Why Kill the Infidel?

Mosheh Thezion said:
NO... the muslim is usually not upset... its the west that is...
because islamic teachings contradict their own.... hence the conflict.
mohammed, may have killed many.... and may have sold off the women and children as slaves...
but the white christian world..... was doing the exact same thing, at the same time.
selling slaves... and killing for proFIT, is not a muslim thing.
it is a human thing, and jews did it... and christians did it.
so nobody has clean hands.. LETS BE CLEAR ABOUT THIS.

Just to note, I am not upset either. Just don't feel it necessary to carry on.
Also to note, we aren't talking or defending the christian world, I was refuting that Muhammed was tolerant of other religions, when in reality, he wasn't. I would say that if you look in the old testament, God commanded his chosen people to slaughter the mess out of people. Christians today, living under the new testatment of grace, try to live lives in peace.
The Westerner's view of Islam and its Prophet is fed by disinformation.

Here is what Mahatma Gandhi says about Mohammed:

"I wanted to know the best of one who holds today's undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind....I became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to this friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the 2nd volume (of the Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of the great life."
samcdkey said:
The Westerner's view of Islam and its Prophet is fed by disinformation.

Here is what Mahatma Gandhi says about Mohammed:

"I wanted to know the best of one who holds today's undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind....I became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to this friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the 2nd volume (of the Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of the great life."
Nice appeal to authority argument.
Though, I wish people would see it as it is. Christians, Jews, Muslims, ect.. have blood on their hands. Jesus taught peace. Muhammed was war thirsty. Jews are still waiting for their messiah.
Quigly said:
Nice appeal to authority argument.
Though, I wish people would see it as it is. Christians, Jews, Muslims, ect.. have blood on their hands. Jesus taught peace. Muhammed was war thirsty. Jews are still waiting for their messiah.

I find it really strange that you are willing to believe unsubstantiated accounts from one man written 150 years after the fact, when the autor himself has stated that he cannot claim its accuracy; and yet are unwilling to believe the historical records written at the time by jurists who established the legal system which has been substantiated by chain of evidence. This is especially so in light of the fact that no copy of the original biography by Ibn Ishaq is in existence today; so the only source of this account is an edited version in anecdotes by Ibn Hisham (d. 834) which was the basis for the translation by Guillaume. This is the ONLY source today which claims that either 600 or 700 or 900 Banu Qurayza were killed.

I presume you are an atheist; is this an example of rational thinking?
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KILL... No... KILL... No... KILL... No... INFIDEL!!!

Somehow it seems that most people misunderstood 'infidel' for 'women' or 'female rights issues'. Anyway - here's how i wish to answer your questions:

1. Is it easier to kill an infidel rather than convert?
A: Of course it is easier. If you have to convert them then you have to arrange a ceremony, teach them the unknown methods of prayers and above all make them understand how the newly proposed religion is better than what they already subscribe to; this last job (that of convincing) however, will call for a lot of debating, researching and knowledge. These three elements are pretty rare and so the only way to make the *'deal'* cheaper is to KILL an infidel.

2. Is there more glory in dispatching an infidel than allowing them to live?
A: There is definitely more-than-enough glory in dispatching an infidel or any other species for that matter. Remember Dude Alexander, Pal Babur, Hot Hitler, and there are many more. All of them are glory-full. ;) But let me also hastily and resolutely add that there is GREATNESS in allowing infidels to live. God is great because He creates life and Satan is glorious because he ruins them. Get the difference?!

3. Are there different levels of heaven for infidel killers?
A: Seriously - are you joking? Can God be so discriminating and prejudiced that he will create different heavens for different people. Well then again - i am not God's buddy so I can't come to any conclusion. But if God is logical then God will equally punish and reward infidel killers. The 'infidel killers' will be punished for destroying God's creation and they will be rewarded for killing infidels who were in the habit of killing others thereby stopping further destruction of God's creations. Honestly saying: It's complicated. Big bang theory is easier!

4. Does God offer a reward for killing an infidel?
A: It has been clarified in the previous answer. And to add to that: Male Muslims are said to be granted all-time services of four houris (beautiful, virgin, not-human but female, creatures who can withstand vigorous sexual activities) and Female Muslims are said to be granted full-time services of equal number of Gulmans (handsome, untouched, virgin, not-human but male, virile creatures who are pleasure pumps of dynamic intercourses). Both of these unseen species of creatures -houris and gulmans- are the ultimate dream come true for human girls and boys except, of course for gays and lesbians. They will have a tough time in heaven so they must enjoy it all on earth itself. Well that's another topic. And about Christians i have heard nothing of the sort. You get the secret treasures of knights Templars maybe. Buddhism has nothing to do with infidel killing and Hinduism believes in rebirth so practically there is no heaven or hell unless you break out of the wheel of life which is an impossible thing. Because you are granted freedom only when you lead a error-less life!

