Why make fun of scientology when...

Havent you ever herd about them before?
They always work from the shadows because no one would accept them in our culture. I sugest you send an email to Brian Brown about his opinion on them:p

OK here some info on them, This should give you enough to get started on if you wanted to know about them. I REALLY need to go to bed its 5:00 and im exusted

Exclusive Brethren said:
In the 2004 Australian federal election the Raven-Taylor-Hales Brethren were linked to political advertisements campaigning for the re-election of the Australian Prime Minister John Howard.[19][21] The advertisements were funded by Willmac Enterprises Pty Ltd, a company wholly owned by Mark William Mackenzie who is a member of the Brethren.[22] Willmac's contribution to John Howard's election campaign, of $370,000, was later investigated by the Australian Electoral Commission and is currently the source of an ongoing criminal investigation by the Australian Federal Police.[23][24]

In March 2006, members of the Brethren placed press advertisements and distributed leaflets[25] attacking the Australian Tasmanian Greens in the Tasmanian state election.[26] In September 2006, Prime Minister John Howard confirmed that he met with the Raven-Taylor-Hales Brethren, stating he has no problem with the group and that they are "entitled to put their views to the Government".[27] In December 2006, The Age reported that Brethren representatives met with the Australian Attorney-General Phillip Ruddock lobbying for family law changes to "ensure that a child is not subject to a radical lifestyle change without compelling reason".[28]

Then Prime Minster John Howard met with Brethren representatives in his parliamentary office on short notice early August 2007.[29] The Brethren also approached the then Federal Opposition Leader, Kevin Rudd who refused to meet with them saying that he believes they are "an extremist cult and sect" that "breaks up families".[24][30][31]

Viewd 26\01\08

That artical has alot more on them if your interested in more than the political interfearance

THIS is an artical from the sydney morning herald on it as well

THIS one is a list of four corners sorces on them too

SMH said:
The Exclusive Brethren has denied its involvement in politics, saying advertisements and pamphlets attacking policies such as gay marriage were the work of individuals, not the group.

However, Greens upper house MP Lee Rhiannon says it would be "foolish" to think the group would not try to smear the party during the lead-up to the state election in March.

She said the group published anti-Greens material during Tasmania's recent ballot and that party candidates were abused by Exclusive Brethren members wearing animal masks.

"Going on their track record in this part of the world it would be foolish to think they won't show their faces," she said.

Viewed 26\01\08 at 05:01
i pretty sure that scientology is a cult considering its founder is rumored to have made a bar bet that he could start a cult
every religion is a cult when it starts. You know what makes it a religion....numbers numbers numbers, ohh and tax exempt status.
LOL, we all are. What about alien abductions, Nessie, Bigfoot, etc. We all want to believe in something.
We all have rules for others that we have a hard time following ourselves.

I would agree that the group you refer, the gullible, attention-seeking, significance junkies do want to believe in something, but most of you are usually theists, too. So, there's little distinction, if any.
It seems clear that no posters above have much idea about CoS apart from popular perspectives. CoS at its route has a fundamentally good idea but it is a shame it was turned into a religion that wasn't necessary and doubly bad that huge sums of money had to be involved. Others have taken the CoS idea and have tried to develop it without the religious angle with little success unfortunately. And conventional psychology does not seem to have addressed the CoS proposal.

At its route CoS has the idea that past "bad" deeds or poor choices leaves most people with stressful hang-ups and inhibitions that tend to disrupt and inhibit their lives as they try to progress in life. I suspect most of us remember past embarrasing moments that we would change if we could go back in time. Or errors of judgement that make us cringe when we think about them.

What CoS developed was a methodology for removing these 'hang ups'. The effect is a person with fewer limitations, less stress, and a clearer mind. One could argue that conventional psychology could do the same but then such therapists also charge huge sums of money.

