rent a car, the law picked an arbitrary age that it feels most people have reached the minimum requirements for doing something at, and even if you're ready sooner, it's tough cookies you can wait, like everyone else has to.
Circular logic never happened to me. :)

No, sorry. Your attempt to justify ageism with more ageism constitutes a circular logic fallacy.

Sure. You never drove in Florida I take. You also don't know much about biology...

I know enough about biology to spot an ageist stereotype when I see one. Furthermore, I know how to spot glaring logic fallacies when someone attempts to use them to justify discrimination.

I am not just saying, it is a FACT. You earn it by passing the age of 16 and also passing an exam.

You favour bestowing privileges based on measures other than demonstrated merit. Ergo. You are engaging in discrimination.

Not that I recall....

So you've never heard of an adult crashing a plane? Really?

Well, it's safe to say that adults *do* crash planes. Perhaps they do so because their adult brains have an inbuilt deficiency that a child's brain does not possess. :D

Furthermore, the article you posted made it clear that the child was being *supervised*. In such situations, it is the supervisor who bears responsibility for a crash. Ie. The adult was responsible for the crash.

P.S.: I think posting on this site should be a privilege too, and people posting stupid threads should have their privilege revoked.

You haven't demonstrated why my thread is stupid. All you've done is employ shit logic.
So you've never heard of an adult crashing a plane? Really?

Well, it's safe to say that adults *do* crash planes. Perhaps they do so because their adult brains have an inbuilt deficiency that a child's brain does not possess.

Furthermore, the article you posted made it clear that the child was being *supervised*. In such situations, it is the supervisor who bears responsibility for a crash. Ie. The adult was responsible for the crash.

Really? Are you so dense you can't detect sarcasm? Of course adults have crashed planes. Adults are pretty much the only ones who fly aircraft, and are the only one involved in place crashes. How old are you?

You haven't demonstrated why my thread is stupid. All you've done is employ shit logic

You are the one employing stupid logic, that 10 year olds are as mentally capable as adults. Anyone with any experience with children of this age know this is not the case. Your thread IS stupid.
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You do realize that nobody takes this thread seriously do you? ;)

Your attempt to justify ageism

OK, how about sex? Should 10 year olds have sex and if not, why not? After all nobody gets killed, they might create a new life but what's wrong with that?

Or YOUR ageism only goes for driving a car? Also why can't they get firearms, I mean if they are mature enough to drive, they are sure mature enough to discharge a firearm in the right direction?

How about alcohol and smoking? If they damage somebody it is themselves, and don't they have the right to decide for themselves just like adults do?

So what is your stand on sex, firearms, smoking,etc as AGEISM go??? Reminds me they should be able to VOTE too!

Bonus question: Where would you want your 10 year old drive alone anyway?

because he's short, even if they maked his seat hight, or a small car to fit his legs and size, he'll differently crash into a wall or run away of home, or end up at the police station, :D
How about alcohol and smoking?


yesterday, i was going to drink water from the bottle, but in the bottle it was alcohol, so i dinked some, wich i didnt mean to swollow when i knew it's alcoholn ,so i became like drunk, saying stupid things, lol, at least i tryed it once, but this time really alcohol, a 60percent alcohol and 40 percent water mixe, :D
Mod Hat - Closure

Mod Hat — Just this note, you know?

Syzygys said:

You do realize that nobody takes this thread seriously do you? ;)

Except, of course, for those of us who must.

But on that note, and thanking you for pointing out the obvious, this adventure in the mental gutters is now finished.
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