Why is there an apparent relationship between the lunar and female cycle?

It affects oceans because they are so frickin big. So unless you're one big frickin woman, the moons effect on the water in your body is negligible.
You don't need moonlight to have sex. However, if you are in the pitch dark, you will be less tempted when you can't see some naked person lying right next to you. A little bit of light does wonders.
You don't need moonlight to have sex. However, if you are in the pitch dark, you will be less tempted when you can't see some naked person lying right next to you. A little bit of light does wonders.

LMAO! Yeah, for men. They are more visual than women when it comes to sex. So it seems the moon would effect them, not us.
If you get pushier men when there is a little more light, you get more kids. Bango. Evolutionary advantage - regardless of whether woman are less visual during sex.
LMAO! Yeah, for men. They are more visual than women when it comes to sex. So it seems the moon would effect them, not us.

you guys got it wrong, this is a matter of choice, some men prefer one way and some the other. Some like me, are indifferent to this.
Still, you are more likely to think about sex when you can see a naked person lying next to you, than if you can't see that person. It's just like you are more likely to drink a Coke if you see a commercial than if you don't see one. Visual prompting.
Still, you are more likely to think about sex when you can see a naked person lying next to you, than if you can't see that person....

Have you ever even met a man? :D
The ones I know think about it 24/7. They could be in a prison with no women and think about it. They could be the only person on a deserted island and think about it. They could be in a coma and think about it.
A woman's cycle would have evolved to maximize cost/ benefit of fertility opportunities. If it was something silly to do 'with the moon's gravity' then all mammals would have the same cycle. Humans are no more a % of water than other mammals.
A woman's cycle would have evolved to maximize cost/ benefit of fertility opportunities. If it was something silly to do 'with the moon's gravity' then all mammals would have the same cycle. Humans are no more a % of water than other mammals.

"The Menstrual cycle is a recurring cycle of physiological changes that occurs in the females of human beings and great apes. Other placental mammals experience estrous cycles instead."
Menstrual cycle