Why make fun of scientology when...


Registered Senior Member
...you are Christian. :bugeye:

Frankly I find the Zenu god with space aliens in Scientology just as irrelevant as some dude resurrecting from the dead and walking on water.

So let's make a rule: Christians who make fun of Scientology are hypocrites.
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LOL, we all are. What about alien abductions, Nessie, Bigfoot, etc. We all want to believe in something.
We all have rules for others that we have a hard time following ourselves.
...you are Christian. :bugeye:

Frankly I find the Zenu god with space aliens in Scientology just as irrelevant as some dude resurrecting from the death and walking on water.

So let's make a rule: Christians who make fun of Scientology are hypocrites.

Nope, not a valid comparison at all. Scientology is a specifically designed rip-off organization who's purpose is to take ALL of your money and destroy your life by enslaving you to it's financial purposes. It's a CULT - not a religion.
Nope, not a valid comparison at all. Scientology is a specifically designed rip-off organization who's purpose is to take ALL of your money and destroy your life by enslaving you to it's financial purposes. It's a CULT - not a religion.

First off, most people don't make fun of Scientology because of the statements you just claimed, they make fun of it because of what it stands for (like the Zenu god and space aliens).

Second, the amount of money Scientology accumulates is not even comparable compared to Christianity.

And if you want to talk to me about wasted lives, it doesn't take long to realize just how many people were wasted because of Christianity... (Crusades and Spanish inquisition simply being the tip of the iceberg)
First off, most people don't make fun of Scientology because of the statements you just claimed, they make fun of it because of what it stands for (like the Zenu god and space aliens).

Second, the amount of money Scientology accumulates is not even comparable compared to Christianity.

And if you want to talk to me about wasted lives, it doesn't take long to realize just how many people were wasted because of Christianity... (Crusades and Spanish inquisition simply being the tip of the iceberg)

Sorry, I didn't mean to agree with the part about poking FUN at it - I'm talking about DESPISING it and wanting to shut it down!!

Right - go back to ancient history and events that really had NOTHING at all to do with Christianity. Those things were nothing but thinly disguised excuses to run rampant, rape and pillage. :bugeye:
Nope, not a valid comparison at all. Scientology is a specifically designed rip-off organization who's purpose is to take ALL of your money and destroy your life by enslaving you to it's financial purposes. It's a CULT - not a religion.

Again, how is that different from Christianity?
Scientology is to the mental processes of reasoning and logic what AIDS is to the immune system. As such, it is a mental disorder and it is kind of tacky to make fun of those that are afflicted with it. Perhaps they will find a cure for it someday...
Umm spider first off i dont belive in religion, and i have serious doubts about God to but i was brought up in a catholic family. Now in Australia we have an organisation called the Exsclusive Breathan. Its a really wierd organisation where the girls arnt alowed to go to school, they dont teach about tech and the members are NOT alowed to vote because we are all demons or some rubbish and they cant get contaminated by any contact with the outside world. At the same time this organisation ran a HUGE smear campaine against the greens in tassi and funneled huge amounts of money into far right campaines. In refusing to let there members vote they are comiting a crime, actually a LOT of crimes but thats beside the point. Now although i dont belive in the Catholic church anymore i dissagree that you could say that catholics are as bad as this organisation.

its like the difference between beliving a fantasy novel could be real and wanting it to be and following a terrioust novel
Nope, not a valid comparison at all.

It is. The only difference that the CoS behaves like a cult and attack criticism and ex-members and they have the we against them attitude.

Otherwise no religious person has the moral right to criticize them. Atheists have.... :)
Umm spider first off i dont belive in religion, and i have serious doubts about God to but i was brought up in a catholic family. Now in Australia we have an organisation called the Exsclusive Breathan. Its a really wierd organisation where the girls arnt alowed to go to school, they dont teach about tech and the members are NOT alowed to vote because we are all demons or some rubbish and they cant get contaminated by any contact with the outside world. At the same time this organisation ran a HUGE smear campaine against the greens in tassi and funneled huge amounts of money into far right campaines. In refusing to let there members vote they are comiting a crime, actually a LOT of crimes but thats beside the point. Now although i dont belive in the Catholic church anymore i dissagree that you could say that catholics are as bad as this organisation.

its like the difference between beliving a fantasy novel could be real and wanting it to be and following a terrioust novel

We have Christian organizations that don't let their kids go to school. They are homeschooled into their own version of history. I know one who, when I asked who she was going to vote for, said that she would vote for whoever the church told them to. They all vote the same. It's no different than scientology.
Again, how is that different from Christianity?

Several differences, actually. Christianity does not attempt to take ALL your money NOR does it try to enslave you and make every effort to prevent you from leaving it. In fact, many churches will actually kick you out if they don't approve of you - Scientology would never do that!!

On top of that, many Christian churches take a fair amount of the money they collect from members and use it to help others. Scientology does NO charitable work at all - they keep all the money. They're all about their own personal greed and little else.
It is. The only difference that the CoS behaves like a cult and attack criticism and ex-members and they have the we against them attitude.

Otherwise no religious person has the moral right to criticize them. Atheists have.... :)

Ha! There are MANY more differences than that! I suggest you put a little effort into studying both sides of that - evidently you have never botherd to do so and are just operating from hearsay.
spider i am talking mainstreem christanity like catholisium rather than some nutty funimentilist church. When i was in year 12 we had a fundy christan friend. He used to irritate us by not coming to our 18 birthday parties if WE were going to drink (we never suggested that he should if he didnt want to but we objected to him inflicting his views on us) he tried to bring up all these references in the old testoment saying drinking is evil (this to a guy who actually drank fortifide wine IN church) and my responce to him was that Jeuse made wine (actually wish he would come around here, wonder if he is any good at beer:p) and he said "it was non acholic wine", He used to make stupid comments about the bible which i would write down, give to my mother who was studying thology at ACU as part of her education degree and she would give them to her lecture who would dispute the whole thing

I have compleatly lost track of the point of this story but it was something about the difference between mainstreem religion and fundimentislt religion
It's just a matter of degree. Fundamentalists really believe it, mainstream members are more liberal in their interpretations.
god that avatar is creepy:p

Yes its about degrees i guess, if you can funtion as a member of sociaty and belive in a religion fine, if you cant then its a problem. Take that moron in the Heath Ledger thread, and compare him to someone like mother Terisa.
Teresa was no saint, but I guess she was better than the Westboro Baptists. On second thought, she probably did more actual harm due to her position on birth control.
Umm spider first off i dont belive in religion, and i have serious doubts about God to but i was brought up in a catholic family. Now in Australia we have an organisation called the Exsclusive Breathan. Its a really wierd organisation where the girls arnt alowed to go to school, they dont teach about tech and the members are NOT alowed to vote because we are all demons or some rubbish and they cant get contaminated by any contact with the outside world. At the same time this organisation ran a HUGE smear campaine against the greens in tassi and funneled huge amounts of money into far right campaines. In refusing to let there members vote they are comiting a crime, actually a LOT of crimes but thats beside the point. Now although i dont belive in the Catholic church anymore i dissagree that you could say that catholics are as bad as this organisation.

its like the difference between beliving a fantasy novel could be real and wanting it to be and following a terrioust novel

Yep, You learn something new about crackpots in your own country every day. ....

Seriously ? wtf ? Australians have never been a religious bunch, at least not overtly. (dunno about covertly). .