Why people want to believe in religion even though it could be wrong?

Love is a subjective feeling,but it can be expressed objectively, you do not need to make it religious
One thing i found in life is that if you do not experience something as a human you really have no idea how to explain it thoroughly.

Religious experiences is just like that. These could drive you insane, or open up a new world for you, but those whom have never had it, know nout about it. No matter how many brain scans science does, it cannot explain religion or spirituality. Also i doubt anyone can really tell if ones persons insanity is anothers sanity. Anyones who has had a religious experience, knows that its a fine line between sanity and insanity, and you could go either way.

I know for sure i see the world differently than you lot, although i would say like 80% of reality is fixed and is not negotiable. The rest science cannot explain. We all agree on 80%, the rest is made up from our own lens of hate that we have have developed into adult life. Once you become an adult, that hate mostly sticks with you for life, and you cannot get away from it. We are all like this. But like 80% of reality is something we share and agree on, like blue is blue and all that.

Its like the way i see it, i see the world slightly more clear than most, thats only slightly, i think most are so stuck into a perimeter of what the world is. Most scientists are stuck in a rut, and see the world within there confines. Like i said before science will never explain why christmas day exists, and it would still exist even if humans where not on earth.
I believe in Religion/God and I strongly agree with what Science says. Is that weird? Maybe it is. But I chose to believe in both. I have my reasons. Those reasons are based from past experiences. I guess that goes for everybody. You choose to believe in something because of your experiences, and you think it makes sense--even if no one else agrees with you. And even if it doesn't make sense--only because even science can't explain it--, you still want to believe because it somehow gives you hope, comfort, and/or a sense of belonging.
People believe in religion just because they are afraid of death, religion promises you a place to rest and survive better than this world after death.
Love is a subjective feeling,but it can be expressed objectively, you do not need to make it religious

Nobody is suggesting you need to. Love was just one of several examples illustrating the point, which you seem reluctant to grasp, which is that there are subjective experiences we all undergo, which science is not especially helpful in dealing with. Another example: everyone I know who is capable of enjoying a Schubert quartet takes his or her scientific "hat" off to do so. We all in fact wear a number of different "hats" in daily life, adopting disciplines of thought appropriate to the task or experience at hand. Only an idiot, a charlatan or an Asperger's sufferer would claim to be able to deal effectively with every experience of life via the discipline of science alone.

SOME people wear a religious "hat" to help them in dealing with some of the challenges of life. Personally I do not find that ridiculous, though I concede that you may.
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It is not fair for us to believe in something our senses can not detect.

Your five senses can detect only physical things to protect and nourish the brain , but the brain might sense thing were your sensors are not capable . Can your physical sensor detect love compassion or anger ?
Your five senses can detect only physical things to protect and nourish the brain , but the brain might sense thing were your sensors are not capable . Can your physical sensor detect love compassion or anger ?
Those things don't exist independent of a physical entity.
Your five senses can detect only physical things to protect and nourish the brain , but the brain might sense thing were your sensors are not capable . Can your physical sensor detect love compassion or anger ?
if you hate me, my eyes can see it from your face. Right?
At first it seems to feel freeing to be over the struggle about whether religions describe truth about the supernatural, especially whether we have a place there and it exists (no reliable evidence that it exists). The downside can kick in more and more that we are gone after death and haven't a perfect friend to be there to help in this life or afterward.
People believe in religion just because they are afraid of death, religion promises you a place to rest and survive better than this world after death.

People pretend they don't believe in religion because they want to do anything they like, and not have to be account for selfish actions.

People believe in religion just because they are afraid of death, religion promises you a place to rest and survive better than this world after death.

Seeing as ants have no way of understanding we are in this world, i would say its a safe bet we too have limits on our perceptions. We have no idea if something could be blocking us from knowing stuff, or that the universe may know we are trying to find answers. The universe may know we are trying to find answers, and that in itself may limit our perceptions.