Why no one steps forward

Originally posted by Q_Who
Reality is relative
Who says that our waking moments are real?
What is real?
Do you or I exist?
Are we all characters of your/my mind?
Why are some crazy and others sane?
Should the norm dictate sanity?
If most of the world became schizophrenic would you be insane?

Reality is not a pleasant place. I prefer living in non-existence and on the edge of sanity.

Interesting post, Q. I agree with you somewhat about this. I don't believe we 'know' what 'reality' really is. It is always beyond our grasp. . .Science is on the cutting edge right now, but it still can't explain everything. And now something else happens; a 13.7 billion year old planet (about 4 times older than anything in our solar system) is discovered and everything we 'know' must somehow be changed again. We exist(I am pretty sure about this!), but we are generally misguided about what reality and existence mean. We are all a part of the universe(inherently connected to everything) but apparently most of us don't even realize it. We all appear to be seperate from eachother, even though this seems to defy the logic that all is 'one.' There is much that we still have to learn about life, reality and existence. If there is an objective reality our subjective minds don't seem to help us 'find' it. Still I find such a thing as psychic powers to be utterly absurd! This is probably because of all the fakes everyone knows about! (Miss Cleo, anybody?) lol.
The problem is all the fakes.
That is the single largest problem. It is hard to separate money grabs, magicians, con-artists, schizophrenics and the real thing. The only way is to test them all. The problem with this is that it takes $$ and time. It also kills credibility. Some have been found (supposedly) but that is still hard to prove.
In my mind I think the hoaxes like the spotlight and the real people hide from the limelight.

Reality is what we perceive. Every once in a while the world's reality changes. One century we think humans can never leave Earth and never will. The next we are on the moon. Just think how fast reality changes. Basically reality is organic, it changes and warps as we grow and learn.
So, can you change reality?

That was just an example. If a person could focus on a place and a time and see what was going to happen all I thought was it could still be possible to apprehend them.
If they had other abilities than other measures could be taken. Every power has its limits and you don't always have to attack the person directly you could attack; reputation, family, friends, finances, or just keep them on the run. Everyone has a weakness and a breaking point.
By the way, the person does not need to be Superman or Captain America for the government to be interested in them.
(to be interested enough to capture them they would need to be moderately good at psy)
...you could attack; reputation, family, friends, finances, or just keep them on the run...
Sorry, but still sounds like kindergarten ;) ...
People with such powers usualy stand high above common valuables, such as money or reputation. Also I'm suppose that the US government is smart enough not to mess ( i.e. try to kidnapp or something ) with such people.
The government did recrute some psychics for their SPY program

They even searched in the military ranks for people that had such gifts, thet did found some..

Even so, funding such projects the political matters were so disturbed by "psychic programs" that eventually they blown the project down after a few decades..

Anyway we still have some research and pratical use of such phenomena nowadays..
No offences, but if Americans think that Ameirca is the most FREE country, why are they affraid of being kidnapped by their own government, if they do show any unusaual capabileties :confused: ?
dude, everyone has psychic abilities. the majority of us humans are not aware of it or simply don't care. though if one were to present onelself as having powers one would be doomed for the rest of life. some people don't tolerate this kind of stuff, probably because they are afraid.
I'm not just talking about America.
If a person who goes public with, lets say real telepathy every government would try to recruit them. First it would be in a peaceful manner ($$$). If they went for x-nation's offer, the other nations would be at a disadvantage and so would try other means of attaining the 'weapon'.
This is no where near short of kidnapping.
I mean if Russia builds a super torpedo than Canada, Britain and the US would be after the plans (which they were). The nations would spy (kill, blackmail, bribe, steal) to attain the weapon. In the case of a revolutionary undetectable human weapon the nations involved would no doubt up the ante.

*Remember the Cold War*
*Think of Espionage Today*
You do anything to know your enemies… imagine a spy that only needs to walk by an officer to know his plans
Wouldn't you do anything to have him on your side?
Originally posted by Q_Who
I'm not just talking about America.
If a person who goes public with, lets say real telepathy every government would try to recruit them. First it would be in a peaceful manner ($$$). If they went for x-nation's offer, the other nations would be at a disadvantage and so would try other means of attaining the 'weapon'.
This is no where near short of kidnapping.
I mean if Russia builds a super torpedo than Canada, Britain and the US would be after the plans (which they were). The nations would spy (kill, blackmail, bribe, steal) to attain the weapon. In the case of a revolutionary undetectable human weapon the nations involved would no doubt up the ante.

*Remember the Cold War*
*Think of Espionage Today*
You do anything to know your enemies… imagine a spy that only needs to walk by an officer to know his plans
Wouldn't you do anything to have him on your side? :bugeye:

Yes, I remamber some time ago a forein diplomat bought secret super-torpedo plans from a Russian scientist who invented it :( ... the diplomat was extradicted and the scientist, after seating about 6 month in jail, got a few years of parole.