5. Why kill an infidel if they're going to Hell anyway?
A: For personal satisfaction. At least you will know that you have killed people and by killing you have preached your religion (in a violent way though) by making the headline of some newspaper or even talking on the TV. More people in the world are now aware that there is a religion called Islam because of Laden. (Isn't that an advantage?) No more can anyone call Islam a religion of the desert beduins. Now they know it to be a religion of a bearded person wearing gold-rimmed robes who has the brilliance of blowing buildings sitting hundreds of kilometers faraway and the world has learnt that Islam is a religion of the people who don't know how to pilot an airplane though takes up the job with guns-n-howls only to crash and kill themselves. STILL by killing themselves and others the job of preaching was done, effectively perhaps (with regard to time) than the Christian missionaries who come to India. You should grab this observation and put it into your head: when people can't do good work they turn to bad work in hope that their bad works may coincidentally do something good! Moreover, child's play is devil's work i.e. Satan does his work under the cover of religion. (He is the most cunning thing, aye?;))

6. Are the children of infidels also deserving of being killed?
A: Well, if the children are infidel too, why not? They too deserve to be killed for the same reasons for which the father infidels were killed.

7. Are your actions justifiable if you kill an infidel?
A: What is just? - that's the controversial question. It depends on the situation you create for yourself. I'll call out a petty example and pesky perhaps. Dad and me were walking in an orchard and dad suddenly wanted to sit down. We ran to the closest tree and saw that there were quite a number of ants doing something that we couldn't comprehend (you know how they run in their zigzag paths). Anyway, dad started squashing them with his big foot. I walked to another tree and rested my back on the trunk, watching dad slash-and-smash his boots to create an ant-less place for himself. He was the ant-bully. Now can he justify his position? Yes, because he wanted to sit there and those ants were just hindrance on the way. Can i justify my position? Yes, because there are many other ant-less places and i don't like to kill so i walked away. Now tell me which was just? You may say: Walking away if you are like me but if you are like my dad - you will choose otherwise. And it is this contrasting point-of-views of the Homo sapiens that causes all the troubles in the world and it is also the reason why the world is moving ahead.

8. Is killing an infidel worth it?
A: Somehow this question is quite a lot related to the ones asked previously. And the previous answers should be revised. But i would like to add that: more than the glory part, to kill an infidel is a waste of money, weapon, time and energy. It is better to leave him alone so that God does His own work which is - killing the people who don't follow Him. Why unnecessarily make God dependent on us? I think God must be smiling at us and saying to His angels, "Look, look, they think only they can kill infidels. They think they are helping Me, not realizing the reason why I created and kept the infidels alive in the first place!" (Shocking... but a grave possibility)

9. Is martyring yourself while killing infidels the highest honor before God?
A: Isn't this the self-bombing thing you are talking about? Well, in my opinion, martyring yourself while SAVING the infidels is a greater honour before God because be it infidel, or a dog, or a car, or a flower - they are God's creation. And by saving or trying to save them you are appreciating God's creativity and showing him that you love His 'animated sculptures' just like He loves them. So, yea, returning to the point - only God can decide which is the highest honour before him just the way only YOU can say who is the most beautiful girl (or boy) before you is!

10. If the infidel kills you then what?
A: Owoha... Owoha... let me make it clear: like the way the infidel is an 'infidel' for me, i am an 'infidel' for him.... so whatever i'll get by killing him, he'll get by killing me... We both are trying to catch God's and media's attention and we will get it in either way: by killing or being killed....

11. Is love more important to God than killing an infidel?
A: Now dude, i didn't create God so i don't know the mindset of God. He created me so He knows better. All those people who go around boldly voicing God's opinions, appear illogical to me and gives me the creepy feeling that they created their Gods by themselves. Why creepy? Because if they created their Gods then does God actually exist? Anyway, heading back to the topic - so i think that to Prophet Jesus love was more important, and to Prophet Adam of course, otherwise he wouldn't have believed Prophetess Eve. About Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Moses - my theory blurs because they fought because they loved their motherland and loved the people who lived there. They didn't want those people to go down the drain of darkness. So if we consider all that then yea--- love is more important than killing. But you can't love something that's harmful. Can you love your fever? or Cancer? or AIDS? Well some love-stories are like that - a good person loving a bad person and being beaten every day - but what to say?! - those are God's wonders! Definitely love is more important than killing for humanity but in the eyes of God - who knows?!

12. Does forgiving the infidel mean more than killing them?
A: Forgiving and killing - depends on the infidel himself. If he strikes you and you forgive him, he becomes your friend; starts loving you; (and maybe even going to bed with you)... Very good... well and fine.. but what if you forgive him and he comes back to attack... then you forgive him again... and he attacks again.. what if this forgiving-attacking circle continues... won't it become irritating and isn't there a chance that in one of the attempts you may end up dead? what do you do then? KILL to save yourself. To save God's pious creation (yourself) you kill another malicious creation (the attacker)... DONE.. no more troubles. But i always prescribe people to forgive a number of times before becoming violent. As the saying goes: forgiving for the first few times in case of grave crimes is Godly but continuing to forgive forever is stupid.

The questions are over and my Case is DONE> hoping you a happy day and also hoping that my words enlightened you in any way....
take care... be good... don't kill infidels... forgive them and when they become too bothersome put them in some faraway island so that another beautiful Australia is born!