The CoS goals are to have an individual proceed with these "clearing" processes until they become "clear". I.e. no hang-ups whatsoever. At that point supernatural nonsense enters the story and ruins what would seem like a worthwhile goal.

The money comes in because you need to pay for audits - i.e. someone to listen to you spewing out all your hangs ups so you can analyse and iliminate them.

CoS claims that conventional psychology is detrimental and has an ongoing battle with such instititions. That's why you'll see Tom Cruise appearing to be an expert on the evils of psychiatrists. Sigh!
CoS claims that conventional psychology is detrimental and has an ongoing battle with such instititions. That's why you'll see Tom Cruise appearing to be an expert on the evils of psychiatrists. Sigh!

Lots of crazy people think psychiatrists are evil. It's one of the signs that they're crazy...
Well when people are within the (usually)majority group who believes they're correct about something they tend to make fun of everyone else, I think that goes for everything.
Well when people are within the (usually)majority group who believes they're correct about something they tend to make fun of everyone else, I think that goes for everything.

Yes, that's certainly true. But sometimes they are also right! ;)
Ho-hum. {yawn} Irrelevant.

I know you haven't noticed, but I am actually on your side. But the point I was making still valid... :)

As much as I hate Scientology, Catolicism has a big lead on it... :p

P.S.: I feel very generous tonight, so I will spell the point out again: Unless the critic is an atheist, believers should shut up about Scientology because their beliefs are just as fake as Scientology's... There. Agree???
I agree!! Hubard had the idea of making a million by funding a church. Great idea!!!
LOL. Oh for sure, and he weaved some wonderful sci-fi into the religion. It totally amazes me how the CoS folks actually believe what he wrote. They seem to blatantly miss the fact that their founder was a sci-FICTION writer.

But there are few things in reality that can generate so much money with no foundation. I think Hubbard did have a valid idea first and then wove it into a religion.
Havent you ever herd about them before?
They always work from the shadows because no one would accept them in our culture. I sugest you send an email to Brian Brown about his opinion on them:p

OK here some info on them, This should give you enough to get started on if you wanted to know about them. I REALLY need to go to bed its 5:00 and im exusted

That artical has alot more on them if your interested in more than the political interfearance

THIS is an artical from the sydney morning herald on it as well

THIS one is a list of four corners sorces on them too

Thanks for all that. I was wondering why you were up at 5. I was only up due to jet lag.
my partner is away and im not working, and uni doesnt start for another couple of months so i have kind of thrown out my sleeping pattens
They seem to blatantly miss the fact that their founder was a sci-FICTION writer.

You could say the same about Joseph Smith and Mormons...Except he wrote historical fiction...
Nope, not a valid comparison at all. Scientology is a specifically designed rip-off organization who's purpose is to take ALL of your money and destroy your life by enslaving you to it's financial purposes. It's a CULT - not a religion.

Technically Christianity was a CULT, that's why the original 'Christians' were persecuted by the Romans. Just because it was eventually adopted by Rome to generate a Monotheist society over a Polytheist one (This was to lessen the internal provinces clashes over which religion was the right one, more than actually any single one being right.) doesn't make it any less a CULT today as it was back then. It's just people think CULT sounds too sharp and bitter and prefer 'RELIGION'.
Because (?!)

Cris said:

CoS claims that conventional psychology is detrimental and has an ongoing battle with such instititions. That's why you'll see Tom Cruise appearing to be an expert on the evils of psychiatrists. Sigh!

Perhaps this one is a bit too serious for the topic, but the Journal of Clinical Investigation sounded off about Tom Cruise a couple years ago: "Tom Cruise is dangerous and irresponsible":

Yes, even the JCI can weigh in on celebrity gossip, but hopefully without becoming a tabloid. Rather, we want to shine a light on the reckless comments actor Tom Cruise has recently made that psychiatry is a “quack” field and his belief that postpartum depression cannot be treated pharmacologically. We can only hope that his influence as a celebrity does not hold back those in need of psychiatric treatment.