Suppose telepathy won't be the only think the government would be interested in. OBEs would be much more usefull. If one would be able to step out of his body, "fly" to the enemies bunker and listen to all their secret plans :D ... while some people do publish books about their OBE possibileites.
not only that but the various religious groups in these places would go crazy. they would accuse the person as a freakin' heretic and excommunicate them from their organizations (especially the damn Catholics). People never want to feel unwanted, detested, and excluded and if the certain individual that uncovers him/herself, he/she will unfortunately suffer exclusion. one would feel like a zoo animal in which its species were thought to be extint but now it is obvious they are not. If you have special powers I reccomend you don't show them... yet. The time is coming where it will be all right and you don't have to be condemed for something that was given to you since birth. ;)
sorry i'm talking so much shit but I usually read only the first, original post so my answers are kind of outdated :eek: . however, :bugeye: i personally think they are valid anyways since they are relevant to the topic.
I don't remember who, but someone posted something about all that stuff about the gouvernement wanting to kill off the psychics was a bunch of comic book junk... well, obviously it's highly thought of here... that could be why no one wants to step forward... couldn't everyone think they might be dissected?
A.M. Morag
On the other side, many people have stepped forward... maybe not everybody had taken them seriosly. Robert Monroe, for example.
I am a religious person (a Christian) who believes in psychic powers. I think that they just lie in our sub consciousness and have to be trained. Slowly, anyone can learn psychic powers. I don't believe they have to do with the forces of the universe or anything. They are just a God-given ability like seeing and smelling. The thing is, not all Christians see it the way I do. So I would say keep it secret.
Originally posted by ChristianPsychic
I don't believe they have to do with the forces of the universe or anything. They are just a God-given ability like seeing and smelling.

oh boy, dude, everything is interconnected. I suggest you read about the chakras and what it has to do with the universe. i'm not dissing your religion, i used to be a Christian and although i think jesus is an awesome teacher, the whole deal about the merciless, jealous God does not convince me. i learned that one should not place limits on oneself just because this "God" might throw lightning at you for showing your true essence. Besides we are all God, and sooner or later these overly religious people of the world will become a little bit more open minded.
Originally posted by VitalOne
If you really did have these powers, would you keep it a secret or would you tell everyone you saw that you had the powers?
I used to hear my friends' thoughts in my head and I'd say, "I was just thinking that!" without realizing it was not I who was thinking it, but they. I eventually learned not to say stuff like that when it dawned on me what was happening. I don't try to read people's minds, that's an invasion of privacy as far as I'm concerned, but when they project and I receive, I can't help it. So, to answer your question, no , I don't tell anyone it's happening.
Originally posted by one_raven
If you were psychic, and someone was planning on kidnapping/killing/whatevering you, wouldn't you know about it in advance, and just not be there? :bugeye: :confused:
not necessarily. look at that knowledge like water in a pool. you're swimming in the shallow end. you get into the deep end and tread water for awhile then go back to the shallow end. when you were in the deep end you didn't come into contact with ALL the water molecules, just some of them.
Here's how M.S. Norbekov ( norbekovusa.com ) described by no one steps forward in his latest book:

Two monkeys sitting in the zoo.

Monkey #1 - You know, there are those "big" monkeys, then can walk on their two feet, move in space by getting into some big, metal boxes... they can communicate with each other by dialing a number and talking into those small plastic boxes, you know... they can do lots of things!

Monkey #2 - No way, if there would be this kind of monkeys, why none of them would steps forward and show their powers to us? Or why won't they make us happy by giving us a BIG pile of bananas?

Godd Luck :D !
If you do have powers and you want to step forward be smart about it.
Amen to that. Stigma is a bitch, let me tell you.

What do others think? Could this be the/a reason no one wants to prove their abilities?

Have you considered the possibility that many people have done exactly that, but the protectors of a certain status quo ("we all have only five senses," "wait until you die to find out everything else") have actively suppressed the information? Think about the fact that the Church of Rome has gone to great lengths to hoard and suppress religious documents that contradict their own party line about God and Jesus.

Now, the CIA has been investigating psionic abilities ever since they realized that the Russians were way ahead of them (back when the Cold War was in full gear). Americans had a stigma about believing in any sort of "hocus pocus," and US intelligence went with this stance for a while, until they realized that the Russians were making progress in unlocking the secrets of psychic ability.

Remote Viewing is one of the long-term CIA studies that eventually got declassified, but who knows what else they found out? Keep in mind that this agency tends to favor centralized intelligence--that is to say, centralized into the hands of a few, who can then claim a monopoly on that information. Mind you, these are the same people who have engineered the assassination of various world leaders, the overthrow of democratic governments by fascist regimes all through Central America, and so on... by history, they have few scruples, and do not follow ANY nation's rules of conduct, even those of the United States.

Now, there is another side to your question: put simply, some people have come forward with psychic abilities, which were studied and confirmed. The thing is, unless someone walks on water, it will never make the cover of Time or Newsweek; it would upset the "consumer comfort zone" that most news organizations pander to.

Parapsychology journals have been publishing such research for years. Unfortunately, there is a kind of scientific orthodoxy that is afraid to consider any of this research valid; they think that it would hurtle all their hard-won empirical thinking back to the days when people thought the Earth was flat and leeches were a cure for everything.

So, until enough people catch up to the idea of a broader human potential (dare I say, "a critical mass"), Western societies will stay in our little comfort zone; there will be nothing new under the sun in science unless it involves tiny quanta or massive stellar bodies, the New Agers will be endearing but deluded, and people who read about developing their psychic powers will be gullible.

PS: Did anyone else notice that The Celestine Prophecy, one of the most significant cultural phenomena of the 20th century, has practically disappeared from the public eye since 1996? It's almost enough to make you wonder....