Why people want to believe in religion even though it could be wrong?


Valued Senior Member
Why people want to believe in religion even though it could be wrong?

Such as,
no miracle, no divine healing, no resurrection,
no solid evidence about these fanciful ideas,
but why, still, so many people are willing to accept it?

Modern psychology can explain it?
You have no idea what went into making the religion. Your basing your question on what you think. Today people brain receptors are being turned off, and that why alot less believe.

Your lack of faith is just as unscientific as there socalled faith. Like the word coincidence, its the science term for faith. Science cannot know the variables going into things, then they call it a coincidence, while others call it something else.

There is no such thing as coincidence either, just that we do not know the variables going into the event.

Also most people are born into a religious system, they have not resonated to it like your supposed too.

When science can explain christmas day and why it happens, and there is scientific basis for it, then i will listen, not before. Thats a perfect example of faith ver science. Whether you believe in christmas day or not, your still affected by it. Go and watch the christmas story movie, and you get the idea. Science will never explain what christmas day is and why its important, and there is a scientific reason for that day.

Modern psychology cannot explain christmas day, its something the effects us all, whether you celebrate it or not. They cannot explain why what happens, does happen, whats it purpose.
There is plenty of wonder left in the universe.
Why people want to believe in religion even though it could be wrong?

Such as,
no miracle, no divine healing, no resurrection,
no solid evidence about these fanciful ideas,
but why, still, so many people are willing to accept it?

Modern psychology can explain it?

I don't know about psychology, but many people look for some kind of guide to living their lives, in particular how to relate to others and how to cope with the triumphs and misfortunes of the human condition. The job of religion is to provide such a guide.

Miracles form part of the stories behind several religions, it is true. But it is a naive error to suppose that miracles are what people are looking for, when they embrace religious belief.
Why people want to believe in religion even though it could be wrong?

Such as,
no miracle, no divine healing, no resurrection,
no solid evidence about these fanciful ideas,
but why, still, so many people are willing to accept it?

Modern psychology can explain it?

I think many religious people feel an inner spirit that gets a boost when that person engages in religious activity. I felt it myself and I am not religious. I experienced an inner feeling of spirituality by listening to the wisdom of a great speaker talking about human events, human suffering, human joy, compassion, love, etc... I actually experienced an inner spirituality just by listening to a inspiring speaker talk about human events. Does that mean I believe in God? No, it just means that I am capable of experiencing emotion. People thrive on experiencing emotion. If you took away all the joy and community and a sense of belonging to a greater group, religion would die.
I believe that humans enjoy company and want to be sociable. There are many organizations that encourage community activity and getting together for other social events like dancing, weddings, art fairs and so on. Religion also allows people of the same ilk to get together and be sociable with each other and allow others to join in at any time they want.
Why people believe there's a spiritual world.?

Did you ever laugh? Did you have to believe in laughter prior to laughing? How about crying? When you were born did you know what crying was? The spiritual world is the same concept, it happens to you without your prior knowledge. It's an experience.
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Why people believe there's a spiritual world.?

But we do not know.

Have you ever heard the term

"My life might be someone elses dream"

We do not know really what reality is, we are observers and have to trust our senses. People speculate there is life after death, and what we know of science, maybe ther eis maybe not. But its not something that is closed. Science does not know, at least at our level.

So the answer is you cannot know there is not. Do not let people like richard dawkins blind you to the wonders of what the universe may be.

Ants exist in this world, and have no idea we exist.
You should always remember this.
It is not fair for us to believe in something our senses can not detect.

Saint, I think most people who have religious sympathy would say their senses DO from time to time experience things that make them think there may be more to the world than the objective physical realities that we can all agree upon. Science, rightly, concerns itself only with the objective - partly indeed to disentangle itself from metaphysical concepts. But Religion is the realm of the subjective, not the objective. The subjective can be a real enough experience though, as anyone who has experienced love, say, or the power of music or other art, will recognise.
It is not fair for us to believe in something our senses can not detect.

But that's what BELIEF means. Something that cannot be proven to exist but only what we BELIEVE exists.
All invention begins as an idea, that has not yet been proven to be real. If we had no faith, nobody would not be able to get beyond that which we can see with our senses to invent the unknown we cannot see.

If I said, I would like to build a new style house, and the building committee had no faith, they would not believe this is possible, until they see the new house with their eyes. But since they can't see it now, they would not give me a permit to starting building, because they lack faith and can't see it. Faith can see what has not yet become manifest.

Say you had no faith in the unseen, one can still become educated by reading and studying ideas and works, that had been generated in the past by those with faith. Now they have become part of reality, so those without faith can see it with their eyes. But anything beyond that would be taboo since it cannot be seen. Those with faith will ignore this taboo, and will work with faith, to provide new things which cannot be seen today, so the faithless of tomorrow can see a little bit more.

Faith in god was the original abstraction that separated from sensory reality. This skill of faith in the unproven, became a template on which all invention and departure from the status quo would be based. When Columbus sailed west, he had faith in the unknown. It was not proven to be real and the status quo assumed you would fall off the edge of the world. Once he proved his premise, now the faithless could see and were ready to sail west to seek fortunes. This took faith in the unknown called fortune.

The faithful have been carrying the water for the faithless since the beginning of civilization. The faithful often get beat down, which is why faith in God was such a good exercise, since the fear of God helped to create a determination against faithlessness. Faith in God is like the asymptote of faith, with invention based faith closer to the zero point. You practice at the limit and the closer is easy.
Saint, there are many advantages to being in a religion. Your questions have an answer (even if they are wrong answers), you have a built in social group, sometimes child care, you have a shared narrative which helps with language (all those common metaphors). Even if religion is wrong, there is much about religious institutions that are valuable in the context of modern society.
Saint, may I recommend some reading material for you?
http://www.fsmitha.com/h1/ch00.htm: Origin of Religions.
Philosophy asks questions that may never be answered, Religion is an answer that may never be questioned.
The believer from their beginnings is more or less indoctrinated and taught to never question the established norm but to simply go with it or even defend it.
Remember science may be answers that never was.

Science has no idea either.

Really, could you kindly elaborate upon this? I'm interested in your paradigm in regards of this matter.
Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who say they found it.
The subjective can be a real enough experience though, as anyone who has experienced love, say, or the power of music or other art, will recognise.

Not right,
love etc., can be experienced and proven objectively,
not a special religious experience.