Why religions still exist?



just to ask all of you,

if religions are all craps,
why they still exist and influence the world (like how Vatican influences politics) ?

People are terrified of thinking for themselves. You don't have to when you've got religion.
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the
heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of
spiritless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
-Karl Marx
"Religion. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable."


"A sense of community emerges from shared theological beliefs which provides a locus of interaction for people with similar value systems. Common religious doctrine enables people to "define a situation" in a similar manner thus reinforcing their camaraderie and friendship. From a sense of community emerges an identification of self."
It has always been easier to believe there is a life beyond death than to face the horrible reality of one day not existing.

Religion offers a hope to replace a fear. It doesn't matter to many people whether it is true or not they just don't want to face reality.

But it seems there is always likely to be gullible people around.
people need something to get them through tough times, to believe that they aren't alone when they feel lonely, when they feel scared to have comfort in knowing someone is always with them...from my limited chruch going experience (apiscapalean...can't spell it) I've noticed them repeated say the Lord is always with you....and you repeat, "and also with you."

I wouldn't mind going to church for story time :D but Sunday school ruined it for me
Poet: "opiat of the people" I believe is the correct quote.

Religions give people hope, love and hapiness. Any idea, regardless of it's fact or fiction, that gives people this seems destined to always exist in our societies.
Tyler: Interesting that you should bring that word up - I have
heard this debated before (opium vs opiate). IIRC I have also
heard the word masses used in place of people. Could
it be a translation thing? Anyway, I got the quote from this

In my opinion, religion/spirituality is a very personal thing (not
unlike sex). I don't push my philosophies onto others and
appreciate it very much when the favor is returned, so to speak.
I enjoy a good debate but not if the other person is trying to
convince me their way is the the only way. As I see it, exchanging
philosophies helps perpetuate growth not only for the two who
are debating but for each individual separately. I also think that
freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. :)

Here is my personal philosophy in a nutshell:

I think spirituality is a lot like food for our souls. If you follow that
line of thinking, exploring spirituality is kind of like trying to figure
out what kind of muffins one likes. There are a lot of flavors to
choose from but when you get right down to it they are basically
the same thing. They just taste different.
Religion still exists because religious people still believe that religion is true, and teach it to their chewren lah!

Singapore will only advance economically when we abandon our Islamo-Christian ways... wait a sec, most S'poreans are TCRs... lol.

Just curious, how do you feel being a Christian amid a society with a majority of Muslims, a minority of TCRs, and a small minority of Hindus (and Sikhs)?
people dont belive that religion is true. they are TAUGHT that this is true, did you deside that u belive in god, or were you told?
Come on people. Religion can be fun. All those people singing and dancing in the church. They look so happy.
EvilPoet, Karl Marx must know the effects of opium don't you think?
So, religion is what chooses what color of shirt I will wear today, or what I will have for dinner, or what I will do this weekend, or what I will say at my friends funeral, etc.? Most illogical.

"people dont belive that religion is true. they are TAUGHT that this is true, did you deside that u belive in god, or were you told?"

Do you believe love is true? Were you TAUGHT that this is true? Did you decide that you believe in love, or were you told?

Do you believe vision is true? Were you TAUGHT that this is true? Did you decide that you believe in vision, or were you told?

and the list goes on and on and on.....

The addiction of religion

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of spiritless conditions. It is the opium of the people." ~ Karl Marx
(Just like I said, Xians are addicted and enabled by their churches to be co-dependent. It's time to put them into recovery and deprogram them!)
So, religion is what chooses what color of shirt I will wear today, or what I will have for dinner, or what I will do this weekend, or what I will say at my friends funeral, etc.? Most illogical.

Actually it does, since it attacks at a subliminal level depending on your exposure.

Just like I said, Xians are addicted and enabled by their churches to be co-dependent. It's time to put them into recovery and deprogram them!)

Or you could just kill them all. There are enough people on this earth anyway.
Kill all the Xians?

Originally posted by and2000x
Or you could just kill them all. There are enough people on this earth anyway.
(True. But history shows Xianity has done most of the killing.)
Originally posted by Futurist
if religions are all craps, why they still exist and influence the world

Religion is hereditary. It's a fundamental tradition passed down from your parents- and society in general. The taboo associated with rejecting one's religious upbringing is also a major factor in the incredible resilience of this institution.

People crave the understanding and peace of mind that religion provides, and since it is such a well-established institution already, it is not difficult to see why people so easily gravitate towards it.

Religion no longer prospers from it's relevent quality, but rather from it's own momentum. Science is the main opposing force acting on this body, and in concurrence with Newton's second law, the rate of change of it's momentum is predictably slowing down.
People are not allowed to question it either. It boarders on absolute absurdity. For example, in schools a teacher is sometimes required to state that 'creation' is a theory, alongside evolution, as not to offend believers. However, if a teacher said something like "Unicorns might very well exist" or "it is theorized that the moon could be made of cheese" he would get questioned by a lot of people.

If you stand up and say that the Christian belief is bullshit, you will get a lot of heat from people: "People can believe in whatever they want, you have NO right to question them." The idea of offending people will always drown out reason.

It is also worth pointing out that it is more acceptable to criticize Christians and Muslims. It happens all of the time in music, television and the media, but if you criticize Jews that means you are an anti-semitic hate monger and you need to be silenced. This makes it even harder to tackle the problem, even though I don't mind being called an anti-semite.
Many people are afraid of the dark. The thought that the universe is meaningless and when we die there is only the cold night would drive most mad should they accept it. I shudder at the though.

Religion is also a way to let you sleep at night. You can get pennance and some horrible things are even promoted by certain religions. You behave a certain way because your god tells you to and not because its right or wrong. It even gives you some sense of purpose.
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Re: The addiction of religion

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
It's time to put them into recovery and deprogram them!

By that I hope you mean "crucify and eat the whole lot of them".
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
. . . history shows Xianity has done most of the killing.

That's right, and it's high time we had a drastic reversal of roles.

On a less heinous though equally truculent note, I think religious people are, by and large, fearful, tremulous, ignorant cattle, which aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
They're too hebetudinous to find answers for themselves, so they wallow in self-pity and dellusion, assuming that this cosmic "buddy" of theirs will sympathize with'em and invite 'em over to his big, friggin' house-boat on the celestial bayou o' Nod.
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